Urinary incontinence in children - enuresis: causes, treatment

Urinary incontinence in children at night or in the daytime is an unpleasant symptom, seen as a manifestation of urinary tract disease, and in somatic and neuropsychiatric diseases.

Moreover, urinary incontinence during wakefulness and sleep with undisturbed, regular urination testifies to an abnormality of the development of the urinary tract with ectopia of the ureteral outlet outside the bladder. Daytime incontinence in combination with night enuresis indicates chronic inflammation of the bladder( cystitis).

Urinary incontinence often occurs in humans due to various reasons, in this article we will take a closer look at the causes and treatment of urinary incontinence in a child 3, 4, 6 - 10 years old at home using folk remedies. This painful disorder brings a lot of anxiety, worries and troubles to parents and children.


Causes of urinary incontinence in a child

Urinary incontinence in children of any age, for example, 3, 4, 6, 10-years, contribute to the presence of pinworms, adenoids, inflammation of the palatine tonsils, bacterial infections of the urinary tract, phimosis, balanitis, masturbation, vulvitis and other diseases.

Nocturnal incontinence can occur in overly excitable, impressionable children with lack of sleep, overwork. It is necessary to avoid provoking factors in the life of such children. In addition, you should limit the consumption of water, tea, milk before bed.

Treatment of nocturnal incontinence in children 3, 4, 6, 10 years

Enuresis and associated symptoms

Bedwetting( enuresis) occurs in 5-28% of children, more often in boys. Up to 3 years of life, enuresis has a physiological character, at an older age is considered as a pathological phenomenon.

Enuresis as an independent clinical disease may be a manifestation of neurosis( neurotic enuresis) or a neurogenic disorder associated with residual effects of organic brain damage of infectious, traumatic, intoxicating etiology( neurosis-like enuresis).

The study of the neuropsychic state of an enuresis contributes to clarifying the diagnosis and determining the tactics of treatment. The etiology of urinary incontinence is established with x-ray-urological and other methods of investigation.

There are functional forms of enuresis( due to psychogenic factors, education defects, psychological traumas, transferred infectious diseases, sometimes reflex factors arising from diseases of the genitourinary system) and organic( changes in the spinal cord due to developmental defects).

Nocturnal involuntary urination is regarded as the result of the absence or deficiency of conditioned reflex connections, exercising in sleep control over the act of urination. Sometimes there is an increase in urges, frequent imperative urges. Often, vegetative symptoms are revealed - bradycardia, cyanosis of limbs, hypothermia.

Neurotic disorders are noted - short temper, secrecy, depression, shyness. The organic form reveals a change in muscle tone, tendon reflexes, light pyramidal signs, a violation of sensitivity.

Treatment of nocturnal urinary incontinence in children: drugs, medications, procedures

Treatment consists in the exclusion of mental trauma, a correct water and hygienic regime with fluid restriction in the afternoon is prescribed.

Sedative, restorative and tonic agents are used( glutamic acid 2-3 months, glycerophosphate, calcium gluconate, phytin, lecetin-cerebros, arsenic, strychnine, bromine, vitamins, elenium, melipramine, securenin, adiurecrin, dibazol, ephedrine).Assign physiotherapy procedures: darsonvalization, quartz, galvanic collar for Shcherbak, coniferous baths, wiping. Of great importance is the sanation of foci of chronic infection( adenoids, tonsillitis).

Treatment of folk remedies for urinary incontinence in children at home

St. John's wort ( flowers and grass) 40 g dried herb with flowers for 1 liter of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, for 2-3 hours. Take without the norm instead of tea and water. A glass of infusion, taken before bed, keeps the child and adult from urinating in bed( involuntary) in a dream.

Salvia officinalis .40 g of herb per 1 liter of boiling water. Insist 1-2 hours. Take from 100 to 200 ml 3 times a day.

Yarrow .10 g grass with flowers for 1 glass of water. Boil for 10 minutes on low heat. Infuse 1 hour, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day. Dill vegetable garden ( seeds).1 tbsp.l.fennel seeds for 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 2-3 hours, drain. Drink the whole glass for 1 intake 1 time per day. It is believed that infusion can be cured for a short time incontinence in people of any age. There were cases of complete recovery.

