Hypertension: how and what to treat hypertension in the home

HypertensionIs a very insidious disease. She silently creeps, and the person does not feel it until the time. About his illness, in fact, only half the hypertensive people know, and the fourth part only suspects. Few people pay attention to recurring headaches, palpitations. Flushes of blood to the head, "flies" before the eyes, fatigue are also signs of hypertension. Uncontrolled hypertension affects the heart, brain, kidneys.

Therefore, here we will talk about how and how to treat hypertension in the home and folk remedies. However, remember that the treatment of hypertension should be carried out with the knowledge of the doctor and under his supervision, especially the second and, of course, the third stage.


How do I know if I have hypertension and hypertension?

The disease can be established by measuring blood pressure. The higher the pressure, the greater the risk of a heart attack or stroke. The lower - the more fatigue, lethargy.

The pressure should be 120/80, after 65 years maybe 150/95. I advise you to buy the device and measure the pressure. The device should always be at hand: both on vacation and on a business trip.

The main cause of hypertension

The main cause of hypertension is kidney disease. Also affect the diseases of the heart, adrenal, spine, thyroid gland.

Other causes of hypertension are hereditary predisposition, overweight, overstrain at work and at home, stress, inactive lifestyle.

If a person overstrains himself physically, he is very nervous, overworked, his arteries tone, and therefore, blood pressure, increases. The tone of the vascular walls is regulated by the nervous system and substances entering the blood. In healthy people, after eliminating the cause that caused the pressure increase, the tone quickly returns to normal. And if there is a violation of the functions of the nervous system, the increased pressure is maintained.

Meanwhile, during active muscle work, substances that contribute to a decrease in the tone of the vessels are secreted into the blood. From the working muscles impulses come, well influencing the function of the brain, heart, lungs and other organs. Moderate and prolonged exercise trains the nervous and vascular systems. Emotional explosions are accompanied by an increase in blood pressure in one who is angry, and the one to whom this anger is directed. Consequence of conflict situations is often a heart attack or cerebral hemorrhage. This is a very expensive price for the inability to control emotions.

The bright symptoms of the disease are cold hands and feet. It is necessary to warm limbs. Make a hot bath for the hands and feet, which will cause the flow of blood from the brain.

The cause of hypertension, as psychics say, can be energy jams in the spine. It is necessary to do the pumping.

Pressure measurement: Slotin method

Like many Russian craftsmen,Slotinhe measured the pressure. He hung a needle on a string. His left hand held his palm up. Between the thumb and forefinger he lowered and raised a needle suspended on a string. He said that this is gaining energy. Then he placed his left hand on the table (palm up). On hand put a ruler - from the first fold, obtained at the fold of the palm, to the elbow. He led a needle (holding the thread) along a ruler from the palm to the elbow. At 70 mm the needle began to vibrate, at 80 the transverse oscillations began. Continued to drive the needle up - the oscillations occurred at around 130 mm. So, the pressure was 130/80.

How and how to treat hypertension: recommendations for hypertension

Minimize communication with other people, since a lot of energy is consumed during the conversation. Avoid conflict situations, restrain yourself.

Sleep at least 10 hours a day. You walk 1.5-2 hours a day. Before going to bed, take a 30-minute walk. Do not abuse physical activity. Very easy to massage the shoulders and back.

Once a week, starve (from dinner to dinner), during fasting, drink 5-6 glasses of water.

I recommend no more than two times a week there is a weak fish or mushroom soup. More consume raw vegetables, fruits, berries. Include in the diet products of the sea (for example, sea kale), as well as foods rich in magnesium and potassium salts - oatmeal, buckwheat, carrots, dogrose, nuts, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, cabbage, potatoes (baked or boiled "in uniform" ), dill, onion, sour cream, milk, kefir, yogurt, jelly, curd casseroles, pancakes with apples, vegetarian soups, pilaf with boiled meat, cabbage rolls, carrot chops, boiled fish, herring steeped.

Eat no more than two eggs a week. Cocoa, not strong tea is not forbidden, but in the presence of bad sleep and unpleasant sensations in the heart area are undesirable. Take food 4 hours before bedtime.

