Therapeutic fasting with pancreatitis

  • General recommendations
  • Treatment of pancreatitis by fasting
  • What can I do at home?
  • Recommendations for concomitant pathologies of the digestive tract
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Fasting with pancreatitis is a common treatment. But is it possible to fast with pancreatitis? Specialists unanimously assert that it is not only possible, but also necessary! But thus to such therapeutic process it is necessary to approach competently, observing all rules and principles of starvation.

No less important is the way out of the hunger strike. It is strictly forbidden to return abruptly to the usual diet. In this case, all the medical measures carried out before this will not be of use, and the condition will become even more aggravated.

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. To eliminate the inflammatory process in the pancreas, you must give up harmful food, alcoholic beverages and nicotine. It is not for nothing that the acute pancreatitis shows hunger, cold and rest. But how to starve properly with pancreatitis? And how long, in general, to starve properly?

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General recommendations

Pancreatitis can occur in acute and chronic form. The disease can cause serious complications and even lead to tissue necrosis. Pancreatitis can cause alcohol abuse, malnutrition, GI disease, hereditary predisposition.

Fasting in pancreatitis, according to doctors, contributes to the coping of the inflammatory reaction. This is due to the fact that the body is at rest and does not participate in the digestion processes. The period of fasting lasts two to three days. The patient is given a strict bed rest and apply a bladder with ice to the site of the projection of the pancreas.

The lack of food in the body inhibits the release of enzymes, bile and gastric juice. It turns out that the organs of the digestive system go into sleep mode. As a result, the energy that is usually spent on digesting food, goes to the restoration of damaged organ tissues.

Hunger is the main element for stabilizing the patient's condition. At the same time, a complete refusal of food passes under the clear control of the specialist

. Therapeutic diet in pancreatitis includes the observance of some of the most important rules:

  • fried, fatty, spicy is completely excluded from the diet;
  • is welcome protein food, fats and carbohydrates should be excluded;
  • products are thoroughly crushed through a blender or sieve;
  • food should be warm;
  • completely excludes alcohol;
  • the amount of food is strictly limited, the portion should not be more than 250 g;
  • food should be fractional five to six times a day.

Pancreatitis completely excludes products such as salted, smoked, sour, broth, spices, seasonings, sweets, raw vegetables, white bread, carbonated drinks, tea, coffee. It is better to give preference to such food: low-fat varieties of fish and meat, low-fat sour-milk products, mashed soups, steam dishes, stewed vegetables, baked fruit, slightly dried bread.

Drinks based on fruits and herbs are also allowed. Medical fasting with pancreatitis can be dry, as well as with the addition of liquid, it can be natural water or a decoction of dogrose, as well as chamomile. Full refusal of food and liquids should last no more than 24 hours.

The patient is then allowed to drink plain water, gradually increasing the dosage. Two days later, the patient is allowed to take vegetable broth in small quantities. Other doctors are of the opinion that it is better to use gentle fasting for three days with the use of liquid in unlimited quantities.

Important! Fasting is not only a method of treatment, but also prevention of exacerbations in chronic pancreatitis.

Dry fasting is often practiced with exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, and fasting with fluid intake is usually practiced with an acute process.

Treatment of pancreatitis by fasting

Let's talk about the features of treatment in an acute period, and then consider the characteristics of fasting in a chronic process. But first we will outline the limitations under which curative fasting is strictly forbidden:

  • hypoglycaemia;
  • anemia;
  • low pressure;
  • hypovitaminosis.

Acute process

Acute pancreatitis is characterized by pronounced clinical symptoms, which manifests itself as disorders in the digestive tract and the appearance of pain syndrome. The pain often gives back, back, under the ribs. Acute attack leads to a sharp death of the pancreas, which manifests itself in the form of painful flashes, nausea, vomiting, high fever.

Fasting in acute pancreatitis is more appropriate in a hospital. If necessary, the patient will be able to undergo a checkup with a gastroenterologist. Within two to three days, patients are allowed to drink a broth of wild rose or mineral water without gas, which includes a useful alkali. This will help to unload the organ and start recovery processes.

Sometimes, even no medical therapy is required, since the functions of the pancreas have independently recovered. It is forbidden to drink cold or hot water, it should be comfortably warm. Cold fluid adversely affects the functioning of the body and can lead to pain in the abdomen.

