Gorchichniki with cough: how to put a child and an adult, where right, how much to keep

The mustard for cough - a proven and familiar means for cough treatment at any age - in children and adults. Children's mustard plasters( lotions with dry mustard) help to remove attacks of a strong dry cough, transferring it to wet. The procedure facilitates the process of formation and excretion of sputum from the bronchi. That allows you to effectively treat persistent bronchitis and prevents the undesirable transition of acute pathology of the upper respiratory tract into the chronic.

Today you will find out where and how to put mustard plasters to a child and an adult;how much can keep mustard on the skin, so as not to cause a burn;consider in detail the instruction on the use of mustard plasters for children and adults at home.

Remember that cough treatment with mustard plasters can eliminate the main symptoms of a severe dry cough after the first application. Nevertheless, one mustard must be treated incorrectly. Treatment should be comprehensive! Also keep in mind that misuse of mustard plasters can cause harm to health.

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Instructions for use: why do you need mustard plasters, where to put them?

A mustard is a dry or defatted powder applied to a sheet of dense fabric or covered in a filter bag. Upon contact with hot water, the product produces an aromatic oil that reflexively affects the inflammation focus through the skin. In this case, the vessels located near the focus of inflammation expand, the blood flow passes through them, metabolic processes increase several times!

It is important to choose the right location for setting mustard plasters, so let's look at where to put mustard plasters on coughing.

The mustard is the right way to eliminate cough at the earliest stage of the development of the inflammatory process in the bronchi. Correct application of mustard plasters on coughing to the chest makes it possible to get rid of hoarseness, dryness in the throat, reduce the symptoms of dry cough.

The effectiveness of therapy is proven in the inflammation of the bronchial mucosa or trachea and its mucosa, acute sinusitis, when coughing due to viral or infectious penetration.

For proper use, the filter bag should be applied to the following areas:

  1. When treating a cough against the background of bronchitis lotion is superimposed to the back or chest .
  2. For dry cough , the agent should be applied between the blades.
  3. Patients suffering from a cough against the background of inflammation of the laryngotracheitis , the mustard are superimposed on the chest .
  4. In the treatment of inflammation in the bronchial mucosa , the mustard is superimposed on the area between the blades.

For best effect, the lotion should alternate between the chest and back. If the patient has a severe cough, then the mustard can be applied to the feet.

In the second part of this publication, you will see a detailed video of the instructions for setting mustard plasters.

For your reference! Children mustard must be placed only on the chest!

When using mustard plasters

Treatment with mustard plasters is permissible in case of an infectious or viral disease with inflammatory damage of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract - the trachea and bronchi.

Keep in mind that the use of this medication is important for prolonged dry cough, which is manifested as a result of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa or in the case of tracheitis.

How mustard plasters work on the body

After applying a dry filter bag, a strong reddening occurs at the application site. Such a process should not cause panic, as a change in the color of the skin indicates a flood of blood in the affected area. With the activation of blood circulation in the patient, blood vessels expand, and there is a strong stimulation of the receptors.

As a result, the patient notes the warming up of the inflamed zone and the release of hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine. They improve metabolic processes throughout the body, which has a beneficial effect on the patient's health.

As a result of this process, the oxygen level in the affected area and the feeding of the inflamed area increase. Therefore, it is necessary to put mustard plasters on an adult cough in the case of a severe dry cough. This procedure anesthetizes and disinfects, and also reduces the inflammatory process in the pharynx. In addition, this type of treatment can reduce the symptoms of cough and relieve spasms.

Applying mustard plasters allows you to withdraw phlegm and have mucolytic effect.

How to put mustard plasters on cough for children

To put a mustard must strictly follow the instructions. Accurately following the specified rules, you can avoid the formation of a burn and other side effects.

Algorithm for laying mustard plasters:

  1. First fill the deep dish with warm water.
  2. Ensure that the water temperature is not above forty degrees.
  3. In addition, prepare a blanket, towel and fat cream.
  4. Lower the bag of mustard into the bowl for ten minutes.
  5. Then attach the mixture to the back or chest of the baby.
  6. Keep the lotion for five to fifteen minutes.
  7. During treatment, the patient should be under the blanket.
  8. Make sure that the windows in the room are closed.
  9. If the patient feels itching and burning during treatment, the procedure should be stopped.
  10. After treatment, wipe the skin with a towel, and then apply cream.
  11. For the best effect immediately after the procedure, give the patient tea with honey or a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Keep in mind that cough treatment in children through this procedure can cause burns and a number of unpleasant sensations. Therefore, to avoid dangerous consequences, a thin loose fabric can be applied between the skin and the filter bag. In the treatment of adults, the actions are similar, but the use of tissue is not required.

