Leaves and root of rhubarb: the benefits and harm of juice for the body

In Europe, rhubarb is a little-known plant, but in North America and Asia this crop is cultivated along with others.

In the roots, leaves and stems of this wonderful plant, there are almost all the minerals and vitamins necessary for health.

You can grow it at home, as well as prepare healing potions.

  • General information
  • Chemical composition
  • Useful properties
  • Treatment and prevention of diseases
  • Contraindications to use
  • Folk remedies

General information

The plant belongs to perennial grasses of the buckwheat family.

The root system is powerful and developed.

Stems straight, thick and hollow inside.

The leaves are broad, spreading on a long stalk, slightly wavy along the edges.

Color from light green to reddish-brown, depending on the variety.

Flowers are white, greenish and pink, after maturation seeds are formed in the form of nuts. Propagated by dividing the rhizome or sowing fruit-nuts.

Distributed in Asia and North America.

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The homeland is considered Ancient China and Tibet, where the plant was grown 4,500 years ago. In Russia, the traveler and explorer-naturalist NM Przheval'skii brought the rhubarb to Russia in the 19th century.

The plant is thermophilic, but normally it tolerates a moderate climate of the middle belt, although some varieties must be sheltered for the winter so that the root system does not freeze out.

And what do you know about the useful properties of seasoning zira? What impact does it have on the human body is written in the cognitive article.

About application of an extract of burdock in cosmetology is written on this page.

Likes fertile soil and loose ground with great access to water and oxygen. It reaches 50 cm in height. Life expectancy up to 15 years.

The chemical composition of

In 100 grams of rhubarb leaves contains:

Nutritional information:

Name Quantity Daily requirement
( adult person,%)
Calories 22 kcal 1
Proteins 1.0 g 2
Fats 0.21 g 1
Carbohydrates 4.6 g 3
Fiber 2 g 5
Cholesterol 0 0


Vitamin Quantity Need
per day( %)
B1 0.02 mg 2
B2 0.03 mg 2
B3 0.30 mg 2
B5 0.09 mg 1.5
B6 0.025 mg 2
B9 7.0 μg 2
A 50 μg 3.5
With 8 mg 13
E 0.30 mg 2
To 30.0 μg 24


Mineral Quantity Amount per day( %)
Sodium 4.0 mg 0.5
Potassium 290.0 mg 6
Copper 0.02 mg 2
Magnesium 12.0 mg 3
Iron 0.20 mg 3
Calcium 87.0 mg 8.5
Manganese 0,20 mg 9
Selenium 1.0 μg 2
Phosphorus 15.0 mg 2
Zinc 0.10 mg 1

In addition, the rhubarb products show a high concentrationorganic acids( citric, oxalic, malic).

Contains pectins, routines, catechins and other important for our health connections.

Useful properties

The effect on the body is determined by its rich chemical composition.

Vitamins and minerals contained in the leaves and roots are in high concentration, therefore they exert a strong effect on the body, filling the lack of vital substances for all life processes:

  • Vitamin A( carotene) - regulates and normalizes metabolic processes, positively affects the organs of vision, strengthens bones and skeleton, increases immunity( how to take echinacea tincture), increases the regenerative capacity of the body.
  • Vitamins of group B - regulate all processes in the body, participate in the formation and construction of new cells, strengthen blood vessels and nerve cells, give the body energy and strength.
  • Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant( combats oncology and radiation exposure), prevents the aging process, dissolves fat cells( slimming herbs that burn fat), removes toxins and toxins.

    And do you know about the medicinal properties and contraindications of nettle leaves? Read the useful article about the benefits and harms of a medicinal plant.

    About application and medical properties of cuff ordinary is written here.

    On the page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva / zhenskoe-zdorove / shalfej.html
    says how to take sage and lime to conceive a child.

  • Vitamin E ( tocopherols) - strengthens the muscular system( participates in muscle building), regulates the menstrual cycle in women( prevents premature pregnancy), increases immunity( the prescription for strengthening) in all organs and tissues.
  • Vitamin K - increases blood coagulability, regulates blood processes, strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  • Potassium - normalizes blood pressure ( with hypertension), strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels, removes swelling( removes water from the body).
  • Magnesium - regulates the energy processes of the inside the body, provides cells and tissues with nutrients, regulates metabolic processes, improves the reproductive capacity of the organism, strengthens the nervous and immune systems.
  • Calcium - strengthens bones and joints of , improves heart function of
  • Sodium - responsible for the work of the kidneys , regulates the mineral composition of body fluids( blood, lymph, etc.), delays water in the body( useful with increased physical exertion).
  • Iron - regulates the chemical composition of the organism, affects all processes.
  • Selenium - the protective function of in the body, strengthens the heart and muscles, prevents the development of oncology( especially breast cancer in women), strengthens the joints.
  • Phosphorus - increases the digestibility of and the decomposition of sugars, strengthens bones and teeth, is necessary for the work of muscles, strengthens the nervous system.

