Grass mistletoe white: medicinal properties and contraindications, application in folk medicine

The mistletoe is a semi-parasitic shrub that belongs to the family of Omel.

Perennial, evergreen plant, whose height varies from 20 cm to 1.2 m.

Mistletoe is easy to distinguish from other plants.

First of all, on yellowish-green stems of cylindrical shape, thickened in knots.

Summary of the article:
  • Short description
  • Collection and procurement of raw materials
  • Therapeutic properties
  • Methods of application
    • In traditional medicine
    • At home
  • Available contraindications
  • Interesting facts

Short description

The leaves of the plant are leathery, fleshy with pronounced longitudinal veins.

Flowers - same-sex, small, located in the fork of the stem for 3-6 pieces.

Mistletoe parasitizes on the branches of trees, penetrating their roots under the bark.

Most often, its victims are deciduous trees with soft bark( maples, poplars, willows) and some fruit trees( apple, pear).

Infection occurs when mistletoe seeds enter the host plant. Basically, the seeds are carried by birds.

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The seeds of mistletoe are heart-shaped or oval-cordate, light gray-colored, sticky mucous pulp.

Mistletoe blooms in the spring - in March and April. At the ends of the shoots appear plain-looking, yellowish-green flowers.

The fruit of the plant is a globular single-seeded berry with a diameter of up to 1 cm. The immature berry differs in green color, mature - white.

You can meet mistletoe on the territory of Ukraine, Belarus, Western and Central Europe, the North Caucasus, Eastern and Asia Minor, in the European part of Russia( its south-western, southern, middle bands).

Collection and procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, young leaves, branches and berries of the plant are used. The time of collection is late autumn and winter.

At this time, the white balls of mistletoe are clearly visible on the crowns of trees. To make it easier to reach high plants, hooks or pruners are used.

And do you know what benefits the nettle can bring to the body, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are described in the current article? Learn the recipes and ways to use the medicinal plant.

You can find out about the medicinal properties in gynecology of cervical grass in this article.

Importance is given to the drying of raw materials. In dry weather, the raw material is dried under canopies, with rainy weather - in warm aired premises, if desired - in dryers with a temperature of 40-50 degrees.

Branches and leaves of mistletoe are decomposed on paper / fabric up to 5 cm thick. After drying, the raw material is folded into tightly closed jars and hides in a dry dark place. Store mistletoe in dry form can be no more than 12 months.

The healing properties of

The properties of healing mistletoe are legendary.
The plant has the following healing effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic( kidney tea for pregnant women);
  • hemostatic;
  • astringent( wormwood, medicinal properties and contraindications, reviews);
  • analgesic;
  • sedative( swamp ayr, photo and description);
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • laxative( psyllium seeds with constipation);
  • is diuretic;
  • hellish( how to get rid of parasites most is written on this page).

The leaves of the plant contain:

  • alkaloids,
  • choline,
  • ursul and oleanoic acid,
  • viscotoxin,
  • viscerin,
  • fatty oils,
  • viscolour,
  • resinous substances,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • carotene.

It is used mistletoe in the form of tinctures or broths for the treatment of hypochondria, hysteria, epilepsy, with uterine bleeding.

Possible external application to eliminate abscesses and ulcers.
  1. The plant improves cardiac activity,
  2. helps with diseases of the nervous system,
  3. lowers blood pressure,
  4. expands blood vessels( about cleaning vessels from cholesterol plaques written in this article).

Mistletoe helps to reduce anxiety and excitability, is used for convulsive seizures, neuralgia, dizziness, headaches, tumors, metastases.

Methods of application

Most often, for medicinal purposes, young leaves and mistletoe branches are used. The stems of the plant help fight against hypertension. Mistletoe is used in intestinal diseases as a tonic.

To stop bleeding, use a liquid extract from the leaves. Often the plant is used during recovery from severe infectious ailments.

And what do you know about the medicinal properties and contraindications of peppermint? Description and folk ways of use read in a useful article.

About the useful properties of fennel for women is written here.

On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva / lekarstvennye-rasteniya / labaznik.html it is written about the cultivation of the marijuana and its useful properties and contraindications.

In folk medicine

Traditional medicine recipes are advised to take mistletoe with uterine hemorrhoidal bleedings, with dizziness.

Water decoction is an effective drug when a person suffers from asthma, diarrhea, painful menstruation, headache.


