Extrasystoles do not belong to the category of serious diseases. Moreover, in medical circles there is no common opinion whether this is a disease at all or a critical reaction of the body to unfavorable factors. It is for this reason that doctors recommend not rushing to resort to medications: the side effects of antiarrhythmic drugs may cause more damage to health than manifestations of extrasystole.
This is just the case in medical practice, when there is no point in fighting the symptoms. This does not mean that they should be ignored. Extrasystoles should be perceived as an alarm and identify the true causes of the ailment.
- Species and most common causes of
- Symptoms
- General recommendations
- How to treat folk remedies?
- What is not recommended?
- Prevention measures
Species and most common causes of
Consider the causes that most often cause malfunction in the cardiovascular system. Understanding their nature will eliminate unpleasant and frightening symptoms.
- Vegetative reactions to other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- Abuse of caffeine, alcohol, nicotine;
- Unbearable physical activity;
- Emotional stress;
- Overeating on nerves, stomach diseases and, as a consequence - metabolic disorders;
- Osteochondrosis;
- Hormonal changes and disorders of the endocrine system;
Often, the extrasystole is felt by as a result of abundant food intake .This happens when eating disorders, a tendency to nervous overeating, the existing problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
About 40% of expectant mothers face this phenomenon. Extrasystoles during pregnancy is often caused by unavoidable hormonal changes in the female body. In this case, the causes are completely natural and after the birth the signs of extrasystole will disappear by themselves.
Still, doctors from the women's consultation advise taking precautions, because during pregnancy the body is doubly vulnerable. In such cases, appoint a gentle regimen and a balanced diet, if necessary vitamins and biologically active supplements, monitoring the cardiologist.
Extrasystole is provoked by strong stress of , a constant negative emotional background, chronic fears, insecurity;also it is a frequent companion of a number of diseases of the nervous system and psychological problems.
Symptoms of extrasystole with neurosis are as follows:
- panic attacks;
- dizziness;
- recurrent syncope.
In such cases, appoint not heart, but sedatives, a course of psychotherapy. Sometimes the problem is changed by changing the situation, the circle of communication, the place of work.
This diagnosis can be made at any age. Extrasystoles in children can mean problems with the heart of a different nature. The basis is the complaint of the child for pain in the heart, fatigue or excessive excitability, a general malaise. Specify the diagnosis will help a comprehensive examination, an electrocardiogram.
The causes of the disease in children are largely similar to adults: excessive mental and physical stress, nervous stress, complications of respiratory infections. To small patients only in extreme cases prescribe medications. Their treatment is rest and the most benevolent environment, which should be remembered for all household members.
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Symptoms of the symptoms
It is relatively easy to recognize extrasystole by characteristic symptoms. First of all, the doctor pays attention to the following complaints of the patient:
- Sensible malfunctions in the rhythm of the heart;
- Psychoemotional disorders, fear of death, panic attacks;
- Less commonly, nausea, dizziness, fainting.
General recommendations of
Despite a favorable prognosis, the patient should be prepared for the fact that treatment of extrasystole is a slow process of .Take prescribed medications should the complete disappearance of signs of the disease.
In particularly severe cases, the pharmaceuticals prescribed by the doctor may not have the expected impact on the patient's condition. If, as a result of prolonged therapy, there is no improvement in the patient's condition, it is possible that surgery will be required.
Such radical measures are resorted to in exceptional cases. As a rule, relief comes with observance of a reasonable schedule of the day and diet, and - most importantly - elimination of negative factors-irritants, if there is such an opportunity.
How to treat folk remedies?
Due to the aggressive impact of medical treatment, doctors are slow to prescribe pharmaceuticals. Time-tested folk remedies are an alternative and complement to the successful treatment of the extrasystole .
The use of folk recipes in most cases does not cause side effects, except perhaps the individual intolerance of a particular component, for example, an allergy to honey.
- Those who do not have allergic reactions, the following recipe, which includes juice of radish and honey in equal proportions, is suitable. The thoroughly mixed drug is stored in a dark, cool place in a tightly closed container. Receiving a tablespoon three times a day will help restore the normal rhythm of contractions of the heart muscle.
- As a sedative, is suitable as a tincture of valerian .You can buy it in a pharmacy or prepare yourself. Dry and grind the root of valerian, pour boiling water in the proportion of a teaspoon of valerian to a glass of water. Allow to infuse for 10-12 hours, strain, drink on a tablespoon three times a day.
- Suffering acute attacks it is recommended to keep the prepared infusion cornflower on hand. The secret of its preparation is simple: pour a teaspoon of a dry mixture with a glass of boiling water, take as needed.
- Calendula is a well-known remedy for heart diseases that cause arrhythmia. A teaspoon of the ground plant is brewed in a glass of water. The recommended drinking regimen is half a glass 4 times a day. From these considerations, it is possible to brew a daily norm in the morning - 2 cups of calendula tea.
- Hawthorn tincture will help those to whom alcohol is not contraindicated. Pour 10g of 100g of vodka, insist 10 days, then strain. Take 10 drops three times a day before eating. The drug from hawthorn normalizes the work of the heart and lowers blood pressure. IMPORTANT: tincture of hawthorn is a remedy, abuse can harm your health.
What is not recommended?
Extrasystolia is directly related to the activity of the heart muscle , which is why the recommendations shown in most heart diseases apply to the treatment and prevention of this ailment. It is advisable to limit physical activity, observe the sleep regime, avoid overeating.
Despite the fact that the extrasystole is not life-threatening, do not self-medicate .Only a specialist in the clinic will be able to determine the diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate drugs and procedures, based on the patient's general health. The choice of drugs "to your taste" can lead to serious side effects.
Causes of pain in the stomach and treatment at home.
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On the symptoms and treatment of demodex by home remedies - http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva / kozhnye-bolezni / demodeks.html
Prevention measures
It's no secret that sometimes the extrasystole is provoked by the patient himself .Chronic lack of sleep, constant stress, sedentary lifestyle, any abuses, including the habit of "jamming" trouble increase the risk of the disease.
Having eliminated the negative impact, you can not only insure yourself against unwanted phenomena, but also eliminate the first symptoms, if any, that already existed.
Extrasystoles do not pose a serious danger. Treatment in most cases leads to a favorable outcome. However, this does not mean that symptoms can be ignored.
First, malaise worsens the quality of life; secondly, it can indicate serious problems both in the human body and in the surrounding environment.
Also see the video to learn how to diagnose an extrasystole according to the ECG: