Detoxification of the body and detoxification therapy

Detoxification is the neutralization and elimination of toxic substances from the body by physical, biological and chemical methods. Detoxification therapy is used for poisoning of various etiologies, including in the rehabilitation of drug addicts and alcoholics. From physiology we know that poisons and their decay products accumulate in the blood of a person, fatty tissue, liver, kidneys. At the same time, the longest toxic substances remain in the adipose tissue. And they produce a negative effect with a detached effect. Therefore, purification of the body through its detoxification is an integral measure in the rehabilitation of alcohol-dependent and drug-dependent patients.

Even after complete abstinence from taking alcohol and other psychoactive substances( cocaine, hashish, heroin, mescaline, peyote, marijuana, ecstasy and others), if you do not do detoxification therapy, their residual products can poison the body for several more years. Detoxification is very beneficial for the undermined health of dependent people.

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Unfortunately, not only drugs and alcohol are accumulating in the tissues of the human body, but also artificial food additives, medicines, the means used in growing food products, etc., which are in what we eat and drink.

The course of detoxification( detoxification therapy) is carried out for two to three weeks. A person who has undergone a course of purification begins to feel completely different, new plans for life, energy, a sense of ease appear. After all, a person is no longer disturbed by a deposit of toxins from alcohol and drugs. It is the procedure of detoxification that reduces the side effects of the withdrawal syndrome to zero, a person quickly forgets about his pathological passion for alcohol or drugs.

At the initial, first stage of treatment, alcoholism begins to detoxify the body. It favors the initiation of treatment, restores the somatic and, accordingly, the patient's mental functions by medical methods.

Sometimes, in cases of severe alcohol poisoning or narcotic, it is necessary to carry out rapid detoxification by hemodialysis. This is extracorporeal detoxification. The earlier the procedure started after the treatment, the more effective it will be. With addiction and alcoholism, detoxification should quickly reduce the concentration of toxic substances in the patient's blood. There are other ways of extracorporeal detoxification, they are used in specific cases of body cleansing.

In children, with severe poisoning, detoxification is also carried out.


Opioid ultrafast detoxification

UBOD, or ultra-fast opioid detoxification, aims to remove opiate from the blood with antagonistic drugs: Naloxone, Naltrexone. He displaces the opioid drug. From the classical method of detoxification therapy AML is characterized by the introduction of large doses of antagonistic substance. And the narcotic substance is being pushed out of more opioid receptors.

It is clear that in chronic alcoholics and drug addicts UBOD causes fear of narcotic withdrawal. The abstinence syndrome at application UBOD is aggravated as much as possible, after all the organism is cleared of a drug completely. Therefore, for drug addicts, this procedure is done under general anesthesia. This makes it possible to remove almost completely all the phenomena of abstinence.

Advantages of ULBOD:

  1. Unlike other methods of opioid detoxification, in patients with AEDD, the patient almost does not feel withdrawal symptoms and the rehabilitation course can not be interrupted.
  2. Supportive therapy is used immediately after a withdrawal from anesthesia.
  3. Persistent remission up to 6 months in 90%.
  4. UBD is suitable for all addicts of different age groups, sex, drug history.

Methods of detoxification

The doctor selects methods of detoxification therapy individually for each patient.

  1. Detoxification medication. Intravenous injections of special solutions for excretion of the body acetaldehyde, alcohol, narcotic substances.
  2. Non-drug detoxification. This is a method of hemosorption, plasmaphoresis and hemodialysis. Helps reduce the brightness of manifestations of the withdrawal syndrome and its duration.
  3. Detoxification by a combined method. It is carried out with the help of absorption means together with the coping of pathological attraction to narcotic substances and alcohol. Together with the detoxification procedure, the functions of the cardiovascular system, central nervous and autonomic systems are normalized, and the rhythm of activity and sleep is stabilized.

Using natural and biological methods of body cleansing, carry out biological detoxification. It is a combination of intensive warming procedures, physical exercises, the intake of trace elements, amino acids and vitamins. Treatment is accompanied by a heavy load on the body, so a doctor's consultation, before the treatment is necessarily conducted. Biological detoxification is effective, natural and natural for humans.

With any dependencies, the liver suffers. Targeted detoxification of the liver is absolutely necessary, as detoxification therapy( enteral) cleanses the liver cells, reduces the progression of hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.

Detoxification is needed not only by sick alcoholics and drug addicts, and not only by smokers. After all, we all breathe polluted air, take medicine, eat what we buy. The solution of the question: "How to conduct detoxification therapy" - it will be useful for everyone. We all pollute our blood, body tissues with all kinds of unnecessary and harmful substances. Consult your doctor, read books on body cleansing, you may need to observe some useful unloading diet.

Detoxification at home

In drug treatment clinics, there are services for calling for narcological care at home for an outpatient detoxification procedure. Outpatient detoxification can also be obtained in a day hospital.

For some proportion of patients in the treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism, detoxification at home may be necessary. Therefore, out-patient drug treatment services can visit the patient on a daily basis at home, where the on-call doctor, the narcologist, will use the necessary medications and detoxification procedures.

When carrying out detoxification at home, a dropper is used with the introduction of the necessary substances that will improve the body's condition and well-being of the patient. Although most often, home treatment with permanent home visits may cost more than hospitalization in a clinic or dispensary. Nevertheless, it is better and more reliable to be treated under the constant supervision of those who daily treat people from alcoholism and drug addiction, have relevant experience, knowledge, skills and abilities.