Barley on the eye - how to treat quickly and at home?

How many unpleasant minutes the appearance of barley on the eye brings! Education appears due to the inflammatory process, which occurs in the sebaceous gland or in the hair bag, which is at the roots of the eyelashes. It is required to treat barley at home as soon as possible, because it is manifested by an unpleasant reddening and a painful purulent tubercle.

  • Effective methods of folk treatment
  • How to treat internal barley
  • Welding of black tea
  • Barley in children
  • When breastfeeding
  • pharmaceutical camomile
  • In pregnancy
  • Calendula
  • At the infants
  • Leaves of aloe
  • Iodine
  • Hot Salt
  • Homemade Egg
  • Decoction of fennel
  • Natural rye bread
  • Garlic cloves
  • Young birch leaves
  • Bow
  • Bay leaf
  • Treatment with medicines
  • Drops
  • Ointments
  • Antibiotics
  • Acyclovir
  • Albucid
Related articles:
  • Ointments for barley on the eye - application
  • Which doctor treats barley?
  • Barley on the eye: treatment with drops
  • The causes of the appearance of barley and its treatment
  • How to treat barley in a child?

In addition to the described symptoms, barley on the eye causes itching and burning, it seems that in this area is a foreign object. Often education is accompanied by pain and total loss of external attractiveness. There are many folk ways, how you can quickly get rid of this disease at home.

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Important!From what appears barley on the eye, you can find out on the pages of our site.

Effective methods of folk treatment

Before you start to eliminate barley at home, consult a doctor who treats this disease.

How to treat internal barley

The most popular and quite effective way to get rid of inner barley with tea: brew strong tea and moisten it with cotton pads, attach to the eye for 15 minutes. Other methods are also used:

  1. No less effective method is lotions with chamomile: 1 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of boiling water over the plants and allow to stand for half an hour, moisten the cotton swabs in infusion and apply on barley for about 15-20 minutes.
  2. Use warm-ups: unpacked chicken eggs (only cooked), wrapped in a kerchief and keep on eye, without pressing on barley.

Welding of black tea

Not in vain, tea is considered a useful drink. In the brewing there are many useful substances, which have an amazing effect on the body. If you evaluate the effectiveness against barley, it should be noted the ability of tea to eliminate swelling, redness and inflammation.

Make strong tea. Then take the tea leaves and wrap them tightly in the cheesecloth. Apply for a quarter of an hour to the sick eye. Do this lotion up to five times a day. You can simply soak cotton in strong tea, squeeze and apply to the formation.

Barley in children

At the first signs of barley, it is necessary for the child to apply dry heat to the sick eye (warm salt in a frying pan and pour into a bag). Thus, you can remove the edema and reduce pain. Then barley must be burned with greens or iodine, using a cosmetic stick. The procedure must be performed very carefully, so as not to get dye on the conjunctiva of the eye.

Well-established tea bags, which were left after brewed tea (they attach to the eye for 15 minutes). Take care that the child does not rub his eyes, do not try to squeeze him barley. Drops are used only after consultation with a doctor (Tobrex, Levomycetin, Sofradex, Albucid).

Important!More information on how to treat barley in a child can be found in our article.

When breastfeeding

Although lactation is not recommended for many medications, but some you can pay attention to:

  • ointment Gyuoxizon (superimposed on the skin of the eyelid);
  • drops Sophradex, Garazon (apply, following the instructions);
  • dry heat (a bag of warm salt).

If you are afraid for some reason to use drugs, take advantage of folk advice:

  • compresses with chamomile (15 minutes 3 times a day);
  • wadded disks, soaked in strong tea brewing (put on eyes and hold for 10-15 minutes).

pharmaceutical camomile

When treating barley at home, chamomile has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, it is brewed and cooled. It is necessary to soak cotton pads in the broth, squeeze and make compresses. Carry out the procedure every few hours.

In pregnancy

Pregnant women are not recommended the use of drugs with antibacterial action. Therefore, it is worthwhile to deal with treatment with the first symptoms, so that there are more opportunities to do without drops, ointments and other medications.

First of all, give up cosmetics. Ignite inflammation with iodine. And apply during the day, dry heat (boiled egg, warmed salt). Use the methods of alternative medicine:

  • lotion with calendula infusion, chamomile;
  • compresses from tea bags.


The recipe for the folk remedy for a quick and effective disposal of barley:

  • 1 tbsp. l. inflorescence of calendula pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour;
  • strain the infusion, moisten the sponge and put it on the eyes for 15 minutes.

The procedure is performed several times a day.

At the infants

If the baby has redness on the eye, do not self-medicate - consult a doctor. The specialist will be able to prescribe the necessary drops, ointments and tell about their correct application (how to carry out the washing procedure, apply compresses, make lotions and instill eyes).

Leaves of aloe

This healing plant is famous for eliminating inflammation. You need to take an aloe leaf, which is three years old. Cut into small pieces and put overnight in a glass with boiled, but cooled water. Then wrap a piece of gauze and apply to barley on the eye.

Important!Aloe juice can be used to treat barley on the eye at home. From the leaf, squeeze the juice and mix with water in a ratio of one to ten. Eye rinse and make lotions.


For bacterial skin lesions, alcoholic tinctures are most often used. Therefore, iodine is an excellent remedy for barley. Dampen the cosmetic wand in iodine and apply to the inflamed area. It is important not to get on the mucous membrane. This method is considered more effective when the form of barley is closed, without the presence of a white head.