To normalize the pressure you need to walk in the forest, in the park 1-1,5 hours a day, swim in the pool 2 times a week.

Often the pressure rises due to dissatisfaction with yourself and others. Ask forgiveness from those who are offended in this life. Ask the Almighty to send them health. Ask forgiveness from the people you have offended in a past life. Ask the Almighty to give rest to their souls.

Avoid physical activity. I do not recommend contact with metals, they suck up energy (for example, when repairing a car).

Great value in the treatment of hypertension, as with any other disease, has a self-suggestion. The body itself must cope with the disease. In the morning and before going to bed, be sure to give yourself the following setting: "I know that my blood pressure is normal. My body works well. All organs and systems work correctly. The heart works perfectly. I know that I will be healed. My pressure corresponds to the norm. I feel good and calm. I thank all the forces of good that help me. I will redo all the intended work. My body copes with all matters".

Doctors say that suggestion affects the pressure. The doctor said that the laser device had a non-contact effect on the bioactive points of the patient. After the second session, the condition worsened, after the 6th session there was an improvement. The patient came to the next session, and the device does not work. Broken! Then the doctor pretended to have a session, as usual. The patient felt better. Measured pressure - it decreased!

Homemade folk remedies regulating pressure

Scrublemonon a grater and pour 0.5 liters of boiled chilled water. There also put 3-4 cloves of finely gratedgarlic. Insist for 3 hours and refrigerate. Drink daily on an empty stomach on a teaspoon constantly, all life.

Beet juice, carrot juice, radish juice, honeymix in equal quantities. Take a tablespoon before meals 3 times a day for 2-3 months. Store in a cool, dark place.

As already mentioned, the hardest consequence of uncontrolled hypertension -stroke.I result or bring the structure recommended by national healers at a stroke: clearhalf a lemonfrom the peel, chop, pour brothneedlesand take one hour before a meal or an hour later. Norm - up to two lemons a day, and so 2-3 weeks. Then make a break for a month and repeat it again. Lemon strengthens the supply of cells with oxygen, suspends their death.

Reduces pressure and soothes nervesCyanosis is azure:Pour 1 tbsp. spoon with a glass of cold water and bring to a boil. Cool, strain. Drink half a glass 2 times a day.

Juice rawbeetsin half withhoneyDrink a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

With hypertension, eat freshbulbs. With sclerotic form, take a freshgarlic: 2-3 denticles daily.

Sniff the tincturevalerian rooton alcohol (only before bedtime): inhale once or twice alternately each nostril. First, take a shallow breath. The course of treatment is 1-3 months.

A tablespooncalendula flowersinsist in a glassvodka. Take 20 drops 3 times daily before meals.

After this tincture course, headaches disappear, work efficiency increases and some manage to get rid of insomnia.

Finely chop 2lemon, fill with 1,5 glassesgranulated sugar. Insist for a week. Eat this portion a day.

The effect will be stronger if on this day nothing at all, but drink only water with lemon. Candied lemons can be eaten every 3 days. Sometimes after 3 medicinal days the pressure decreases.

A familiar doctor puts a hot compress on the back of the head and on calves, and on the forehead - a cold compress. He says that drugs lower the pressure only for the time they are in the body.

DoctorZalmanovat a pressure of 180-190 advised to put leeches behind the ears (if not given medications diluting the blood) and not to stop the bleeding. He ordered to put a hot water bottle on the liver, make soda enemas, observe the fruit and vegetable diet. The cause of hypertension in 99% believed renal failure.

From practice

Nina Yakovlevna, 80 years old.The usual pressure is 140/70, but in spring and autumn it rises to 180/80. Began to take a blue eye. 2 hours after taking this decoction, the pressure was reduced by 20 units. At an overdose of broth on the following after reception of day pressure was 110/60. This is a powerful remedy. Nevertheless, there are no side effects.

Folk herbs to reduce pressure

No. 1

  1. Hawthorn (flowers) 1 part.
  2. Motherwort (grass) 1 part.
  3. Currant black (leaves) 1 part.
  4. Wheat grass (grass) 1 part.

Drink a tablespoon of broth 3 times a day.

