Booze interrupt: methods to interrupt the binge

How to stop drinking with chronic alcoholism? It's not the patient who drinks alcohol, but alcohol consumes an alcoholic. The vicious cycle of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome expressed in a continuous hangover( withdrawal syndrome) pushes the sick person again and again to sip a glass of the "green snake".

The alcoholic behaves in a state of irreversible disorders of the brain, nervous system, fatal diseases of internal organs. To save a person can only interrupt the binge and long-term restorative and anti-alcohol treatment courses.

Damaged activity of the central nervous system and brain cells produces a constant pathological desire to drink anything, if only there was alcohol. But. .. the vodka was over, there was a hangover - terrible and irresistible. Old diseases become aggravated and new disorders and diseases appear: instability of arterial pressure, trembling in the whole body, especially in the hands;palpitation, feeling of lack of air;constant anxiety before a panic attack;sleep disturbed, nightmares are added, distortions of reality and hallucinations of a frightening nature.

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How do I stop drinking and help a loved one? He shakes everything, he pours out cold sweat, nothing to eat, terribly irritable, fussy. And asks to pour 100 grams, at least something. As soon as the patient got drunk, though, you can not get away with 100 grams, you need more. All symptoms of alcohol abstinence pass. The patient is complacent, talkative, and polite. But this is another binge! The vicious circle was closed! Need to stop drinking! And once and for all break the vicious circle.


Practical and methodical recommendations of

Methods for getting rid of alcohol and interrupting binge at home are as follows:

  • Strongly rub the patient's ears with the palms of the hands, the blood flow to the head and brain will intensify, the body will become active, memory will become clear, and alcohol intoxication will decrease. The additional share of sobriety will give the patient a chance to make the right choice in the direction of the interruption of the binge and the transition to a sober lifestyle.
  • Ordinary mustard plasters applied to the neck and lower back of the patient's neck will produce the same effect as rubbing the auricles.
  • Dousing the scalp of the patient with cool water. You can apply a bath at room temperature for sobering while drinking alcohol. In case the patient tears, the way from swallow the pieces of ice.

Coping a binge is an unpleasant procedure for both the alcoholic and his loved ones. The hangover syndrome is revealed at the fussiness of the patient, his complaints about a trembling in the body, sweating, nervousness, anxiety, headache, dizziness, dry mouth, nauseating condition.

At home, getting rid of alcoholic intoxication gives results, but it can also lead to complications in the interruption of drinking-bouts. Because of the painfulness of abstinence from drinking, relatives thinking about the problem of how to stop drinking, can out of pity for the patient let him continue to drink.

Interrupting a binge at home is fraught with such errors:

  • Small amounts of alcohol make it easier to stop drinking. Thus forget about the main goal - stop drinking at all! To the patient - it is easier after opohmelenija, but for a short while. In a couple of hours he gets worse. Also what, again to show pity and to pour to it alcohol?
  • To interrupt binge at home, restrict access to alcoholic beverages. The breaking begins. From alcohol withdrawal people do not die, but the "roof" can go and appear psycho-emotional disorders and affective disorders. This can be dangerous for people around you. Therefore, be prepared for different variants of the development of events, remove all cutting and stabbing objects, if anything, you will have to call an ambulance. Alcoholics become very aggressive when using a forced procedure to interrupt binges.
  • Drug interruptions can be performed using medication methods, but illiteracy with regard to medication can exacerbate chronic drinking at home. In combination with alcohol, the tablets are incompatible. This effect is used for coding from alcoholism, but it should be performed by a professional in the clinic. Only a professional narcologist can prescribe a dropper with medications for a correct and sparing termination of a binge from an alcoholic.

To contact a specialist is the best solution!

If it is impossible to pay for rehabilitation measures for interrupting drinking bouts in paid clinics and narcological dispensaries, you can choose for yourself an outpatient treatment option. When you call a specialist at home, you can try a method of coding alcoholism at home. Without a doctor, do not even try to do it. Only a specialist with experience owns knowledge and skills, how to stop drinking.

An addict will prescribe a correct course of maintenance treatment after coding from a binge at home. He will outline the scheme of treatment, prescribe the necessary medications. You buy them at the pharmacy. Also, a specialist should observe the effect of treatment before completely interrupting the binge.