The healing properties of propolis have been known since ancient times, but even now this bee-keeping product is popular.
Most often it is used in off-season periods when the human immune system is depleted and the body is more susceptible to any infections.
In its pure form propolis is not used inside, as it is bitter and can cause numbness and burning tongue. That is why before intake it is diluted with milk, which significantly improves taste characteristics and increases anti-inflammatory properties.
What is the use of
Propolis dilution in water is permissible, but the combination with milk gives more noticeable results.
This is due to the fact that milk in its composition has a fat capable of extracting all useful fat-soluble components from propolis, and this increases the quantitative content of active substances in the therapeutic drink.
In the composition of propolis a large number of useful vitamins and microelements:
Vitamin C.
- Amino acids.
- Vitamin E.
- Calcium.
- Magnesium.
- Vitamin A.
- Albumin.
- Potassium.
- Vitamin R.
- Phosphorus, etc.
The combination of propolis and milk gives the following actions:
1. Antibacterial.
The drug quickly gets rid of the bacteria that recently penetrated the human body.
2. Antiviral.
This is the main action for which propolis has become widespread.
Doctors advise him during the spread of various infections to strengthen immunity and fight dangerous bacteria in the first stages of their penetration.
And what do you know about the list of foods for a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer? The table of useful products is published on the page under the link.
About the medicine for the treatment of the liver and pancreas folk remedies is written in this article.
3. Anti-inflammatory.
Milk with propolis is prescribed for diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract.
In addition to removing inflammation, this composition softens the mucous membranes and eliminates swelling.
4. Antioxidant.
It has a general strengthening effect due to cleansing of the body of toxins and withdrawal of cellular products.
This is not a complete list of the merits of this beekeeping product. Propolis does an excellent job:
- with wound healing,
- allows you to get rid of a fungal infection,
- saturates the body with energy,
- helps in restoring the CCC,
- has a positive effect on the digestive tract,
- improves the intestinal microflora, etc.
Among the "bee glue"Effect. It helps to overcome various disorders of the nervous system, improves the quality of sleep and rest.
How to cook
In its pure form, propolis is rarely used, but small balls can be resorbed for sore throats. But, most often, they use a cocktail with warm milk, which tastes pleasant not only for adults but also for children.
The general rule for preparation - is the strict adherence to dosages of .Any deviation from the formulation can cause many side effects and cause an allergic reaction.
For the preparation of the solution, propolis can be used both in pure form and in the form of drug alcoholic tincture.
1. Pre-boil 500 ml of fresh milk, you can use cow, but goat will bring more benefits and maximize the release of active ingredients.
Then add 2 tablespoons.propolis and mix well.
Composition is placed on a weak fire and leave to languish for 15-20 minutes.
For this purpose, you can use a water bath, then the milk will not exactly "stick" to the dishes.
During preparation, it is necessary to constantly mix the mixture so that the bee glue does not settle to the bottom.
The resulting broth is filtered and cooled.
Remove the top film from the finished product and place in the refrigerator.
As an immunostimulant apply 1 tbsp.before eating .
2. To prepare the soothing , you need to boil 200 ml of milk and dissolve 1 teaspoon of milk in it.propolis.
After the heating procedures described above, it is necessary to strain the mixture and cool a little.
Take the entire solution just before bedtime, already lying in bed.
3. It is much easier to prepare solution from alcoholic tincture of propolis .
To do this, 100 drops of pre-boiled milk are taken 25 drops of propolis tincture on alcohol.
In childhood, the intake of alcohol-containing solutions is contraindicated, so it is necessary to purchase an aqueous solution.
For 100 ml of milk, 2-4 drops are enough.
4. Water infusion is rarely found in the pharmacy, but it is easy to prepare by yourself. This requires 100 ml of water and 30.0 g of propolis.
Raw materials should be rubbed on a fine grater and added to cold water.
The mixture is then placed in a water bath and left for one hour.
All this time must be thoroughly mixed and prevent propolis from settling to the bottom.
Ready infusion is filtered and stored in the refrigerator .
And what do you know about the benefit and harm of Jerusalem artichoke, the recipes of which are placed in a useful article? Read about the properties of juice and powder from the root.
But this djubazhi is written here.
On the page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva /zhkt/ dieta.html it is written, than it is possible to eat at a diabetes.
Features and contraindications
Milk itself softens the throat, and in combination with propolis helps quickly get rid of cough( 4-5 days).
This is associated with antimicrobial action, removal of inflammation and an increase in the level of the immune system. Often, this remedy is used to treat children, since it is not only effective, but also safe.
With pancreatitis , this composition not only relieves the painful sensations, but also normalizes the hormonal background. Experts advise taking breaks in treatment, since any medicine has a cumulative effect.
It is enough to drink a course in 10 days, then make a one-week break and, if necessary, repeat the treatment.
To maximize the effect of the remedy, it is necessary to adhere to the following tips:
Tincture with alcohol composition should be diluted exclusively with hot milk.
- It is best to drink before going to bed.
- Therapeutic effect is achieved only with regular admission.
- In the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases courses are repeated for 6 months .
- To prepare the product, use only fresh homemade milk.
Immediately, before the beginning of treatment, it is necessary to make the sensitivity test.
To do this, take a small piece of propolis, which is placed on the arm under the patch. After a day, remove the patch and look at the skin reaction.
Allergic incompatibility is said in the formation of redness, rash, blisters, etc. In this case, propolis can not be used in therapy.
Before using this remedy, the child should consult a pediatrician who prompts the correct application and can make sensitivity tests.
Pregnant women can drink propolis with milk, only without alcohol content.
Before starting therapy, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction in both the mother and the fetus.
Categorically contraindicated reception of this remedy to people who already had cases of an allergic reaction to any of the components of the composition.
Lactose intolerance is also a contraindication, therefore it is better for such patients to stop on water infusions of propolis.
This wide range of effects is associated with a large number of active components andtheir good percentage return.
Look at the benefits of using propolis with milk. Find out at what diseases you can drink a beverage with bee propolis.