Small black points on the face, their appearance leads us into despair.
They can appear in every person.
Gender, age and nationality are not a hindrance to this phenomenon.
- Motives for the emergence of
- Recipes for effective masks
- What is better not to use?
- Preventive measures
If anyone thinks that black dots can be a cause of concern for people with oily skin is a misconception. Those who have dry skin can also observe this problem.
The official name of black dots is comedones. And they are formed because of the clogging of the sebaceous glands with mud. Most often they are located on the forehead, on the nose and on the chin. Their appearance makes our appearance not pleasant, untidy and unattractive. Therefore, you need to get rid of them.
Motives for the emergence of
As we mentioned above, most comedones appear due to the abundance of a lot of dirt and dust that accumulate on the face. To prevent dust and dirt from accumulating, the skin should be periodically lubricated with an emollient cream. This in some way prevents their education.
The skin should be cleaned regularly, especially in the evening, before going to bed.
Another reason is the use of creams, which are based on most of the mercury and bismuth.
The main factors of origin of black dots( just do not be surprised) are problems in the functioning of the stomach, and, to be more precise, the wrong food and everything connected with it.
To ensure that the skin was in order and always looked good, you need to ensure the proper operation of the stomach. Food should be well digested, from your diet you need to exclude as much as possible salty, sharp and smoked food. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. The state of the skin, especially a good effect, is the green leaves of the lettuce. Soothing on the skin is a decoction of chamomile, it is better to take in the evening, and in the morning on an empty stomach - a glass of warm milk.
A good effect is also provided by cleansing steam baths for the face on a grassy basis and contrasting compresses.
Stimulating the appearance of black dots may impair hormonal balance.
Comedones may appear after prolonged use of medications.
An important role is played by genetic predisposition and individual skin properties.
Skin conditions are adversely affected by such destructive skills as smoking and abuse of strong alcoholic beverages.
Nervous stress, stress - all this adversely affects the skin condition: changes in the composition of sebum, changes the blood supply of the upper skin.
Frequent use of decorative cosmetics can also contribute to the appearance of black dots on the face.
High air humidity and polluted environment are factors that occupy not the least place in the formation of comedones.
What you need to do to protect yourself from the formation of black dots:
- Responsible to your diet.
- You do not need to wash more than twice a day.
- Active way of life will help to normalize the level of hormones that are responsible for the production of subcutaneous fat.
- It is not necessary to clean problem zones with alcohol.
- You do not need to touch your face with very clean hands.
- When it's very hot in the street, the hair should not get on your face.
- No way to squeeze out black dots - this will lead to an even bigger problem.
How to make a banana mask for a face from wrinkles?
Home remedies with linseed oil anti-wrinkle in this article.
Recipes for home masks
Pomegranate with salt
The pomegranate is endowed with an excellent cleansing property, it undergoes narrowing of the pores and the skin becomes less greasy. To make a mask, take 1 teaspoon fresh squeezed pomegranate juice and mix it with 1 teaspoon of salt( preferably iodized).
Scrub is applied to the skin for a few minutes. You need to do this very carefully. Then it is necessary to wash with cold water. The procedure can be performed no more than 3 times a week.
White clay and water
This product is very easy to prepare. White powder diluted with clean water until the formation of a thick gruel. It is applied to problem areas and holds until completely dry. The mask is washed off with well warm water, and then the face is rinsed with cold water.
Egg white, aloe, lemon juice
Take the protein of one egg, squeeze out the juice from one lemon and 2 tablespoons of crushed aloe leaves. All the ingredients are mixed and the finished mass is applied to those places where there are black dots. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.
Oat flakes, sea salt and grains of coffee
Mix oat flakes with salt in a coffee grinder( 1x spoonful of flakes + 1/2 teaspoon of salt), then add the coffee grounds. In this mixture, 1 teaspoon of ground bean and half a tablespoon of sour cream is introduced. With a ready-made mass, we lubricate the problem areas and after 8-10 minutes wash with warm water.
Scrub salt and soap
The procedure for cleaning is best done after it is good to steam out your face on a herbal bath. After steaming it is necessary to take a piece of pure bandage, soak it in hot water and soap until a copious foam is formed.
Then, we pour a little bit of fine grind on the foam and work out the black dots on the face in very accurate circular motions. The procedure should be done at least 2 minutes, after which the foam is left on the face for another 3 - 4 minutes.
Then rinse your face with warm, then cold water. After 10 - 25 minutes, treated areas should be wiped with aloe juice or any disinfectant.
Sage and leaves of calendula
1 tablespoon of sage flowers and the same amount of calendula is poured with a glass of steep boiling water. Ready to put on a slow fire and boil for a few more minutes.
After that, cover with a lid and let it cool down. After the broth cools down, it must be filtered and a ready lotion wiped the problem areas 2 - 3 times a day.
Honey and tincture of calendula
For the preparation of the solution we take a camp of warm boiled water and pour in 1 tbsp.spoon the tincture of calendula and add a small amount of honey. All carefully mix. This compound should be cleaned several times a day. This tool is well used in conjunction with others.
Oatmeal, tomato juice and egg yolk
Mix one tomato juice with 1 tablespoon oatmeal and add 1 egg yolk. Weight is applied to problem areas for 25 - 30 minutes. After that, with water, comfortable for washing, wash off the mask.
What is better not to use?
If your skin is sensitive or prone to irritation, then peeling with citric acid is not suitable for you.
If you have black dots on your face, do not wash with lumpy soap. The fats that make up it will pore even more.
In the presence of this problem, it is not desirable to wash with hot water, it should be a comfortable temperature. Hot water contributes to increased production of subcutaneous fat, and cold water - is not capable of dissolving it.
Jojoba oil for the face: reviews of cosmetologists about the use of oil.
How to make a lifting mask with starch at home? Read in this article.
Does the gel mask help to get rid of wrinkles?http: //netlekarstvam.com/krasota/ maski-dlya-litsa / s-zhelatinom-ot-morshhin.html
Preventative measures
To prevent the appearance of black spots on different parts of the skin of the face, it is necessary first and foremost to cleanse the skin systematically and regularly.
Several prescriptions to be observed:
- You need to understand for yourself that during sleep, cosmetics should not be on your face. As much as you do not want to, but to wash before going to bed is a must.
- Once a week you need to apply a face scrub. With its help, dead cells are removed.
- During the day, you need to drink about 2 liters of water. If this is a lot for you, replace it with herbal decoction. Coffee should be consumed as little as possible.
- Try to rest more. Strong sleep helps to make the skin look 100%.
- Eat right. A balanced diet will help to solve the problem with the skin.
- Walk a lot in the fresh air, if possible, try to avoid places where the air is very dirty.
If you have tried many recipes and nothing helps, do not despair. Comedones is a temporary phenomenon. If you follow a diet and proper skin care, you will be able to get rid of the unpleasant black spots on your face.