International Day Against Corruption - 9/12/2017


History of the Day

On December 9,day of struggle against corruption. Date - December 9 - was appointed on October 31, 2003 by the initiative of the United Nations General Assembly at a political conference in the Mexican city of Merida.

Representatives of a hundred states, including Russia, signed the international document within three days, which entered into force in December 2005.The actions of this universal Treaty - the Convention is currently being extended to 173 states of the world.

The global fight against corruption provides for various measures and measures to prevent it, punish the guilty persons, mechanisms of cooperation between peoples, obliges states to purposefully conduct anti-corruption policies, designate special bodies for the prevention and elimination of this disruptive basis of society's existence.

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Using information materials of this site, you can prepare action plans, scenarios dedicated to anti-corruption, hold meetings, lectures, class hours at school, in the dow, in the administration. On this Day, congratulations are received by the prosecutor's office, law enforcement agencies.

Definition of corruption

The concept of " corruption " is interpreted as abuse of state power with the aim of benefiting in personal interests or for the benefit of third parties or groups. This includes all the known ways of misappropriating public funds for private use. The phenomena of corruption include nepotism, nepotism( nepotism).

In the plans and the framework of anti-corruption measures in many countries around the world on December 9, there are processions, meetings, rallies, conferences, seminars, timed for the World Anti-Corruption Day. In the organizations there are meetings of labor collectives with carrying out of conversations, reading out of lectures and references to employees, clients of the enterprises with the maintenance of the information on anticorruption orientation.

Corruption destroys human rights, and the activities of public authorities are detrimental to the people. The economic situation of a corrupt country is declining. They are being plundered not only by billions of means, but also by social facilities( or failing - not supplied with financial and economic assets) - roads, hospitals, schools and so on. The problems of ecology are also exacerbated.

This is a very complex phenomenon, combining the social, economic and political spheres of our life, destroying the state foundations, democratic institutions, living by one extortion of bribes.

It is established that with effectively conducted fight against corruption, incomes in the state treasury increase 4 times! !!

Imagine, in the general rating of 2014 on the assessment of perception of corruption, Russia took 136 place! Together with Lebanon, Iran, Cameroon, Nigeria and Kyrgyzstan! Worse than us only in Turkmenistan. And in the last place - Somalia and North Korea.

It's a bad thing that corruption is very widespread and intertwined with organized crime and penetrates into the bodies of state executive power.

National Strategy and Anti-Corruption Plan

The President of the Russian Federation sets the task of fighting corruption as a priority. Since then, Russia has done a great deal of work to adopt anti-corruption measures both in the field of preventing corruption and its suppression. A new legislative base has been created, organizational measures have been taken and the activities of law enforcement bodies have been stepped up.

Under the President of the Russian Federation, a working body was created - the Anti-Corruption Council. He coordinates all anti-corruption efforts of the state and promptly considers practical issues of implementing state anti-corruption policy.

Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 25, 2008 "On Combating Corruption" was adopted. It establishes the basic principles of combating corruption, the legal and organizational framework for its prevention and control, and the reduction and elimination of the consequences of corruption offenses.

The foundations of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and the National Plan to Counteract It have been approved.

The goal of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy is to eradicate the causes and conditions that engender it in Russian society.

National level

The activities of the National Plan are designed to solve the following main tasks:

  1. improvement of the organizational basis for combating corruption in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  2. ensuring the implementation of legislative acts and management decisions in the field of combating corruption;
  3. activation of anti-corruption education of citizens;
  4. implementation of the requirements of Article 13.3 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 25, 2008 "On Combating Corruption" concerning the obligation of organizations to take measures to prevent corruption and Article 19.28 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation providing for liability for illegal remuneration on behalf of a legalface.

Regional level

Measures are also being taken at the regional level. In the Volgograd region, the anti-corruption program has been approved, and the Interdepartmental Commission for Combating Corruption in the Oblast, headed by the Governor - Andrei Ivanovich Bocharov, has been established.


  1. The standard of anti-corruption behavior of a civil servant of the Volgograd region.
  2. Code of Ethics and Service Behavior of Workers of Social Protection Authorities and Social Service Institutions.

Corruption occurs in several types of

  • bribery,
  • misappropriation of goods and services intended for public consumption,
  • nepotism( when preference is given to family members in employment),
  • influencing the development of laws and regulations for personal gain.

For criminal law enforcement of anti-corruption, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation establishes responsibility for the commission of corruption crimes. Among them, bribery is the most common and dangerous. It encroaches on the foundations of state power, violates the normal management activities of state and municipal bodies and institutions, undermines their authority, deforms the citizens' sense of justice, creating an idea about the possibility of satisfying their personal and collective interests by bribing officials, hampers competition, and hinders economic development.

To this day, despite measures being taken in the state and society, corruption still hinders the functioning of public mechanisms, prevents social reforms and modernization in the national economy, causes serious anxiety and distrust in state institutions in Russian society, creates a negative image of Russiaon the international arena and is rightfully regarded as one of the threats to the security of the Russian Federation.

This year, the Volgograd Oblast Prosecutor's Office verified compliance with the requirements of the federal legislation in the field of combating corruption in a number of institutions subordinate to the Social Protection Committee of the Volgograd Region. During the inspections it was found that the necessary measures are not taken in full in the institutions to counteract corruption.


There are no states completely free of corruption for which there are no state borders. The public of all countries require openness and accountability from public officials. In his message, Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General, on the eve of the International Day Against Corruption of 2014, on December 9, proclaimed:

"I call on all to help end corruption and unite in the struggle for global justice and equality. The world and its people can no longer afford to pay corruption and put up with it. "

To succeed in the fight against corruption you need a fracture of public consciousness. It is necessary to create conditions when people will have an associative dislike for the phenomenon of corruption. Everyone should understand: it is impossible to solve problems through giving a bribe to an official. A good role in this will be played by legal education.


The article is written on the materials of websites, as well as with the help of the Legal and Personnel Department of the Social Protection Committee of the Volgograd Region.

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