No. 2

  1. Hawthorn (fruits) 1 part.
  2. Strawberries (leaves) 3 pieces.
  3. Flax (seed) 1 part.
  4. Peppermint (leaves) 1 part.
  5. Shepherd's bag (grass) 1 part.
  6. Motherwort (grass) 4 parts.
  7. Rowan blackberry (fruits) 1 part.
  8. Wheat grass (grass) 2 parts.
  9. Dill (fruits) 1 part.

Fill with 2-3 tbsp. spoon 2.5 cups of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 6-8 hours. Take all the infusion in 3 doses prior to eating. Often, only one brothshepherd's bagreduces blood pressure (when hypertension is associated with kidney disease).

No. 3

  1. Valerian (root) 1 part.
  2. Calendula (flowers) 1 part.
  3. Sporish (grass) 2 parts.
  4. Purity (grass) 2 parts.

Take a tablespoon of broth 3 times a day.

No. 4

  1. Valerian (roots) 2 parts.
  2. Donnik, (grass) 1 part.
  3. Oregano, (grass) 4 parts.
  4. Motherwort, (grass) 4 parts.
  5. Thyme, (grass) 4 parts.

15 g of the mixture pour a glass of cold water. Insist 12 hours. Drink 50 ml 4 times a day.

№ 5

  1. Hawthorn 4 parts.
  2. Valeriana (root) 2 parts.
  3. Calendula (flowers) 2 parts.
  4. Peppermint 3 parts.
  5. Motherwort 3 parts.
  6. Wheaten 3 parts.
  7. Bearberry 2 parts.
  8. Thymus 1 part.

Mix, brew 1 tbsp. spoon in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Drink 0.5 glasses 2 times a day.

You can pour 15 g of the mixture into a glass of cold boiled water. Insist 12 hours, strain. Take 50 ml before meals 4-5 times a day

The 4th and 5th collections give especially good results: calms the nerves (motherwort, valerian, oregano, sweet clover, mint, calendula), are a diuretic (bearberry, calendula, mint), strengthen the heart (hawthorn, calendula, motherwort, mole ). Cucumber promotes a slow decrease in pressure. Incomplete collection (3-4 plants) also works well. Treatment is long (at least six months).

Starting to drink the collection, measure the pressure 5 times a day. Record the results. The greatest blood pressure is in the morning. If you get a headache at night, measure blood pressure and take a collection of herbs. Do not expect immediate reduction in blood pressure - the result may be within a week. In the heat, blood vessels expand, and blood pressure decreases.

No. 6

  1. Hawthorn 1 part.
  2. Gorisvet 1 part.
  3. Motherwort 1 part.

1 tbsp. Spoon a mixture of 1 cup boiling water. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times daily before meals.

Collection to reduce pressure and strengthen the heart muscle

  1. Immortelle (flowers) 1 part.
  2. Valerian (root) 1 part.
  3. The buckthorn (bark) 1 part.
  4. Corn (stigma) 1 part.
  5. Sea kale 1 part.
  6. Wheat grass (grass) 1 part.

Brew 2 cups of boiling water at 1/8 of st. spoons of each herb. Insist 2 hours. Strain, cool. Take half a cup 2 times a day for 2 months. Then take a break for 2 months. In total, drink 8 months.

Collection for hypertension and diseases of the cardiovascular and central nervous system

  1. Hawthorn (fruits) 1 part.
  2. Oregano (grass) 1 part.
  3. Lavender (flowers) 1 part.
  4. Common hazel (leaves) 1 part.
  5. Peppermint (leaves) 1 part.
  6. Mistletoe white (grass) 1 part.
  7. Motherwort (grass) 1 part.
  8. Horsetail (grass) 1 part.
  9. Hop (fruits) 1 part.
  10. Shandra (grass) 1 part.

It is recommended for heart failure, neuroses accompanied by palpitations, hypertension I and II degree, after a heart attack.

Compositions for pressure reduction

No. 1

  1. Honey 1 glass.
  2. Carrot juice 1 glass.
  3. Juice of one lemon.
  4. Grated horseradish 1 glass.

Mix everything with a wooden stick in enamelware. Pour into a glass jar with a tight lid and store in a cool place. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day for an hour before a meal or 2-3 hours after a meal. The course of treatment is 2 months.

