Hemorrhage in the eye: causes, treatment, what to do

Hemorrhage in the eye , more precisely - in the sclera of the eye( popularly called " protein ") - is not dangerous, although it causes discomfort, discomfort, makes you wear and wear dark glasses. Occurs in connection with rupture of vessels of the sclera of the eye due to any reasons. In medical practice, the term is used to refer to this state of "injection of scleral vessels".

Today we will talk about the causes and treatment of hemorrhages in the eye area, what to do if the blood vessel bursts.



Cause hemorrhages in the eye: rupture of small scleral vessels due to increased fragility, brittlevascular spine, trauma - pass, entering of a foreign body in the eye.

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Usually, with age, the vessels become brittle, fragile( atherosclerotic changes) and can not always withstand strong physical stress. When a small vessel is ruptured, the patient usually does not feel pain, but vision deteriorates and a cloudy blur appears before your eyes, which prevents you from doing small work. Sometimes there are symptoms of a general nature, such as headache and nausea.

It should be noted that hemorrhages in the eye protein can be observed in young people:

  1. in case of overwork of the eyes;
  2. lack of sleep;
  3. clogged eyes with dust;
  4. disturbed metabolism,
  5. increased fragility of the vessel wall,
  6. with unintentional pressure on the eyeball,
  7. when struck in the face area close to the eyeball.

Hazardous eye hemorrhages

The most dangerous are the literal hemorrhages in the eye:

  1. in the vitreous,
  2. retina.

Immediate medical attention is needed for the ophthalmologist! As a rule, the acuity of vision, central and peripheral, immediately falls. Recovery is an extremely long and complex process.

Prevention of hemorrhages in the eye is, first of all, the prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension. If the patient once had a bleeding in the eye, then it can happen again.

Hemorrhages in the eye usually resolve for a long time, and treatment is often ineffective.

Remember, do not ask the stupid question: "What drops drip into the eye?" , if the vision falls, it easily dizzy, nauseated - run to the oculist!

Treating hemorrhages in the eye: what to do, how to treat

Official medicine

Treatment of any size and localization of hemorrhages in the structure of the eye should be immediate, comprehensive and systematized.

Immediately after hemorrhage,

  1. is shown cold on the eye area( 2-3 h),
  2. intramuscular injection of Vikasol in doses corresponding to age,
  3. 10% calcium chloride solution
  4. and Ascorutin inside.

Since the first days, measures aimed at resorption of hemorrhages have been carried out:

  1. oxygen under conjunctiva,
  2. glucose intravenously,
  3. lidase, proteolytic enzymes intramuscularly,
  4. Fibrinolysin, lekosim, papain as subconjunctival injections and electrophoresis,
  5. Ethylmorphine hydrochloride, potassium iodide and othersmeans in installations.

Give inside the vitamins C, Group B, Routine inside.

To prevent hemorrhage in the eye, one should try:

  1. avoid lifting weights,
  2. constantly needs to monitor blood pressure,
  3. does not tilt the head low,
  4. devotes more attention to vegetarian food rich in vitamin C and routine( vitamin C and rutin strengthen the vessel wall).

Folk remedies at home

If a bleeding in the eye has already occurred, it is necessary: ​​

  1. put the patient in bed,
  2. to the forehead attach an ice pack,
  3. on the eyes - a cold lotion.

Call an ambulance!

If this conjunctival hemorrhage in the sclera is not dangerous. Warm compresses with the brewing of strong tea somewhat speed up their resorption.

Grass Lagohillus ( hare) is known for its high hemostatic activity, speeding up blood coagulability. That allows using it successfully for the relief of bleeding of various etiologies( uterine, hemorrhoidal, pulmonary, nasal).

Recipe 1 : Alcohol tincture of lagohilus with bleeding : 100 gr.dry raw material pour one liter of medical alcohol. Infuse in a dark place for 2 weeks, after drain. Take one teaspoon per third of a glass of warm water, 3 times a day. With abundant bleeding, the frequency of use can be increased to 5 times.

Recipe 2 : Water infusion of rabbitfish with hemorrhagic diathesis : 1 tablespoon of dry shredded leaves mixed with 20 tablespoons of boiling water, insist on a boiling steam bath for 15 minutes. After cooling, drain. Eat one tablespoon three times a day.

Recipe 3 : Infusion of lagohilus flowers with and neuroses : one tablespoon of the mixture of dried flowers and leaves pour one cup of boiling water, tightly close and wrap. Leave to infuse for 4-6 hours, after passing through a filter( gauze).Take one tablespoon from 3 to 6 times a day.

Recipe 4 : Lagohilus tincture with bleeding wound : Mix 1 part of dry raw material with 10 parts of vodka or alcohol, infuse for 14 days. Protect from sunlight. Napkins of gauze moisten with tincture and apply to bleeding surfaces for a short time( up to 5 minutes).

Infusion of the herb lagohilus with bleeding in the eye: 1 tablespoon of herb per 500 ml of boiling water. Pour, insist, wrapped 2 hours. Strain through gauze. Take one quarter of the glass inside, moisten the gauze napkin with a decoction and attach it to the reddened eye. Let a few drops of napkins fall on the surface of the eye.

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vessels Hemophthalm: vitreous hemorrhage

Ophthalmologist of the Moscow Eye Clinic tells about hemophthalmia( vitreous hemorrhage).Phone of the clinic: 8( 495) 505-70-10( daily from 9:00 to 21:00).Address: Moscow, Semenovsky pereulok, d. 11

"About the most important": eye hemorrhage

Reddening of the eye is a rather frequent symptom of visual fatigue( constant work at the computer, long watching TV).

But red sosudiki can appear not only with prolonged reading, working at a computer or watching TV.Red eye syndrome, namely the so-called expansion of the surface blood vessels of the sclera, occurs for a variety of reasons, causing irritation of the mucosa of the eyeball and conjunctiva.

Source: NGNogov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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