Postinjection Abscess: Causes and Treatment

Postinjection abscess is an inflammatory process in soft tissues with the appearance of purulent formations. It is a complication after injected drugs intramuscularly or intravenously. Most often occurs as a result of non-sterile injections. It is a cavity that is filled with pus. The code for μb 10 is L02.

  • Causes of appearance
  • Symptoms of purulent education
  • Treatment of post-injection abscess
  • Subcutaneous post-injection abscess on buttock
  • Prevention
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Causes of appearance

The main reason for the occurrence of postinjection abscess is non-compliance with antiseptic norms at the time of drug administration. This is one of the types of complications after drug administration. So, the infection can get due to untreated hands of a medical worker, an unsterile syringe or cotton wool, and also if the skin at the injection site was not treated with an antiseptic. In order to avoid such situations, it is necessary to perform the procedure correctly in compliance with technical regulations. It is very important to get the needle in the muscle tissue.

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There are also factors that contribute to the appearance of an abscess:

  • the formation of a hematoma when the needle enters the blood vessel, followed by suppuration;
  • the introduction of strong drugs not in muscle tissue, but under the skin, that is, an incorrect procedure;
  • constant bed rest, as a result of which blood circulates poorly;
  • a large amount of subcutaneous fat, which occurs in people with excess weight;
  • a weak immune system, this applies to people with immunodeficiency and those of advanced age;
  • allergic reactions.

Read it!A parathonsillar abscess, what is it.

The timing of the onset of an abscess after an injection is from 2 days or more.

It is important to know!During the course of injection, the injection site should be changed every day! Do not do an injection in the same area of ​​the skin.

Symptoms of purulent education

Most often after the procedure, the gluteal region suffers, the outer region of the shoulder or thigh. In the first day there is an insignificant condensation, and within a day such signs appear:

  • irritation of the skin at the injection site;
  • local swelling;
  • painful sensations when touching or pressing;
  • local elevated temperature, the area of ​​the injection becomes hot to the touch;
  • the formation of external fistulas, which begin to spread inflammation.

Find out!About treatment of an abscess of Bartholin's gland.

In addition, a person begins to feel general ailments. This is manifested by such symptoms:

  • general weakness of the body;
  • rapid fatigue, resulting in reduced efficiency;
  • increased sweating;
  • loss of appetite.

Depending on the degree of spread of the inflammatory process, the signs manifest themselves with different severity.

Important to remember!After undergoing the injection procedure, you need to closely monitor the site of the injection for a few days! If a seal around it formed, this indicates the onset of the inflammatory process. In this case, a specialist examination is required.

Treatment of post-injection abscess

What to do with postinjection abscess? Methods of treatment in each individual case are selected separately. There are such ways of influencing the formed abscess:

  1. Surgical intervention. This method is used for the accumulation of a large number of purulent formations. It is that an autopsy of the postinjection abscess is performed using local anesthesia. After that, the affected area is freed from pus. If the abscess is very deep, then the patient is assessed for inpatient treatment. Local anesthesia to remove abscess is not enough, it is done intravenously. The cavity of the abscess is treated with antiseptic means after removing the liquid. At the end of the operation, a gauze dressing is applied, which must be changed daily.
  2. Physiotherapeutic procedures - the effect on the affected area of ​​the skin by the procedure of electrophoresis. Another injection site is smeared with iodine, and warm compresses are also used.

Important to remember!The way to influence the post-injection abscess can be chosen only by a specialist! After all, the degree of skin damage should be considered.

Subcutaneous post-injection abscess on buttock

Postinjection abscess of the gluteal region is the most common. Therefore, the specifics of its treatment should be given special attention. Such an abscess can reach considerable dimensions. Treatment in the early stages is aimed at resorption of the seals. You can apply iodine mesh, as well as heat.

Traditional medicine suggests applying compresses to get rid of abscess on the buttock, which can be applied at home. At an early stage of development, their use gives a positive result.


It will take a few leaves of fresh cabbage, which should be slightly beaten with a hammer for chops. Attach them to a sore spot, place a piece of gauze on top and fix with adhesive plaster. This compress should be left overnight. In the morning, rinse with purified water and repeat the manipulation. Continue this procedure until the inflammation is gone completely.

Acetylsalicylic acid

Every person in the medicine cabinet will always have aspirin. Therefore, to prepare this medicine will not be difficult. Should take 2 tbsp. l. alcohol or vodka, dilute in this liquid 1 tablet of aspirin. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected area with a small piece of gauze, pre-lubricated with a baby cream or oil. Apply gauze polyethylene and fix it with adhesive tape. Perform this procedure better at night, so that the body was maximally immobilized. The agent is very effective - it gives a positive result after 3 procedures.


To prepare the ointment will require 2 tbsp. l. such ingredients: crushed onion, honey, alcohol, grated laundry soap. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and put on a water bath until completely dissolved. Slightly cool the mixture put on a bandage and put it to the sore spot, then apply polyethylene and wrap it in a dense cloth. The procedure is carried out several times a day. Ointment is potent, so it can help even in severe cases.

Important to remember!Before using traditional medicine, specialist consultation is required!


This formation as a result of treatment leaves a small scar, which can not be avoided because of the obligatory incision. Therefore, compliance with preventive norms after injection is very important:

  • observance of the rules of procedure. An important role is played by the speed of administration and the correct technique;
  • after the introduction of the drug, you should stretch the skin with light movements for a better distribution of the drug;
  • Do not conduct the procedure in the same place;
  • treatment of the hands of the medical worker and the area of ​​drug administration with antiseptic agents;
  • use of a disposable syringe.

Important!Find out in our article about the causes and symptoms of the abscesses.

Also, do not forget that the room in which the procedure is carried out should be clean, the floor should be washed using a chlorinated solution.