No. 2

  1. Cranberry 100 g
  2. Honey 200 g.
  3. Carrot juice 200 ml.
  4. Beet juice 200 ml.
  5. Alcohol 100 ml.

Mix, put in a dark place for 3 days. Take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon.

No. 3

  1. Vodka 0,5 liters.
  2. Onion 1000 g.
  3. Honey 500 g.
  4. Walnut Partitions 25 pcs.

Insist in a dark place for 10 days. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Questions and answers about hypertension for hypertensive people

Question:Is there any kind of folk remedy for relieving the headache in hypertension?

Answer:A tool of Tibetan medicine: you have to strongly spank yourself on the buttocks. This will cause the flow of blood from the head.

Question:I am 61 years old. I have intensive, hard work. 2 years did not take leave. Excites me high blood pressure. Analyzes show elevated cholesterol and prothrombin. The doctor prescribes the third medicine - the pressure does not decrease. What do you advise?

Answer:Urgently take a vacation, even a short-term, change the situation. In your case, both renal hypertension and the weakening of the heart are possible. Vessels are no longer as elastic as they were in youth. Elevated prothrombin means increased blood coagulability, a tendency to form blood clots. It is good to undergo a course of treatment with tincture of horse chestnut.

Elevated cholesterol means the ability to form plaques on vessels.

I advise to eat constantlygarlic(at least 1-2 lobules a day), give up animal fats. Do exercises for the spine, check the condition of the adrenal glands. But the main thing is to remove the stress associated with overloads.

Healing plants recommended for hypertension

Especially I want to highlight these strongest in its action plants.

Periwinkle(greenery).The main medical property is lowering blood pressure. Infusion of grass is used for I and II degrees of hypertension, spasms of cerebral vessels, tachycardia, neuroses.

Attention!The plant is toxic, requires careful handling.

Preparation of the present:1 tbsp. Spoon the crushed leaves with 200 ml of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, strain, squeeze out the remaining raw materials. Take 3 times a day for 1/3 cup before meals.

Dioscorea is Caucasian.It reduces the cholesterol in the blood and the deposition of lipids in the arterial vessels, liver, skin; effectively lowers blood pressure. This liana activates the work of the heart, prevents and stops angina attacks, improves coronary blood flow in the heart, slows the pulse, removes tachycardia, expands peripheral vessels. Dioscale is used in atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels: it relieves headache, tinnitus, fatigue, irritability, improves memory. When using dioscorea, there are cases of improvement in vision, cataract treatment. Contraindications are not revealed.

Tincture recipe:120 g of roots pour 1 liter of vodka, insist 10 days, drain. Take 1 hour. spoon 3 times a day after meals. Treatment is carried out in cycles of 30 days with seven-day breaks. Such courses should be 3-4.

From the practice of curing hypertensives

Varvara, 66 years old.She lived in Semipalatinsk, received a large dose of radiation. I got into a car accident, I lay in the hospital with broken arms and legs. She was threatened with disability. It is treated with beets. Many years eaten on an empty stomach 1 raw beets, grated on a small grater, and 1 evening before going to bed. He feels great. The pressure is like that of an astronaut:

120/70, occasionally 125/70. Looks young, slim and fit, his face is fresh, rosy. The skin is elastic, without wrinkles. The mood is upbeat.

Hope, 42 years.Goiter. Sweating, tearfulness. Nerves in a terrible state. Weather-dependent, weather reaction - pressure 180/120.

Diagnosis.Diseases of the thyroid and pancreas, heart.

Treatment:broth for the thyroid gland, tincture for the pancreas, massage of little fingers, pumping № 1, bioenergetic feeding of the heart, diet.

Resulta month later. Back pain completely gone. The dryness in the mouth disappeared: the com, which felt when swallowing, passed. The goiter has decreased, the sweating has disappeared. No pressure has ever risen, no reaction to the weather.

