How to cure a heel spinal Dimexidum

Discomfort formation on the calcaneus, causing inflammation, severe pain during walking, experts call a calcaneal spur or plantar fasciitis. Discomfort brings not the benign education itself, but painful sensations, inflammatory processes that are associated with it. Previously, the elimination of the problem was exclusively surgical. Modern medicine has come to the conclusion that conservative treatment, to eliminate the spur will be no less productive, but with a comprehensive approach. When heel spur is formed, dimexide treatment brings visible results to patients, and its joint application with other medicines always gives a positive effect.

  • What is dimexide, how does it help with calcaneal spur
  • Features of the preparation of a dimecid solution
  • Features of treatment of plantar fasciitis with the use of a medicinal product
  • Compresses and washing with a dimexide solution
  • Combination of the drug with bile and vodka
  • Possible side effects and contraindications
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What is dimexide, how does it help with calcaneal spur

Effective treatment of the heel spur is achieved due to the use of medicines, recipes of folk medicine, massages and a number of exercises. The drug itself is intended for the treatment of inflammatory processes. The principle of its impact is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • improvement of metabolic processes in the affected area;
  • freeing the body of free radicals, which worsen well-being, reduces the capacity of the human body to counter the problem;
  • has antimicrobial effect on the damaged area;
  • owns an easy anesthetic effect;
  • increases the sensitivity of harmful viral organisms to the effects of medications;
  • accelerates the process of blood circulation in the affected area.

Note!When illiterate treatment of a drug, a person has allergic reactions in the form of rashes, the skin becomes dry, flakes. To avoid these consequences, a person must follow the instructions in the manual, dosage or consult a doctor.

There are two forms of release of the drug - liquid, for the preparation of solutions and dimexide gel. On sale the gel is not always present, but with the use of liquid, the patient will be able to compress with a calcaneal spur with dimexid.

Features of the preparation of a dimecid solution

The drug, which is available in the form of solution liquid, is very concentrated, in its pure form, its use is prohibited. How to build a liquid correctly people practically do not know, but it is done this way:

  • the patient must shake the contents of the bottle;
  • take a glass container, pour in a fifth of the drug;
  • add a glass of water to the medicine;
  • Shake the solution again.

Such proportions will be completely safe, they will bring relief. The finished solution can be combined with additional components to increase the effectiveness of drug treatment.

Note!Heel spurs bring enormous discomfort to a person precisely because of the appearance of severe pain during walking. To neutralize the pain, the patient should use dimexide with novocaine. The effectiveness of such an anesthetic has been tested in practice.

Features of treatment of plantar fasciitis with the use of a medicinal product

Treating the heel spur with dimexide is a real chance to solve the problem quickly and in a positive way. To achieve the desired effect, the victim needs to know the proper use of the drug, with which it is desirable to combine it.

Use a solution of the preparation for washes and compresses. Ointment should be applied several times a day to the affected parts of the calcaneus. The drug has a not very pleasant smell, but it quickly erodes.

Compresses and washing with a dimexide solution

For this purpose, a person can use only a solution of the drug or mix dimexide with analgin, novocaine, dimedrolum, which will improve the ability to get rid of pain. Compress should follow the following rules:

  • apply a little finished product to a healthy area of ​​the skin to test the sensitivity to the drug;
  • take a piece of soft, natural fabric of medium density, it is good to get wet in solution;
  • attach to a sore spot, fix, leave for a maximum of 40 minutes;
  • after removal, apply a gel or cream from the calcaneal spur.

Be carefull!It is impossible to maintain a compress of dimexide on the foot for more than 40 minutes. If the patient overdo it, he will have all the chances of getting a severe burn. Ideally, the drug should be maintained on the affected area for half an hour.

Combination of the drug with bile and vodka

When a person uses dimexid and bile with vodka in addition to treatment of plantar fasciitis, a positive result will be noticed almost immediately. The recipe for this medicinal mixture will be as follows:

  • make a solution of dimexide according to a standard recipe;
  • add to the liquid 40 ml of the drug bile;
  • pour into the mixture of preparations 20 ml of vodka;
  • place the product in a glass container, close it tightly, shake until it is homogeneous.

The solution is for external use only. It is worth it to do compresses several times a day, supplementing the process with therapeutic procedures of a different nature. To obtain the same in effectiveness, the patient should use dimexide and diclofenac.

Possible side effects and contraindications

Before treating the heel spear with dimexidum, it is worth consulting with a doctor, to study a number of contraindications to the use of the drug, the side effects that it causes when used improperly.

Note!In childhood, during pregnancy, this medication should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication means and so is not approved, but for such categories, there is a risk of complications that can lead to the most unexpected results.

Instructions for use with the calcaneal spine of dimexid suggests that the drug can not be used by a group of people who have problems of the following nature:

  1. Glaucoma, cataract.
  2. Angina pectoris.
  3. Myocardial infarction.
  4. Renal, hepatic insufficiency.
  5. Pregnancy, lactation.
  6. Stroke.
  7. Coma.
  8. Atherosclerosis.

In all other cases, the use of dimexide with heel spur is allowed. Specific methods of treatment with this drug should be determined by a doctor, after a detailed study of the state of human health.

In case of improper treatment with a drug, abuse of doses of the drug, excessive use of it, ignoring the rules for the treatment of a medicament, a person has the risk of receiving the following side effects:

  1. Allergic rashes.
  2. Dermatitis.
  3. Burning and dry skin.
  4. Excessive peeling of the skin.
  5. Burns.

Note!The course of treatment with a pharmacological agent should be prescribed by a specialist. Only such treatment of the heel spur with the use of dimexide will give positive results.

The drug is well combined with the drugs Ibuprofen and Indomethacin - it will be useful for those who have inflammatory process caused a slight increase in temperature.

Dimexide is often used in medicine to treat plantar fasciitis. The product is sold without a prescription, but without consulting a doctor it should not be used. The drug, if used improperly, causes allergic reactions, burns. Use should be in the form of a solution or ointment, supplemented by other means.

Treating the calcaneal spur, in each case, should be complex. Elimination of the problem without medication is impossible. Dimexide is well combined with analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs. For children and pregnancy should be used very carefully, only on the advice of a doctor. Duration of use, the exact number of uses should be prescribed by a physician. Only competent, complex treatment, which is accompanied by the use of this drug, will be able to give the desired result. The use of dimexide is combined with the use of traditional medicine, which increases the chances of a quick recovery.