Treatment of acute process is carried out in a hospital

Remember! Fasting, this is not a panacea for the disease, but only an effective method for getting rid of the symptoms of pathology. Therefore, even after fasting, you need to return to a strict diet.

Chronic process

The chronic process is characterized by mild clinical symptomatology. Usually patients complain of a malaise on the part of the digestive tract. The process of organ destruction also progresses, only this occurs at a slowed pace. Usually, the attending physician recommends giving up food once a week.

It is also very important at home to comply with bed rest. When the chronic process is exacerbated, it is also recommended to perform a three-day fasting, as in acute pancreatitis. Experts, generally speaking, recommend several times a month to do unloading days. At this time, it is not allowed even to drink water. The patient should observe the uttermost peace.

What can I do at home?

The patient should understand that abstinence from food is not the end of the treatment, but only the beginning. The main thing is the correct entrance and exit from hunger.


For the body, tremendous stress will be if you sharply start starvation. It is better to gradually reduce the amount of food consumed and at the same time increase the frequency of receptions. For maximum pancreas discharge you will need the following:

Is it possible to have Bulgarian pepper in pancreatitis?
  • eat food six to eight times a day;
  • use only ground products;
  • the main menu should consist of protein food;
  • refuse from fatty, sour, fried, and also carbohydrates.

Only after such preparation of the body can begin to starve. The choice of the method of hunger-strike is left for the attending physician.


Fasting at home is based on three main canons:

  • Hunger.
  • Cold.
  • Peace.

Doing a cleaning load for more than three days is dangerous! Prolonged fasting leads to the fact that enzymes and toxins activate in the gland a new inflammatory focus.

There is nothing to eat during the medical hunger strike


The first thing that is done after fasting is drinking a glass of warm boiled water. Drink it should not hurry, so that the liquid mixed with saliva. Approximately two hours later, it is allowed to use the grinded vegetable soup. In order to leave painlessly from a hunger strike and not cause complications, you must follow a dietary diet. You have to give up many of your delicacies.

An attack of pancreatitis can trigger such products:

  • soda;
  • coffee;
  • strong tea;
  • chips;
  • sweets;
  • fast food;
  • sausage;
  • fresh white bread;
  • garlic, onion;
  • horseradish, mustard and more.

Acceptable cooking methods are quenching, cooking and baking. Improve the process of digestibility of food and accelerate recovery on the whole will help limit the intake of carbohydrates and fats of animal origin. Be sure to include in the menu mineral water without gas - Borjomi.

Important! Untimely fasting with pancreatitis and refusal from qualified specialists can cause blood poisoning.

Recommendations for concomitant pathologies of the digestive tract

Pancreatitis and cholecystitis are similar in clinical manifestations, and therefore the measures of prevention and treatment have some similarities. In addition to conservative treatment, in the form of medical and physiotherapy methods, a patient can go on a hunger strike at home without violating the regime of dietary nutrition. Abstinence from food for 1-3 days often has a positive effect on the general condition of the patient.

Patients with hypoglycemia are not allowed to carry out medical starvation

Fasting and gastritis

Treatment of gastritis with fasting is still contested by many specialists, although there are a lot of positive results. Some doctors claim that fasting with inflammation of the stomach helps restore the digestive tract, due to the fact that our body mobilizes protective mechanisms and activates self-regulation.

They argue that a complete refusal of food for only a few days will help to calm the symptoms of the disease, after which you can go directly to treatment. Experts recommend using small portions of mineral water without gas, kefir, skim yogurt, but preferably still dry fasting.

As for fasting with chronic gastritis, the opinions of experts differ. Most believe that it is better to use fractional food with light food. Preparation of cereals is carried out on milk in equal proportions. It is better to give preference to buckwheat, rice and oatmeal. From drinks you can drink home fruit drinks, compotes, kissels, as well as decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants. Bread can be consumed only in dried form.

So, fasting with pancreatitis is an effective method that helps to speed up the healing process. Nevertheless, this is not a panacea, but only an auxiliary element of medical tactics. In some cases, after a hunger strike, the need for drug therapy is eliminated, but in some cases medicines can not be dispensed with.

Fasting with acute and chronic pancreatitis has a number of its features. The correct entry and exit from the hunger strike is very important. Dietary nutrition should now be respected for life, this should become your lifestyle. In no case do not self-medicate. Incorrect fasting can seriously hurt you and lead to an aggravation of the situation.