Alexander, 63 years old.He had an adenoma of the prostate gland. Complained of frequent urination. At night I got up in an hour. The older brother had diabetes and prostate adenoma, several times operated. My patient also had hypertension (blood pressure 190/110, adelphane was taken, clonidine - decreased to 140/100).

Diagnosis.The malefice, connections, abnormalities in the thyroid and pancreatic glands, adenoma 52) 43 mm (ultrasound).

Treatment.Massage of little fingers, broth for a thyroid gland, tincture for a pancreas, removal of a malefice and connections. After 2 weeks - immunostimulating tincture.

Resulta month later. "Sometimes I never get up at night. The pressure never jumped. The mood is beautiful. I quit smoking on your recommendation. "

Senkova's Recipe

A glass of chopped garlicPour 0.5 l70-degree alcohol, insist 21 days. Take 1 to 15 drops, increasing the dose daily. Breed in milk. Then take, reducing from 15 to 1 drop. Then take 25 drops, spreading in milk (50 ml) 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

Attention!Contraindications - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Question:I have hypertension. I am cured by your books with herbal decoctions, I reduce pressure. Sometimes by the evening it is 150/90. Do I need to drink a decoction of herbs in order to reduce the pressure?

Answer:Necessarily it is necessary. Decoction of herbs, designed to reduce blood pressure, will not allow the increase in blood pressure at night.

Question:Many say that electronic devices for measuring pressure are bad. And what's the matter - no one will say.

Answer:This is a very interesting question. All electronic and machines - automatic machines and semi-automatons - are suitable for measuring pressure only if the heart operates in a normal rhythm. Their work is based on the pulse of the heart. With arrhythmia - they give an error. In this case, use a mechanical device.

From readers' letters

"I smell the moon for the nightvalerian. Never once did the pressure rise. His eyes cleared. "

"I have hypertension. Made a decoction ofpine, spruce shoots, onion husks- all according to your book. Saw 2 weeks. It helped. "

"My friend was tortured by headaches and high blood pressure. She showed her the pumping of the spine. Since then, her blood pressure is normal and her head does not hurt. " section "Improvement of bioenergy", p. 433).

"I clean the buds with broth for a weekpumpkin seeds. The edema disappeared, which could not drive anything away. The pressure lasted for 2-3 years was 150/100, now it's 135/85. The effect is stunning, no costs. "

"My husband is 67 years old, he has hypertension. 3 years I treat it with broths and herbal tinctures according to your books. 2 times a day measures pressure. Particularly helpsbroth of hawthorn. Berry dry itself - on the battery or in a semi-open oven. Dried, they are a burgundy color, and in the pharmacy they sell black berries - apparently, they are dried incorrectly. In the broth of hawthorn I addmotherwort's tincture, which I do myself.

Still helpscalendula. The husband noticed that the pressure rises, if nervous - jumps from 160 to 200 units. Still increases the pressure of herring. As ate - increased from 155 to 174, and the pulse became more frequent - from 62 to 78 strokes. But 30-40 grams of cognac before dinner reduce the pressure. And the main secret: the broth should be drunk at night. Anyway, he goes to the toilet at night - he drinks a broth on the way back, and then the pressure does not rise in the morning! "

Note.Hawthorn reduces the upper pressure, and the motherwort - the lower one. When an overdose of hawthorn can cause arrhythmia (if the heart is sick).

I repeat that the pressure should be 120/80; after 65 years 150/90 is allowed for hypertensive patients. Of great importance is also the difference between the upper and lower indicators - it must be at least 40 units.

"I am 54 years old. Recently, I often began to increase the upper pressure. Norm for me has always been 120 to 80, and now jumps to 150 to 95, especially if you are nervous. Doctors said that hypertension begins. My sister taught me how to cope with this. Before going to bed and at any other time, if you are worried, you must take 25 dropsalcoholic tincture of the motherwort. You can buy it in a pharmacy or make yourself: a tablespoon of roots and herbs pour a glass of alcohol and insist 3 weeks in a dark place, then drain. And in a day, take a bath withValericans decoction- 50 g of root for a full bath. "

Source: Tartak A. M. The big gold book is health without medicines. - Moscow: Dilya, 2007, 624 p.

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