Hangover treatment at home: the best means

The hangover is a complex psychological and physical condition, caused in most cases by excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Hangovers can strike absolutely any person, no matter how often a person drinks alcohol.

To help the patient recover, you should know the reasons for the hangover and the methods of dealing with it.

Article content:
  • What are the causes of the condition?
  • Characteristic symptoms
  • General recommendations
  • How to get rid of a hangover with the help of folk remedies?
  • What is not recommended?
  • Prevention methods

What are the causes of the condition?

Among the main reasons for the hangover is:

  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • use first strong, and then low-alcohol drinks;
  • poor quality alcohol;
  • strong intoxication of the body;
  • poor health;
  • severe liver disease;
  • no snacks;
  • mixing of alcoholic drinks in the form of cocktails.

Characteristic symptoms of

The hangover manifests itself as a classic set of symptoms, among which are:

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  • a mildly drowning headache;
  • a constant sense of thirst;
  • strong response to loud sounds;
  • possible increase or a strong decrease in body temperature;
  • chills may appear;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • may have an upset stomach in the form of diarrhea;
  • severe fatigue;
  • excessive reaction to sunlight;
  • inability to focus attention.

General recommendations

When a hangover is already manifested, the patient should be placed in a cool room, giving him a constantly abundant drink. A large amount of liquid allows a much faster removal of the poison from the body, restoring the alkaline balance.

It is important to observe bed rest on this day and try to move less. To reduce the headache, it is worth taking a strong painkiller. But it only suppresses the symptom, so it is worth choosing a comprehensive treatment that can remove all toxins from the body.

Effective treatment of purulent wounds at home.

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How to brew and drink oats for liver treatment?http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva /lekarstva/napitki/ oves-dlya-pecheni.html

How to get rid of a hangover with the help of folk remedies?

What helps with a hangover at home:

Cucumber brine .A classic recipe for getting rid of a hangover. But do not immediately drink lithium brine with the hope of an early salvation. Drink 100 ml of brine every two to three hours. This will help restore the balance of substances in the blood and strengthen the protective functions of the liver. Under the influence of brine, toxins will begin to be actively released from the blood naturally. Be sure to drink ordinary water or fruit drinks between brine receptions to avoid dehydration.
  • Strong tea with lemon .It is necessary to brew really very strong tea from fresh tea leaves. For 250 ml of water, put two large slices of lemon and do not add sugar. Drink the resulting tea in small sips, so that lemon juice and tea can penetrate into the body already in the mouth. Welding helps to remove pain, and lemon restores the balance of substances. Tomato juice with salt .It is advisable to grind the tomatoes yourself in paste or take the usual purchased. On a glass of juice, you need to take a teaspoon of salt and dilute it. Drink the resulting drink in one gulp in order to avoid a vomiting reflex.
  • Grease fat .Another popular recipe that will help get rid of a hangover, including a feeling of nausea and vomiting. Ideally, lard should be eaten without any other snacks, be sure to salt it, or take it already salted. If you can not eat it, you can take a tomato or a piece of black bread.
  • Vitamin C with .You can use it in the form of powder or regular tablets sold in the pharmacy. For quick assimilation and help, it is better to take the powder. One packet of vitamin is diluted in 250 ml of water and taken before the main meals. For a day a suffering person should drink three doses of the drug.
  • Beet juice .Fresh beet juice will help the liver to quickly remove toxins from the body. Squeeze 200 ml of juice and drink after you can eat something. It is important that there is some fresh food in the stomach, so juice can cause additional gas formation. If you are afraid of deteriorating health, it is worth diluting the juice half carrots or just water. Take this remedy is one-off.
  • What is not recommended?

    If you are awake with a hangover, do not take it away with alcoholic beverages. In fact, you absolutely will not help yourself, but just smooth out the symptoms and intensify the intoxication of the body.

    Also it is not necessary to spend the whole day in a room where you can not open windows.

    After a hangover syndrome, you can not consume any alcoholic beverages during the week, as a second intoxication may occur.

    Methods of prevention

    To avoid hitting the hangover syndrome, you should pay more attention to your behavior during the feast. Try not to mix alcoholic drinks of different fortress .If you still intend to do this, you should start with less strong and gradually increase the degree.

    Be sure to have a snack after each drink of a glass of , as dilute the alcohol and allow the liver to remove it quickly from the body.

    During the feast, try to eat food that does not irritate your intestines, it is better to eat meat products.

    In any case, try to avoid situations where you can get hit by a hangover syndrome. A strong intoxication of the body can trigger not only headaches, but also serious problems with the liver and heart.

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