Clinical examination of orphans

General dispensaryization of the population in the Russian Federation is carried out not only by adults and children in families, but also by orphans and children left without parental care.

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 11.04.2013 № 216н "On approval of the Procedure for the prophylactic medical examination of orphans and children left without parental care, including adopted, taken into custody( guardianship), in an adoptive or patronage family"approved the procedure, which establishes general rules for all medical institutions in carrying out this preventive measure.

An important prerequisite for carrying out a preventive checkup is to voluntarily give the informed consent of a minor or his legal representative to a diagnostic medical intervention.

With regard to those minors who have not reached the age of three and are subject to medical examination, medical examinations in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2012 No. 1346n "On the Procedure for Underage Minors to undergo medical examinations, including admission to educational institutions and during the periodtraining in them "are not conducted.

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When organizing medical examinations for orphans, etc. pediatricians, district and family doctors in a medical facility where the minor receives primary health care, the names of the children are listed, which indicate:

  1. Full name and age completely.
  2. Information on whether or not the child is enrolled in an educational institution.
  3. Planned place and date of the clinical examination.
  4. List of examinations and diagnostic studies, according to the list of studies.

The first stage of clinical examination lasts no more than ten working days, but with the appointment of additional research, consultations, it can last up to 45 working days, but no more.

The information on the prophylaxis of the medical examination is entered in the medical chart of the minor - in the history of the child's development.

Medical records should contain:

  1. Full history of:
  • of the transferred diseases( conditions) in the early periods, the presence of functional disorders, any chronic diseases and, if available, disability;
  • results of clinical follow-up with the diagnosis of the disease, including the code for the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems( hereinafter referred to as ICD), a medical facility and a specialist doctor who carried out clinical follow-up;
  • following the recommendations of doctors on dispensary supervision, medical rehabilitation, treatment, including sanatorium and resort.
  1. Information obtained during the medical examination:
  • data and results of examinations by specialists;
  • results of instrumental, laboratory and other studies;
  • the results of additional counseling and research, which are not included in the list of studies assigned during the prophylaxis;
  • itself the diagnosis of the disease, established at the medical examination, indicating the code corresponding to the ICD, it is revealed for the first time or not.
  1. Assessment of physical condition and development;
  2. Minor health status group number;

5) Received recommendations:

  • formation of a healthy lifestyle, daily regimen, nutrition, physical development, immunoprophylaxis, physical therapy;
  • on the need for dispensary observation with the diagnosis of the disease as such, including the code on the ICD, the name of the medical organization and the specialty of the doctor;
  • for treatment, including sanatorium, medical rehabilitation, indicating the name and type of medical organization and the position of a doctor.

Watch a video about the medical examination of children left without parental care

Based on the results of the medical examination the doctor determines the group of the child's health status, the medical group for the purpose of physical training.

Information on the child's health is provided by the doctor to the minor himself or his legal representative by the doctor.

During the prophylactic medical examination of orphans, they are invited to a pediatric clinic or medical center, examined by a pediatrician, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist, a pediatric surgeon, an orthopedic traumatologist, an otorhinolaryngologist, a dentist, a psychiatrist, an endocrinologist, a urologist boy, and a gynecologist. Children are given an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, heart, hip joints, electrocardiography, and perform laboratory tests.