Perga is "bee bread", a valuable product of beekeeping.
It is produced by bees from flower pollen, which is a deposit of useful substances.
Bees mix pollen with their own enzymes, lay it in honeycombs and cover with a layer of honey.
In a confined space, in cells, a process of fermentation takes place, which leads to the formation of perga.
- Benefits of "bee bread"
- The healing properties of
- Assistance for diseases
- General recommendations for use
- Folk recipes
- Side effects and contraindications
- Conclusion
Beekeepers have long noticed that larvae of bees that feed on the penguin increase in size in a short time, several times.
Scientists have confirmed that perga is a rich source of vitamins and trace elements, which can have a beneficial effect on all human systems and organs.
Use of "bee bread"
Use of Perga - in its unique chemical composition. On 1/3 it consists of proteins, the rest is vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and trace elements.
Ingredients of perg :
- vitamins E, C, D, K, P, B1, B2;
- 20 amino acids( glutamic, aspartic, alanine, glycine, tyrosine, lysine and others);
- organic and fatty acids;
- minerals: iron, iodine, cobalt, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, copper, chromium;
- glucose and fructose;
- carotenoids;
- hormone-like substances;
- enzymes.
Here, why, even small portions of this product, can bring immense benefit to the body.
What does it have on the body:
- destroys harmful bacteria,
- removes inflammation,
- increases immunity;
- accelerates metabolism,
- restores energy balance ,
- tones and stimulates cerebral circulation,
- normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
- normalizes the level of cholesterol and sugar;
- normalizes the hormonal background and the balance of the endocrine system;
- improves the reproductive function of men and women ;
- accelerates cell regeneration and anabolism,
- slows the aging process of the body ;
- prevents the formation of tumors;
- has an antihistamine effect;
- improves digestion.
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How to use tincture of propolis on alcohol is written here. Find out some useful recipes.
Perga is a favorite product of athletes. This is a valuable source of protein, which is used to build muscle mass.
A glutamic acid, abundantly present in pergus, helps build muscle with optimal speed.
Of course, to achieve results, just by eating a spoonful of perga, is impossible. It only helps to improve metabolism, which, in the end, helps to keep the body in shape.
Another important advantage of Perga is also the fact that it is much less likely to cause allergy than other bee products.
Therefore, pergou can be used by both adults and kids.
The healing properties of
Both folk and official medicine agree that it is possible to treat a lot of diseases. Diseases of the digestive system .
Since perg is a fermentation product, it is an excellent prebiotic.
It helps to get rid of:
from colitis,
- enteritis,
- constipation,
- improves the state of the microflora of the stomach and intestines.
Help with diseases of
Cardiovascular system.
Because perg contains a lot of potassium, it can be used to prevent and treat heart disease.
Potassium normalizes the work of the heart and strengthens the walls of the vessels.
And, due to its diuretic properties, perga helps to get rid of hypertension.
Diseases of the blood.
Due to the large content of easily digestible iron, the perga helps to get rid of anemia( anemia), and also allows you to quickly recover after surgery. Diseases of the genitourinary system.
Perga helps with gynecological problems, is used to treat infertility.
Men are recommended to use this product in combination with honey for impotence and for the prevention of prostate diseases.
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Skin diseases .
Perga intake combined with the use of propolis tincture helps to effectively combat youth acne and other imperfections of the skin.
Allergy .
Perga has an antihistamine property, therefore it is used for the removal of allergic reactions
Nervous system disorders .
Magnesium, contained in perge, helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, get rid of stress and improve memory performance. Eye Diseases .
Perga contains many carotenoids.
In this beekeeping product, they are 20 times larger than in the most famous source of carotene - carrots!
Being absorbed by the human body, carotenoids are transformed into vitamin A, which improves vision.
Catarrhal diseases .
Thanks to the immunomodulating effect, perga helps in the treatment of bronchitis, angina, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and pneumonia.
Obesity .
Perga does not directly promote weight loss.
But thanks to its properties, it becomes possible:
- to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol,
- to purify the body of toxins,
- normalize metabolic and hormonal processes,
- it becomes an excellent addition to any diet.
To feel all these useful properties of pergia, you need to be able to use it properly .
General recommendations for the use of
Pergu should be taken at monthly rates. Between the courses you need to take a break 1-4 weeks.
The best result of perg will, if it's easy, dissolve.
Perga granules need to be put in the mouth and wait until they dissolve.
Pouring the product with boiling water , drinking it with hot tea or swallowing pengu in the manner of bitter medicine experienced beekeepers are not advised.