Hot Salt

Take the usual edible salt. Pour into a dry frying pan and reheat. Transfer into a tissue bag and apply to barley. Keep on eye until salt completely cools.

Important!The heating of education can be carried out only at that stage, as long as it matures. If there was an abscess, which indicates an imminent dissection, then heating is strictly prohibited.

Homemade Egg

If you cook a homemade egg and, without cleaning it from the shell, apply it to the eye for warming up (previously wrapped in tissue to avoid burning), you will get rid of barley. Egg needs to be applied to education, but do not press.

Decoction of fennel

In the process of treating barley at home, dill will help to remove swelling, relieve redness. You need to make a decoction of dill seeds. For this, a tablespoon of seeds to grind, pour 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil. Then rinse the eye or apply cotton pads soaked in dill broth.

Natural rye bread

Please note, this method can be used only if there is a crumb of a baked natural rye cake. Mukish is allowed to apply to the formation only at the stage of maturation.

Garlic cloves

The treatment is extremely simple: peel the garlic, cut the lobules finely and apply the cut portion to the inflamed area. Of course, apply only a few seconds, so as not to burn the mucous membrane of the eye. With the help of garlic it will be possible to burn barley, and it will sooner heal.

Young birch leaves

If it is summer now, you can collect the birch leaves and prepare the infusion yourself. Leaves pour 0.2 liters of boiled water, leave alone for 60 minutes. Then do the compresses up to six times a day. Compress leave on education no more than 15 minutes.


No wonder there is a proverb: "Onions from seven ailments." They treat many diseases, including barley:

  • onion cut into rings, put a small frying pan and pour a little vegetable oil on it, put onions on it;
  • as soon as the oil begins to boil, and the onion warms up - lay it on gauze or cotton cloth (to choose from), allow to cool slightly and attach to the affected area;
  • 3 times a day.

The method is dangerous because oil can get into the conjunctiva. And its effectiveness is doubtful.

Bay leaf

It is required to take 10 dried leaves of laurel leaf (the same ones used in cooking). Pour for 10 minutes with boiling water. Then remove the leaves and apply to barley one by one. Keep until completely cooled, then take the next leaf. Two such procedures can be performed per day.

On what points to pay attention to the treatment of barley in the home:

  • if there were first signs of education, you need to temporarily stop using decorative cosmetics;
  • Eyes as often as possible washed with reduced broths, infusions. Broths slightly, then the eyes need to get wet with a napkin;
  • If the abscess appears, it can not be removed. Otherwise, you can bring the infection and worsen the condition;
  • when the temperature of the body rises on the background of the appearance of barley, vision is impaired, headaches do not pass, it is necessary to go urgently to the doctor.

Treatment with medicines

This disease is contagious, treated with a conservative method with the use of antibacterial drugs.


There are several effective drops:

  • Levomycetin (an antimicrobial agent, destroys and prevents reproduction of most bacteria);
  • Albucid (has a bacteriostatic property, the second name is sodium sulfacil);
  • Tobrex (antibiotic containing aminoglycoside);
  • Ciprolet (antibiotic, has anti-inflammatory effect, has side effects).

Drops and solutions for the treatment of barley:

  • Erythromycin, Penicillin;
  • Gentamicin, Ciprofloxacin.


Often, to cure the formed eye inflammation, prescribe ointments:

  • Tetracycline (used from the initial stage until the autopsy and excretion of purulent content);
  • Ointment Vishnevsky (on the reddened skin impose a bandage, which must be fixed with plaster, wear it for several hours);
  • Blepharogel (contains hyaluronic acid, which cleans the skin and mucous membranes of the eyelid, has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect);
  • Floxal (ointment is applied to the lower conjunctival sac, then the eye is closed and the eyeballs are moved to distribute the product evenly);
  • Hydrocortisone (when otdvinutyom century ointment is applied to the inflammation zone, the procedure should be performed 2 times a day, it is recommended to use only as prescribed by the doctor, as hormonal treatment can worsen the course of the disease).

Of the ointments the most common are: Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Floxal.

Important!More about what ointments with barley on the eye are the most effective and how to apply them, you can find out here.


In complex treatment for complications it is recommended to add and intake of antibiotics inside. Antibacterial drugs are not used in all cases. To select the right drug, it is necessary to conduct a test on the sensitivity of the microbes to it. According to many experts, treatment should start with antibiotics, which destroy staphylococci and streptococci. The drug is taken orally (Ofloksatsin, Amoxil), and in the composition of ointments (tetracycline) and drops (Albucid, Tsiprolet, Tobrex, penicillin solution).

During treatment, it is necessary to maintain the immune system with polyvitamins.


Acyclovir is an antiviral drug. Experts are convinced that it does not help with barley, since the disease is of bacterial origin. In the studies, its effect is not confirmed. But in some sources it is indicated that Acyclovir is a drug against barley. Do not self-medicate, you can overcome the disease only with the help of antibacterial drugs.


Most often, the appearance of barley is caused by staphylococcus, in the fight against which Albucid helps. In addition, it removes inflammation and anesthetizes. Treatment follows a certain pattern:

  • apply the first drop to the inflamed area;
  • the remaining 3-4 drops - in the conjunctive bag, it is good to blink.

In no case do not rub your eyes, bury the solution should be up to 6 times a day.

These are effective ways to quickly cure barley at home. It is necessary to pay attention to the phase of development of education and apply this or that national recipe.