What is acupuncture: benefit or harm

Acupuncture refers to the most ancient area of ​​alternative medicine.

Based on human physiology, its internal structure and location of nerve endings, which are affected by the session.

Acupuncture effectively copes with the pain syndrome, helps fight the manifestations of chronic diseases, improves vision, relieves nervous tension and eliminates mental disorders.

  • The essence of the
    • method The essence of the
    • method The possible undesirable consequences of
    • What can be cured
      • Stress and nervous overstrain
      • Strengthening female health and childbearing function
      • Muscle relaxation in diseases of the back, spine
      • Getting rid of smoking
      • Getting rid of alcohol dependence
    • Conclusion

    Acupuncture will help you copewith a variety of addictions:

    • alcoholism,
    • smoking,
    • addiction.
    • gambling.

    Acupuncture is used as an adjunct to the basic treatment of the disease, contributing to the restoration of the balance of power in the body.

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    The essence of the method

    The technique is aimed at strengthening physical health and weak nervous system.

    Eliminates pain without the use of pain medications and side effects.

    Acupuncture sessions can be conducted for the prevention of various diseases: nerve strain, female menstrual pain.

    Possible adverse effects of

    The danger is the possibility of infection in the body through non-sterile needles.

    And what do you know about magnet treatment at home? Read an interesting article on the non-traditional method of self-restoring health.

    How to do a bowel cleansing from parasites at home is written on this page.

    Treatment with an unqualified specialist can cause an absolutely opposite effect.

    What can be cured

    There are four officially recognized groups of diseases that can be treated with acupuncture:

    The first group of is:

    • pain in osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine,
    • migraine,
    • congestion in the intestine,
    • problems with the digestive tract,
    • of ovarian dysfunction of variousetymology,
    • toothache,
    • sprains and tendons,
    • strokes( how to render first aid read here).

    The second group of ( diseases not sufficiently studied):

    • acne,
    • pain syndrome with advanced oncology,
    • schizophrenia,
    • nicotinic dependence,
    • pain in the ear canal,
    • diabetes( about the sugar substitute-stevia is written in this article.).

    The third group of ( the disease, practically, can not be treated):

    • deafness of severe degree,
    • vision problems,
    • color blindness.

    Fourth group of ( should only be performed by a high grade doctor):

    • state of coma of the last stages,
    • epileptic seizures in newborns,
    • certain heart muscle diseases,
    • paralysis of various etymologies.

    And what do you know about the treatment of increased acidity of the stomach folk remedies ?Learn a few recipes by clicking on this link.

    If there are stones in the liver, then treatment with folk remedies is described here.

    On the page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva / lor-zabolevaniya / obtiranie-uksusom.html written about wiping with vinegar at the temperature of the child.

    The spectrum of diseases that can be effectively treated with acupuncture is very large. Let us consider in more detail.

    Stress and Nervous Overstrain

    Stress contributes to stress in the entire body, which can lead to malfunction of an organ.

    Acupuncture has a relaxing effect on brain activity, a person is immersed in a state of balance and harmony, which improves the functioning of the whole organism.

    Needle reflexotherapy is much safer to deal with stress than its medical counterparts.

    Already after several sessions, nervous tension and irritability pass.

    Acupuncture adjusts processes in the body, like sleep and heartbeat.

    All in a complex, helps to effectively deal with stress and depression, having a positive impact on the body as a whole.

    Strengthening women's health and childbearing function

    Acupuncture can affect the parts of the brain that are responsible for ovulatory processes in the female body.

    As well as it was said above, it effectively fights with stress, which favorably affects the conception of a child and the fertility of a woman.

    Acupuncture provides a flow of blood in the small pelvis, which contributes to the normal development of the inner layer of the uterus, which is extremely important for attaching the fetus( if the blood flow to the female organs is small, the inner layer of the uterus does not grow, which leads to miscarriages and abortion).

    Reducing the frequency and intensity of the painful syndrome with migraines

    Acupuncture helps reduce the number of headache attacks and their duration.

    Muscle relaxation in diseases of the back, spine

    Acupuncture effectively relieves muscle tension and eliminates pain syndrome.

    After a complete course, approximately 10 sessions occur:

    • changes in the spine,
    • removes inflammation from the intervertebral disc, which allows the spine to become elastic and flexible.

    Treatment of chronic bronchitis

    Treatment of chronic bronchitis occurs not immediately, but lasts a long enough time.

    For a lasting effect, you need about 10 sessions per week.

    Acupuncture increases the overall tone and immunity of the body. As a result, the symptoms disappear.

    Treatment is carried out by courses until the disease stops completely, without relapses.

    Getting rid of tobacco

    Acupuncture helps to overcome the psychological barrier in quitting smoking.

    Acupuncture reduces stress, which means that various manifestations of nicotine addiction will decrease, for example: psychosis, irritability, insomnia.

    The main thing in such treatment is the patient's desire to quit smoking forever.

    Getting rid of alcohol dependence

    It is important to understand that acupuncture treatment for such a disease should occur at the patient's will, otherwise there will be no effect.


    Needle specialists work on special points that normalize the work of the whole organism.

    The nervous system is strengthened, which will allow the patient to be stronger psychologically and to fight alcohol dependence independently.

    The ability to think and respond quickly and work capacity is noticeably improved. Over time, the desire to drink alcohol is lost.

    Acupuncture came to us from their Ancient China, where folk medicine is at a very high level.

    All secrets and techniques are well mastered by our specialists who will help in the fight against various ailments.

    The main property of acupuncture is relaxation, muscle or nerve. Sessions should only be conducted by a qualified technician.

    If you want to put your body in order: to cure - "untreated" or relax - tense, then acupuncture is for you.

    Before deciding on acupuncture, we strongly recommend that you watch this video.

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