Useful properties and contraindications for pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice has long been considered a useful and healing drink. It is a product with a high content of vitamins, so it is recommended for atherosclerosis, viral infections, anemia, exhaustion. Its antioxidant qualities promote the rejuvenation of the body, help to maintain good health for many years.

Article content:
  • What is the use?
  • Nutritional and caloric value of
  • Is there any harm and contraindication?
  • Methods of application in folk medicine

What is the use?

Pomegranate juice has a slightly tart pleasant pleasant refreshing taste, its useful qualities are well preserved.

Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice contains a lot of minerals( potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium), vitamins. In the composition of the juice - amino acids, water-soluble polyphenols, organic acids. High content of potassium is useful for the heart muscle, tannin, pectin prevents the development of pathologies of the digestive system.

Pomegranate juice increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood( therefore it is an indispensable product for patients with anemia), has a diuretic effect.

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Its useful substances are easily absorbed by the body , it is especially recommended to take radionuclides for people living in areas with high levels of radiation.

Antioxidant properties of pomegranate juice protect the body from the onset of cancer, in the cool season prevent the development of viral infections. It is used as a choleretic, antiseptic, analgesic, antipyretic. Helps reduce cholesterol, strengthens immunity.

Pomegranate juice is used:

  • for sore throat, colds, tonsillitis;
  • with fatigue, to increase appetite;
  • to accelerate the recovery of the body after surgery and a prolonged illness;
  • for neurasthenia, depression, insomnia;
  • as a prophylactic for diabetes mellitus;
  • for strengthening hair, whitening skin( removing freckles).

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Nutritional value and caloric content of

Admissible daily intake of pomegranate juice:

100 ml for children 2 to 3 years, 200 ml for children under 6 years, 300 ml for children over 7 yearsyears and adults.

In 100 g of pomegranate juice - 56 kcal.

Nutritional value of pomegranate juice,( g):

Carbohydrates 14,2
Fats 0,1
Proteins 0,3
Fiber food 0,2
Organic acids 2,4
Water 82,5
Di- and monosaccharides 14,2
Ash 0,3

Vitamin content( mg):

PP 0.3
Beta-carotene 0,02
B1 0,04
B2 0,01
With 4
E 0.3

Mineral content,( mg):

Calcium 12
Magnesium 5
Sodium 4
Potassium 102
Phosphorus 8
Iron 1

Is there any harm and contraindication?

Use of pomegranate juice is contraindicated to people with pancreatitis and hyperacid gastritis, with peaking of peptic ulcer .Due to the high concentration of acids, the juice should be used after dilution with water or other juice( carrot, beet) in a ratio of 1: 1.This will prevent irritation of the gastric mucosa and destruction of the enamel of the teeth.

People suffering from constipation, hemorrhoids and pregnant women , should drink juice carefully and only after dilution. Not recommended for low blood pressure.

Allergic reactions in people suffering from intolerance to the product are possible. To prevent staining of tooth enamel, juice is recommended to drink through the tube.

Daily use of juice is not recommended for a long time( several months without interruption).

Methods of application in folk medicine

Pomegranate juice is actively used by folk medicine:

Problem solved by Method of application
Gallstone or urolithiasis Daily 2 tbsp.l.pomegranate juice x 6 times before meals for 20 min. Take a 2-week course, after a break( within a week), the course should be repeated.
Thermal burn Juice diluted with water( 1:10) is treated with the affected area.
Hypertension Daily intake 2 tbsp.l.x 3 times.
Angina Apply syrup juice every day 5 times.
Edemas Daily 1/3 stack.
Anemia To the pomegranate juice( 1 stack.) Add lemon juice( 1 tsp), honey( 2 tsp), a little water. They drink ¼ cup a day.x 2 times.
High Temperature To 1 Stack.juice add honey( 1 tsp).

Pomegranate juice is a popular juice, which in folk medicine is used on a par with other medicines. You can prepare it yourself using a juicer. When buying ready-made juice should be selected in a glass container without additives and preservatives.

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