Belmo on the eye: treatment with folk remedies at home

Belmo is a persistent opacification of the of the cornea of the eye, which is a rough cicatricial connective tissue that develops after inflammation and eye traumas with stabbing and cutting objects. The presence of a whitening deteriorates the vision of a person, depending on the location and density.

In this article we will look at some recipes of folk remedies for treating and removing the thorn in the cornea at home.


Treatment of a thorn in the eye folk remedies at home

In folk medicinethere are a number of tools that improve vision and to some extent absorb the thorns on the cornea.

Gum ( pine, cedar, fir, larch).For the resorption of the thorns, one drop of gum should be instilled once a day. Zhivitsa causes a strong burning sensation in the eye, but this must be tolerated, since the results of treatment are almost always positive.

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Bury in the eye daily two times a day for 3 drops of bile freshly caught pike. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Excerpts from old Russian medical institutions:

"Clean and strong lye made of ashes, as is usually done for washing clothes, mixed in half with cream and opened in the eyes in the evenings, is the right tool for driving off the thorn."

"Soap, diluted thickly, like milk, also drives away the thorn, if you let it through in the evenings."

"They catch a young snake( early spring before cuckooing), pour it with vodka, insist 21 days, filter and get the smeared eye with an infusion of tincture"( from ancient Chinese medicine).

Take fresh, freshly baked rye bread, cut in it a hole on the diameter of the glass, put a glass in it upside down, press firmly. Inside the glass drops condense, which are instilled in the diseased eye 3 times a day( 3-4 drops each).Gradually, the throat disappears.

An ornate drug. Take the whole plant and dry it in the shade for 3-4 days.1 tablespoon of dry herbs pour a glass of boiling water for 1 hour. Strain. Received infusion two or three times a day, make lotions on the sore eyes( for 15 minutes).The same infusion can be taken inside by one third of a glass 3 times a day.

After the redness in the eye passes, it is necessary to blow into the eye powder of powdered sugar( from the tip of the knife).The procedure is done daily for 2-3 months. If the redness appears in the eye, stop the injection procedure before it disappears, then continue until the end of the treatment.

Juice red onion bury in the eye 2-3 drops twice a day.

Treatment of throat official medicine

In the initial stages of the disease, experts recommend using vitamin drops - taufon , katachrom and so on. In the late stages, the treatment is performed only surgically - the donor is implanted with the cornea, since the medicinal methods of therapy to restore the transparency of the cornea in medicine have not yet been developed.

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How to treat and remove the throat

Belmo, is a disease that traditional medicine prefers to treat surgically. Traditional medicine has experience in removal with the help of drops and ointments. Professionals argue that removing the belly is not through operations - it's dangerous. Folk remedies destroy the mucous eyes, and then destroy the thorns. With surgical removal, the mucous eye does not suffer. Of course, there is a risk. But there is a risk in both cases. People's treatment of this disease can not be painful. In the end result, the choice is yours, which treatment to choose.

Source of the

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