Treatment and prevention of diseases

For thousands of years, the use of rhubarb has been shown to have a positive effect in the following diseases:

  • Cardiovascular - lack of fat and the presence of fiber helps to clean the vessels of harmful cholesterol( how to clean the vessels with folk methods written in this article).
    This normalizes blood pressure, which prevents the wear of blood vessels and prevents the development of diseases associated with them.
    In turn, minerals stimulate the production of blood cells, which speeds up all processes by feeding organs and tissues, including the heart muscle.
  • Digestive system - rhubarb is a natural laxative.
    It stimulates the pushing of food through the intestines, while participating in the digestive processes.
    Regular use of rhubarb products reduces the risk of ailments of the digestive system and oncology.
  • Brain work - improves function, thanks to the content of vitamin K( 1/4 of the daily norm of 100 g of product).
    Improves memory and mental performance.
    It is recommended for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease in the elderly.
  • Prophylaxis and treatment of oncology ( cancer) - the plant contains antioxidants that prevent the mutation of cells of organs and tissues.
    Natural remedy for combating cancer.
  • Blood disorders - a violation of blood clotting causes the formation of blood clots on the walls of the vessels, which is the cause of strokes and other fatal diseases.
    The rhubarb contains a protein called globulin, which dissolves blood clots and cleansing vessels, relieving the cardiovascular system.
  • Obesity and metabolic disorders - low calorie content( 30 kcal per 100 g) makes the product dietary.
    At the same time, a rich composition replenishes the necessary vitamins and trace elements, without reducing the body's functions in losing weight.
    Accelerated metabolism and fat burning cells, as well as cleared the intestines.
  • Skin diseases - the skin is strengthened, which increases their ability to fight bacteria and fungi.
    External application of rhubarb treats any inflammatory processes and smooths wrinkles, making the skin supple and healthy.
  • Diseases of the nervous system - constant stress and high emotional stress deplete the nervous system.
    Rhubarb replenishes the lack of substances and strengthens nerve cells, enhancing the body's capabilities.

Contraindications to the use of

The presence of organic acids exacerbates diseases associated with stones in the kidneys and gallbladder, therefore, with these ailments, consumption is prohibited.

It is not recommended to eat rhubarb products with gout and pancreatitis, as in this case acidity in the digestive system increases, which aggravates the situation.

Reducing blood clotting provokes an exacerbation of diseases accompanied by hemorrhages( hemorrhoids, etc.), so, beforehand, before using, you should consult a doctor.

Folk remedies

Rhubarb used in different forms:

  • fresh plants,
  • in salad,
  • in baking, as fillings,
  • prepare infusions and decoctions and much more.

Everyone chooses because it is more convenient for him, the main thing is to use imagination. Here are a few recipes from folk medicine and cooking.

  1. From the constipation of .
    For preparation it is required: two tablespoons of the crushed dried up root and 1 glass of water( 250 ml).
    Water is boiled and the powder is poured from the root.
    Insist for 20-30 minutes, and then filter.
    I take 100 ml for the night before the normalization of the stool.
  2. From hypertension .
    To prepare, you need: 2 tablespoons dried petioles and 2 glasses of water.
    Petioles fall asleep in hot water and boil for 30-40 minutes.
    After cooling, filter.
    Drink 1 glass a day.
    The pressure is normalized from the times.
  3. Juice .
    The plant cleavages are cleaned from the peel and juice is extracted with the help of a meat grinder or a juicer.
    Add sugar and honey and insist for 1 day.
    The product serves to strengthen the immune system and compensate for the lack of vitamins. It is recommended to roll up and eat in winter.
    Juice and honey contain almost all the necessary vitamins, so the body will not be depleted when consuming juice, which means it is less susceptible to diseases.
  4. Jam .
    For cooking, you need 1.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of fresh chopped stems.
    Ingredients are dropped into any container and mixed.
    It is aged for 12 hours and the resulting syrup is drained from the juice and sugar, leaving the petioles.
    The syrup is put on the fire and brought to a boil, and after that they throw the petioles again.
    Cook for 5-10 minutes and roll into sterilized jars. Jam turns delicious, and most importantly useful.
    Use in winter to make up for a lack of vitamins.
  5. Compote.
    Cutlets are finely chopped and poured with water just above their level in the dishes.
    Cook for 8-10 minutes.
    It turns out a thick mass, which is diluted with boiled water to a liquid state.
    Roll without sugar.
    At the use of sugar add in a cold compote.

The main advantage of rhubarb is an extensive set of vitamins that perform the most important functions in the body.

Regular use of the products of this plant will improve many vital signs, if there are no contraindications.

If you have any side effects, it is recommended that you consult a doctor to determine the cause.

How to grow a rhubarb and learn about its use for treating ailments or in cooking, look in the video.