If a patient suffers from a dry cough, the course of treatment can be increased to one week.

How often it is possible to use mustard plasters

When treating it is important to determine how often it is possible to put mustard plasters on coughing.

Duration of treatment with these lotions should not exceed two weeks of days. Every day it is recommended to carry out one procedure, but this method is often not recommended. However, this is only suitable for the treatment of adults.

If adults can apply up to ten procedures in a row, children are placed in a filter bag after 24 hours.

With daily use, the mustard should alternate and become on the back, then on the chest.

Treatment with mustard plaits is recommended only to children from twelve months old.

Duration of procedure

The mustard on the chest or back should be kept in accordance with age. Usually they are prescribed from three to fifteen minutes:

  1. For one procedure, with inflammation of the throat in children from year to year, it is recommended to keep mustards not more than three minutes.
  2. For a child from 3 years, the application time is increased to five minutes.
  3. Since the age of seven, a mustard plaster can be kept for up to seven minutes.
  4. From eight to twelve years, the lotion should be kept for five to ten minutes according to the nature of the inflammation.
  5. For treatment of adults, mustard plasters can be kept for up to fifteen minutes.

If at the time of the procedure the patient notes itching, burning, pain, treatment should be stopped. You must not put mustard plasters in the case of severe redness of the skin or its irritation.

Contraindications to the use of

Is it possible to put mustard plaque on coughs determined by the attending physician. Despite the wide spread of this method, it has certain contraindications:

  1. do not apply lotion for allergies;
  2. in case of malignant neoplasms;
  3. for pulmonary diseases;
  4. in the case of bronchial asthma;
  5. in ARI;
  6. for psoriasis;
  7. with purulent inflammation;
  8. with wet eczema;
  9. with atopic dermatitis;
  10. at elevated body temperature.

If you do not notice improvement in your treatment, you should consult a doctor.

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Gorchiki - old folk and home-based cough treatment method. It effectively reduces the symptoms of the disease and improves the overall well-being of the patient. It is important to adhere to all the rules of therapy, otherwise the patient may cause irritation at the site of application of the lotion.

How and where to put the mustard

Video channel "Nursing".

The mustard is a very cheap and effective means of fighting the cough.

Therefore, mainly use mustard plaque for coughing( especially if it takes a protracted character), and not as a means of dealing with acute respiratory infections, which already manifest themselves in fever, weakness and chills.

Do not put mustards on a regular basis, for a maximum of four consecutive days. But put every day on time, without interruptions. If after using the mustard plasters you do not go on the mend, then it is better to stop this occupation. Perhaps your body is not sensitive to this kind of therapy, or your disease has developed into something more. Repeated use of mustard plasters can lead to allergic reactions and personal intolerance, it is better not to bring it up.

In addition to using mustard plasters for coughing, they are also used as an anti-inflammatory agent in many diseases( myositis, neuralgia, bronchitis, laryngotracheitis, pneumonia, headache, etc.).Sometimes it can be used for angina pectoris( depending on the severity).

Contraindications to the use of mustard plasters are: increased individual sensitivity, pustular diseases in the place of contact with the skin, neurodermatitis, dandruff eczema, psoriasis, asthma, tumor diseases, acute conditions of respiratory diseases.

How to put mustard on cough?

It is necessary to prepare everything you need beforehand in order not to be distracted in the process. In order to put the mustard you need: a mustard, a bowl or a plate with warm water( 40-45 degrees), a towel, a vaseline or any other vegetable oil for the body, a blanket or a warm blanket.

Mustards moistened in warm water for 5-10 seconds and applied to the patient's body. A towel is placed on top and the patient wraps himself in a blanket or blanket. The time that mustard must be on the body - individually. It is recommended 5-10 minutes, but not more than 15. Perhaps, it will be unbearable to endure the burning action of mustard plasters, but they will have to hold them for a while, the main thing is not to confuse the action of a mustard plaster on the skin with an allergic reaction. To reduce burning, you can lay a gauze or a napkin between the mustard and body.

Upon termination of procedure it is necessary to remove mustard plasters, gently rub the skin with a towel, grease with oil and re-wrap the patient and provide him with peace. At the same time, tea or a breast meal with raspberries or honey is especially effective.

Plumbers: to put or not to put - Doctor Komarovsky

Inter TV channel( Inter TV channel).

What are "mustard plasters" in the Western countries do not know. After all, this method of treatment for viral infections is the fruit of the fantasy of exclusively "our" inventive people. So, do they really help?

Source: video on the topic, the article's article http: //gorlonos.com/preparaty/ kak-stavit-gorchichniki-pri-kashle.html

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