Symptoms and treatment of Candida balanoposthitis

Candida balanoposthitis is an inflammatory disease that occurs as a result of a fungal infection. Affects the inner part of the prepuce, in addition, and the head of the penis in men. In modern times - this is a fairly common disease. Therefore, what kind of illness and how to deal with it, should be considered in more detail.

  • Causes of the disease
  • Symptoms of Candida Balanoposthitis
  • Diagnosis of the disease and its types
  • Treatment of the disease
  • Home Treatment
  • Prevention of Candida Balanoposthitis
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Causes of the disease

Most often balanoposthitis is the result of other diseases, such as:

  • diabetes;
  • violation of the hormonal background;
  • an increase in the thyroid gland;
  • prolonged use of antibiotics;
  • diseases of an inflammatory and infectious nature;
  • decreased immunity.
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Also, candidiasis balanoposthitis can appear due to the influence of external factors, namely:

  • non-observance of the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected partner;
  • trauma in the groin;
  • wearing poor-quality underwear - rough fabric or incorrectly sized size can damage the genitals.

Important to remember!Correct detection of the cause of the disease will help to choose the most effective treatment!

Symptoms of Candida Balanoposthitis

The difficulty of detecting this disease lies in the fact that its initial stage proceeds without visible or palpable ailments. As the development manifests such signs:

  • change in color of the head and prepuce of the penis;
  • burning sensation and severe itching in the genital area;
  • white highlighting with an unpleasant odor;
  • pain at intimacy;
  • unpleasant sensations at the time of urination.

Over time, the genitalia is covered with a white coating.

Important to remember!At the first ailments it is required to address for the help to the expert! He will send the patient for the delivery of certain tests, on the basis of which he will appoint the most effective treatment.

Important!Photo balanoposthitis in men, see our article.

Diagnosis of the disease and its types

After finding a person characteristic of Candida balanoposthitis symptoms should consult a doctor who will conduct a detailed survey and examination of the patient. Then he will send you to such laboratory tests that will help to find out the cause of the disease:

  • smear examination;
  • the general analysis of a blood and urine - will exclude presence of AIDS and a syphilis;
  • PCR-diagnosis - accurately identify the causative agent of the disease.

Based on the results of the studies, the doctor establishes the correct diagnosis and prescribes an effective comprehensive treatment.

Important!Find out here, to which doctor to handle with balanoposthitis.

Depending on the degree of manifestation, the following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Acute candidiasis balanoposthitis. The main reason for the appearance of this form of the disease is non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene. Symptoms are quite bright. The disease is accompanied by a thick discharge of white, especially at the time of urination. Swelling of the genitalia is also observed.
  2. Chronic candidiasis balanoposthitis. Has a sluggish character. It can be asymptomatic, with periodic exacerbations. If you do not start a timely fight against the disease, it can lead to ulceration and wrinkling of the glans penis.

Chronic form is most common in people with sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment of the disease

Than to treat a candidiasis balanoposthitis at men? In order to get rid of the disease, complex therapy should begin, which includes the following procedures:

  1. Use of medicines for oral administration. Antifungal medicines are used for this. The most effective are: Fluconazole, Flukostat, Intraconazole, Rumikoz, Natamycin. You can also use their analogs.
  2. Regular washing of the penis with antiseptic means. For this, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate, furacilin or saline solution.
  3. Local baths. This procedure should be carried out several times a day for 15-20 minutes. To do this, you can use a variety of decoctions of medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action.
  4. The use of ointments and creams with antifungal effect. This procedure is carried out after a thorough washing of the body, after which an ointment is applied. The most common ointments are: Miconazole, Econazole, Clotrimazole, Pimafucin.
  5. Compliance with diet. In the period of treatment this is a very important point. It is required to exclude from the diet fatty, acute and excessively salty dishes, which create a favorable environment for the life of harmful fungi. Binge eating should also be avoided.

Important!About the symptoms and treatment of balanoposthitis in a child, you can find out here.

Important to remember!Drugs, as well as their dosage, are prescribed only by a specialist! Independently choose the method of treatment should not be. This can lead to complications.

Home Treatment

How to treat balanoposthitis at home? This can help the means of alternative medicine. You can prepare them yourself. The main advantage is that they are prepared on the basis of natural ingredients.


To prepare a medicine you need 1 tbsp. l. dried marigold flowers, pour 1 cup olive or refined sunflower oil. Close the container tightly with a lid and insist in heat for about 2 weeks. After the time has elapsed, strain the medicine and treat it 3 times a day.

St. John's Wort

From this medicinal plant, you can prepare a solution for the bath. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. dried St. John's wort leaves, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes, after which the broth filter and apply as a bath.


To treat candidal balanoposthitis, men will need fresh leaves of plantain. 1 sheet should be kneaded a little, so that he let the juice. Apply to the affected area and fix with a bandage. Hold for 30 minutes, then remove the sheet. The procedure should be repeated 4 times a day.

Oak bark

It is necessary to take a young bark of oak, grind to the consistency of the powder. This powder will require 1 tbsp. l. Pour it 1 cup of boiling water, put on a slow fire for about 20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, 10 minutes, then drain. The resulting means to wash the genitals can be used as a bath.

Important to remember!Before using a certain traditional medicine, you should consult a doctor!

Prevention of Candida Balanoposthitis

In order to avoid the occurrence of fungal infection, you should follow these rules:

  • compliance with personal hygiene;
  • To exclude casual sexual contacts without a condom;
  • when unpleasant symptoms appear, do not treat yourself alone;
  • the chronic form of Candida balanoposthitis can become aggravated, therefore, with such exacerbations, antibiotic treatment is required.

Also, do not forget about the increase in immunity and diet. It is useful to eat dairy and sour-milk products, which provide an unfavorable environment for pathogenic fungi.