Daily dose of granulated pepper depends on age:
- children under 6 years of age should not take more than 1/4 tsp;
- for children aged 7-9 years it is recommended to dissolve 1/3 tsp;
- guys 10-11 years old can take on 1/2 tsp.
Adults for prevention of diseases recommended to adhere to a daily rate of 1.5-2 tsp.
If perga is used to treat existing diseases, the dose is selected individually after consulting a doctor.
Traditional recipes
Official medicine and traditional healers have developed many recipes for the use of Perga.
Its useful properties, it demonstrates in its natural form:
- it is enough to eat a teaspoon of perga every day to make sure it is of use.
But for the treatment of certain diseases there are different recipes.
To build muscle mass
In order for to prepare a compound for effective training , it is necessary to mix in 1/2 tsp.perga and honey.
These ingredients are designed for 1 serving of formula.
They need to be taken three times a day.
To enhance the anabolic properties of the composition, it should be added a couple drops of magnolia-vine or leuzea extract.
If you are allergic to honey, can be taken without it.
Athletes engaged in power sports take a daily dose of perga, 0.5 g per kilogram of their weight.
With anemia
To prepare a healing drink to increase the level of hemoglobin, you need to connect:
- 50 g of pergia;
- 0,8 l of water;
- 180 g of honey.
The resulting solution should be insisted for 2-3 days, and then take half an hour before eating a quarter cup.
For pancreatic diseases
It is recommended to eat 1 tsp.pergie morning and evening 15 minutes before eating.
To enhance the effect during eating, you should drink a decoction of any pharmacy herbs recommended for pancreatitis.
For eye diseases
To restore vision, you can prepare the composition of the following components:
- 100 g of honey;
- 50 g of Perga;
- 100 g of blueberries.
A mixture of these ingredients should be drunk twice a day for 1 tsp.
You can store the finished product in the refrigerator, but not longer than 1 week.
With diabetes mellitus
To reduce blood sugar, you can use the following recipe:
- 1/2 tsp.pergi;
- 2 tbsp.l.rhizome of burdock;
- 200 ml of water.
It is necessary to pour the grated root of burdock with hot water and to insist the broth in the thermos for 1 day.
Daily it is necessary to resolve 1/2 tsp.and drink it with a decoction of burdock root.
You can add honey to the decoction.
To enhance the immunity of
1. Vitamin composition can be made from the following ingredients:
- 1/4 tsp.pergi;
- 1/4 lemon;
- 1 tsp.honey.
These products are enough for 1 reception.
You need to squeeze the lemon juice and mix it with the rest of the ingredients. The mixture should be held in the mouth until dissolved and washed with water.
2. Vitamin cocktail is prepared from such products:
- 15 g pergils;
- 200 g of honey;
- 1g royal jelly.
All ingredients must be mixed and drunk for 1 tsp.every morning for 1 month.
For the face
For the treatment of dry or problematic skin, it is recommended to mix 1/2 vol.l.perga and honey from 1 tbsp.l.milk.
The composition should be applied to the neck and face and washed off in half an hour. After that, the skin will become elastic, the inflammation will decrease, and small wounds will be tightened.
If you add a few drops of propolis tincture and 1 yolk to this mask, the composition will have a rejuvenating effect.
For hair
1. To restore the structure of hair and give them shine the mask will help:
- 1 tbsp.l.pergi;
- 1 yolk;
- 100 ml of milk.
You need to mix these ingredients and apply to washed hair for 30 minutes. The mask is easily washed off with water.
2. From pergi you can make a conditioner for dandruff. To do this, take:
- 1 tbsp.l.powder of Perga;
- 250 ml of water.
You need to mix these ingredients, rinse the resulting composition with freshly washed hair, and then wash it off.
This mixture can also be used in the absence of dandruff: it will give hair silky, will make beautiful and well-groomed.
Side effects and contraindications
You can not take Perga only in one case - when there is an individual intolerance.
If after the intake of several pellets there was bloating, diarrhea, eructation, nausea - use of Perga should be discontinued.
There are several diseases in which one should not take perga without the advice of a doctor.
Poor blood clotting, tendency to bleed .
It is believed that vitamin K, which is contained in the perge, increases blood coagulability.
But doctors recommend taking this product with caution when bleeding: consequences may be unexpected .
Tumor diseases .
Perga has an anabolic effect - it helps to restore tissues and develop new cells.
In the presence of tumor formation, peroxide is likely to increase the rate of its development.
Diabetes mellitus .
Perga contains simple carbohydrates, so people with diabetes should strictly follow its dosage.
Basedova disease .
Because there are substances resembling hormones in the perge, thyroid status may worsen when the thyroid is hyperactive.
We offer you to watch the actual video about the benefits of Perga and ways of using beekeeping products.