  • As a tincture.
    Reduces excitability, improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism, cleans vessels( garlic tincture for cleaning vessels - Tibetan prescription).
    • pour 0.5 liters of vodka 50 g of plant,
    • insist a month in a dark place.
    • Take four drops per day for 40 drops.

  • Leaves.
    Used for diabetes mellitus( for medicinal properties of flax seeds read here).
    For preparation of the medicine: 1 tsp. Leaf pour 0.2 liters of water.
    Drink three times a day for 0.1 liters. The course is from 14 to 21 days.
  • Shoots.
    This part of the plant is effective for dizziness.
    Pour 0.2 liters of warm water 1 tsp.branches of mistletoe( crushed).
    Allow the mixture to stand for 3 hours. Drink three times a day for 70 ml.
  • Flowers.
    Drugs from flowers are accepted for atherosclerosis, inflammatory diseases of the renal apparatus.
  • Berries.
    Part of some medicines.

At home

In folk medicine mistletoe takes an honorable place.

Ways to use mistletoe for the treatment of diseases:

  1. With poor blood circulation and sleep disorders.
    Pour a glass of boiling water over a dessert spoon of chopped shoots.
    Keep on low heat for a minute.
    Let it brew for half an hour, drain.
    Take three times a day for 1 tbsp after meals.
  2. In diseases of the digestive tract , inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis.
    Pour 1 tbsp.dry shoots of the plant with boiling water( 1 glass).
    Hold a quarter of an hour in a water bath.
    Let it brew for 60 minutes, drain.
    Take three times a day for 2 tablespoons. Drink the broth in small sips.
  3. In case of climacteric , excessive uterine bleeding.
    Pour 1 tbsp.plants dry glass of cool boiled water.
    Close tightly the container, leave to stand for 12 hours.
    Take in warm form four times a day for 100 ml for half an hour before meals.
  4. In case of dizziness , bleeding from the lungs, hysteria, epilepsy, paralysis.
    With a glass of boiled cold water pour 1 tsp.branches.
    After 12 hours drain.
    Drink 3 times a day for 70 ml.
  5. Against worms .
    Dry dry stems and berries in powder.
    In 1 g of the mixture add 1 g of valerian root powder, mix thoroughly.
    Take once a day, eat fresh carrots.
    The course of treatment - 2-3 days.

Available contraindications

It is believed that prolonged uncontrolled consumption of mistletoe, can cause poisoning.

This is explained by the fact that the mistletoe contains toxic substances that gradually accumulate in the body.

It is not recommended to use in the presence of the following diseases / disorders:

  • low blood pressure;
  • decreased function of the thyroid gland( application of the root of the tentacle white);
  • individual intolerance;
  • pathology of the renal apparatus.

Also, do not eat mistletoe pregnant women: the plant has abortifacient action.

Interesting facts

White mistletoe is covered with a huge number of secrets. In ancient times, people endowed this plant with magical properties.

The druids called mistletoe a "golden branch" and believed that it should be cut with a gold sickle or knife.

It was especially valuable to meet the mistletoe on the branches of an oak tree - on this occasion they arranged a real holiday with sacrifices and ritual ceremonies.

Drinks prepared on the basis of mistletoe, were considered a curative drug that could nullify the action of any poison.

Mistletoe was considered a universal key to solving any problems.

For decades, the plant was endowed with a special energy, opposed to evil forces.

From mistletoe made amulets for women. According to the ancestors, such amulets preserved well-being in families, endowed women with health and the forces necessary for procreation.

In different countries mistletoe was perceived in different ways. In the Scandinavian countries it was considered: the meeting of enemies under the branches of mistletoe - the call for peace.

Scandinavians hung the branches of the plant on the door: according to legend, they protected the house from evil spirits, lightning and thunder, uninvited guests and were a symbol of hospitality.

To not kidnap the witches kids, mistletoe was placed in the cradle to the babies.

In Australia it was believed that the mistletoe tree lying on the doorstep of the house is able to protect household members from nightmares.

The Japanese had their own opinion on this matter:

  • according to legend, the plant had medicinal properties and was buried in the ground to obtain a rich harvest.

In some European countries, there is an interesting tradition.

On the eve of Christmas, people weave wreaths from mistletoe branches and decorate their own houses with them. It is believed that such symbols bring prosperity, luck and prosperity to the house.

The wreaths are kept in the house for a year, and for the next Christmas, they are replaced with new ones.

Mistletoe is a unique plant with healing properties. In case of serious illnesses, before using the plant, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor.

The mistletoe is white. Appearance, brief description of how to use the know when watching a video.

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