With various kinds of bruises in everyday life, people come across very often, and most of all they get hands - parts of the body used more than others. Whether a person is sitting, walking, standing, hands are always involved and any embarrassing movement can lead to unforeseen and strong contact with a solid surface - a shock or a fall.
With a hand injury, damage to the shoulder, forearm, wrist, hand, or fingers is considered without disrupting the skin. In an easy case, the muscles, subcutaneous tissue or skin, small vessels suffer;with a strong injury, soft tissue is damaged, intensely pressed to the bone at the time of impact or fall.
- Symptoms
- Treatment with folk remedies
- What is not recommended?
- Risk groups and prevention
As a result of a minor injury, subcutaneous hemorrhages from injured small vessels often occur, blood collects in the subcutaneous tissue and a bruise is formed.
In case of more serious hand injuries, when soft tissues are affected, hematoma may form - the accumulation of blood in the formed cavity, accompanied by swelling and severe pain, even with a slight touch.
The severity of the bruises of the hands are divided into 4 degrees:
Passes alone without treatment for 3-4 days. May be accompanied by a slight scratch or bruise.
- The shock is accompanied by a rupture of the muscle tissue, which leads to swelling and bruising. Sharp pain causes discomfort and worsens the quality of life.
- Contusion leads to damage to muscles and tendons, may be accompanied by a dislocation.
- Consequences of a bruise are expressed in impairment of vital functions, the bruised hand can not function normally.
Symptoms of
Depending on the severity of the injury, the consequences may be completely absent or may be manifested by various symptoms:
- with pain of varying intensity in soft tissues;
- painful movement;
- appearance of bruising or bruising;
- swelling;
- with a feeling of numbness.
The soreness or the place of appearance of the bruise indicates exactly the place of the bruise, and the state of the bruise will prompt the prescription of its receipt:
- The red-crimson color occurs in the first hours after the injury.
- The purple-blue color is present in the first 4 days after the impact.
- A greenish-brown color appears on the 5-6 day.
- The appearance of yellowness occurs on the 7-10th day.
- The presence of all these colors indicates that about 1-1.5 weeks have elapsed since the impact.
These characteristics are very approximate , since the change in the intensity and color of the color of the bruise depends on the location, age and a number of other reasons. Some bruises never change their color, for example, on nail beds.
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How to treat at home?
Contusions can be of varying severity, but can only be treated with a mild degree of .If there are severe swelling, bruising, numbness, you should immediately go to the emergency room.
The success of recovery depends on how quickly and correctly the first aid is provided. Therefore, the sooner, the better it is to provide a bruised hand rest and apply a packet of ice to the site of the injury.
You need to do this in a maximum of 20 minutes, otherwise the procedure will be useless. If there is no ice at hand, any bundle with food from the freezer or at least from the refrigerator will do.
This is done to reduce the likelihood of swelling and bruising. Cold relieves soreness and leads to a narrowing of the blood vessels, limiting the flow of blood into the subcutaneous tissue.
The person needs to be put in bed, and the arm should be given a slightly elevated position in order to reduce the flow of blood to the damaged vessels. In the further rest, the arm can be provided with a bandage bandage that supports the arm through the neck.
In the first day after a bruise, only cold and anesthetic are used. Further actions are carried out, absorbing edema and bruises, and warming procedures begin to be done only on the third day after the injury:
- A well-kneaded cabbage leaf takes good care of the puffiness. It is necessary to pribintovyvat it to the place of edema, replacing 3-4 times a day.
- From bruise on the hand helps a copper pin, fixed with plaster.
- With an elbow injury accompanied by a slight swelling, a compress of vinegar, boiled water and vegetable oil taken in equal amounts is effective. Gauze moistened with the composition, put on the bruised place, cover with compress paper, lightly bandage and wrap it with a warm kerchief. The exposure time is 30 minutes.
- The pain left after a bruise, well cleans the solution with vinegar. In a glass of water( 250 ml) dilute 0.5 tbsp.spoon of vinegar or 0.5 teaspoon of acetic essence, soak the tissue in the solution and apply to the bruise for 15-20 minutes several times a day. In a couple of days everything will pass.
- The bruising on the arm is hot( but not scalding) solution of table salt of 8-10% concentration. The hand is immersed in the solution for 40 minutes, the procedure is carried out daily.
- Eases the soreness of the mashed potatoes from the raw potatoes, grated on a fine grater. Weight is superimposed on gauze and pribintovyvaetsya to the desired place for 30-40 minutes.
- Well reduces the bruises decoction of arnica flowers: a teaspoon of raw material pour a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours, strain, the remaining raw materials squeeze out. Apply compresses 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes.
- Very teary, but no less effective procedure for swelling - applying a compress from onion gruel or juice. The gauze dressing impregnated with the drug is applied to the place of the bruise for half an hour.
- With an injury of the joint of the hand, an ointment prepared from a powder of wormwood and smaltz grass taken in equal amounts will help. Mix and heat the components in a water bath without boiling or simmer in the oven for 2 hours. Ready ointment is applied to the affected joint with light movements three times a day.
What is not recommended?
As a result of a bruise, any damage to the hand can occur - from mild soreness to dislocation, stretching and even fracture, and therefore you need to take it seriously. Immediately after the injury, in no case should:
- ignore him, since any bruising of the hand can be potentially dangerous;
- in case of severe soreness, in no case should one try to independently adjust the dislocation;
- to transport the injured person to the emergency room without rigid fixation of the bruised limb;
- in the first 24 hours you can not use topical irritants, including heat - this will cause even more swelling.
Risk groups and prevention
Anyone can be at risk for a hand injury, especially in the "slippery" time of the year - falling, we instinctively expose or substitute the hands, which are the main blow.
In addition to this, hand bruises are most often found in the following social groups:
- People with diseases of the spine and middle ear - they often violated the coordination of movements.
- Children - due to their curiosity and mobility. They have not yet developed a full sense of danger and they are often careless.
- Elderly people - due to a delayed reaction and some diseases that interfere with the interaction of sensory and motor reactions.
- Workers in industries with increased risk, especially inexperienced or under-qualified.
- Employees unsatisfied with their work, as lack of interest causes lack of focus.
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All these factors are weighty, but hand injuries can be reduced if you observe the minimum safety requirements of , controlling your behavior in potentially dangerous conditions:
- Avoid shoes in winteron high heels, picking up boots with a ribbed rubber outsole that does not freeze in the frost
- When ice is moving, as if invisible skis are attached to the feet. Hands need to be taken out of their pockets and at least one to be freed, in order to balance it with the help of losing balance.
- If the fall is smooth enough, try to sit down or strain the muscles to protect the bones. Hands in any case not to put forward - if to fall on them all weight, then a bruise with a fracture is inevitable.
- Elderly in winter, it is best not to leave home without an attendant and use a special device worn on shoes.
- Children should be held preventive conversation.
No one is immune from accidental bruises. The main thing is to immediately use the cold and rest, and the health measures should begin not earlier than in a day. Even better in such situations do not fall. This will help regular exercise, increasing stamina, dexterity and speed of reaction.