Cowberry ordinary :

1) 2 tbsp.l.mixture of leaves and berries brew 2 cups of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes on low heat, cool, strain. Half to drink during the day in several receptions, the second - to drink before going to bed.

2) 2 tbsp.l.mixture( leaves and berries) and 2 tbsp.l.herb St. John's wort brew 3 cups of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes on low heat, cool, drain. Decoction to drink sips, starting at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and ending with going to bed.

Yarrow common : 2 tsp.herbs brew 1 cup of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day.

Blueberry ordinary , eating fresh berries.

Rosehip .Fetished fruits - 4 tbsp. L., berry berries - 1 tbsp.l., boil in 1 liter of water for 30 minutes on low heat. Before removing from the fire, add 2 full tablespoons of rose hips. Allow to slightly boil. Remove from heat, drain. Take 1 glass of cold 2 times a day.

The most reliable means of from urinary incontinence was considered to be a mixture of two herbs: of St. John's wort and of gold-bearing. They should be taken in the same quantity( 1: 1), brew and drink like tea, 1 tsp.appointment.

With frequent urge to urinate should be excluded from the diet of celery, watermelons, very ripe grapes and asparagus until the complications with the bladder are not completely gone.

Video on

What can not be done if a child has an enuresis: Dr. Komarovsky

Doctor Komarovsky will tell you what parents should not do if the child has an enuresis.

When and how it is necessary to treat enuresis: Dr. EO Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you when and how to treat the enuresis, and will emphasize that parents need to be patient and form a desire to get rid of the unpleasant characteristic of the child.

Elena Malysheva: bedwetting in children

In this issue of the TV program "Live healthy!" With Elena Malysheva you will learn how to get rid of bed-wetting in children.

You can not scold and punish children for a wet crib. The child feels unhappy that he can not control himself, but he is unable to cope with this alone.

Causes of nocturnal urinary incontinence in children

  1. Functional immaturity of the mechanisms of regulation of urination. In adults, when the bladder becomes full, its muscle shell stretches and the nerve endings inserted in it send signals to the brain, which gives the command to urinate. In children, the relationship between the bladder and the brain is not completely formed. The brain can not give a command to urinate, therefore the bladder spontaneously performs its function.
  2. Infections of the urinary system.
  3. Epilepsy.
  4. Tumors.
  5. Spinal trauma.

What to do

  1. If a child is over 3 years of bedwetting, you need to see a doctor to rule out the diseases that are a symptom of incontinence.
  2. Give in urine test and do ultrasound to rule out urinary tract infections.
  3. Monitor the amount of water consumed by the baby. To do this, it is necessary for the child to allocate urine not to the toilet, but to some container with a known volume. If it turns out that a lot is drunk, and little is allocated, then the problem is most likely related to kidney disease.
  4. Bedwetting in a child can be the only manifestation of epilepsy. To exclude this disease, it is necessary to undergo a special night examination, as a result of which doctors will be able to say exactly whether bedwetting is a symptom of epilepsy.

How parents should behave

A child feels unhappy that he can not control himself, but he can not cope with it alone.

  1. Do not abuse the child, do not put him in a corner.
  2. Take the child to the toilet before going to bed, try to wake him up during the night.
  3. Encourage the child to "dry" nights. Keep a calendar in which "dry" nights are indicated, for example, by asterisks. Unsuccessful nights are ignored. Praise your child for increasing the number of "dry" nights.

Daytime urinary incontinence is much more dangerous than nighttime and indicates a serious illness! In the afternoon, when the child is awake, the connection between the brain and the bladder should not be disturbed.

How to solve the problem of urinary incontinence in children

In children, the excretory or excretory system matures much later than other organs and systems in the body. Final maturation is observed only for years to four.

And if your child is wetting to bed within this age, this should not be frightened.

Sometimes the bladder with a delay "ripens" to normal. But if this happens at a later age, then this can already be a developmental problem or the consequences of a disease or complications after them. In this video there are some tips how to solve the problem of urinary incontinence in children by folk remedies and a cheaper way.

. Source:

  1. . G.Nasgov. Official and folk medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- M.: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.
  2. Encyclopedia of traditional and folk methods of treatment - electronic version.