We treat the panaritium on the arm in the home

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Panaritium - purulent formation on the arm, affecting bones, skin, soft tissues. In rare cases, the disease can develop on the legs.

  • Antibiotics
  • Healing baths
  • Bath in manganese
  • Bath in manganese, calendula, eucalyptus
  • Baths based on copper sulfate
  • Soda bath treatment
  • Roots of ayr marsh
  • Compresses
  • Compress on vodka
  • Paraffin wrap
  • Soap and egg white
  • Ointments
  • Recipe for ointments from marigold and oil
  • Treatment of panaritia at home on the arm of a child
  • Conclusion
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Most often it is the defeat of local areas on the hand, especially the fingers and nails. Depending on the level of damage, there are several subspecies that require special treatment conditions. At home, folk methods can treat some species, before the formation of pus.

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Note!Severe pain and a sleepless night after the disease are signs of the formation of a purulent focus. It is recommended that you consult your doctor immediately.

  • bone, subungual panaritium is treated only surgically;
  • cutaneous, subcutaneous, okolonogevoy is treated at the first stages at home and with the help of antibiotics, the application of cold, ichthyol ointment and baths with saline solution;
  • for the tendon and joint panaritium, folk methods are ineffective. Antibiotics and cold compresses are prescribed.

At the first stages of panaritium it is possible to cure at home, whereas on later stages it is rarely possible to do without surgical intervention. Usually, up to two to three days after the illness, doctors recommend a sparing treatment.

Attention!Progressing growth panaricium is accompanied by the defeat of all tissues of the hand, and can even reach the forearm. The only way to stop the spread is amputation.

For treatment, people's methods are used on a par with the prescriptions of the doctor.

  • antibiotics and antifungal drugs;
  • baths;
  • compresses;
  • ointments.


They should be used only as prescribed by the doctor, both at the initial stages of the development of the disease, and in a progressive form. They are injected or injected.

Usually these are broad-spectrum antibiotics, amoxiclav, ciprofloxacin (ciprolet), levofloxacin, cephalosporins, and others.

Note!The drug is selected in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body and the area of ​​damage to the body.

Healing baths

Practically all variants of medical baths can be taken at home with the use of easily accessible means. At the first signs of illness it will be enough to place the damaged surface in warm water, leaving for half an hour. Regular repetition of the procedure will cause the death of microorganisms due to heat and stop the disease.

If this method does not help or the disease progresses not the first day, you can pay attention to the trays with additives.

Bath in manganese

Prepare a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate and lower the damaged surface into it, leaving it for 15-30 minutes. Repeat the procedure on a regular basis until complete recovery.

Bath in manganese, calendula, eucalyptus

It is used only in cases of absence of purulent discharge in the affected area.

  1. 10 ml of the calendula solution is placed in 100 ml of warm water.
  2. 15-20 ml of eucalyptus solution pour into a glass of warm water.
  3. Prepare a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Alternately lower the infected area in each solution and hold for 30 minutes. Regularly repeat the procedure until complete recovery.

Baths based on copper sulfate

It is necessary to heat 50 ml of water and stir in it a pinch of copper sulfate. For 15 minutes, lower the damaged surface in the solution. After a small course of procedures, you can achieve the disappearance of the disease.

Soda bath treatment

In 250 ml of hot water, add 2 tablespoons of soda, mix. The solution is placed in the diseased area of ​​the brush, leaving for 30 minutes.

After the procedure, it is recommended to apply iodine to the area around the lesion.

After several procedures, the panaritium will completely disappear.

Roots of ayr marsh

As an anti-inflammatory and analgesic for panaritium, you can use the baths based on the tincture of the root of the aura of the marsh.

  1. 10 dried rhizomes are ground to a powdery state.
  2. The crushed raw material is poured with 1 glass of boiling water and put on a boiling water bath. Hold for about 30 minutes.
  3. Leave to infuse in a sealed container at room temperature for about half an hour.
  4. Strain through several layers of gauze and take the bath at a temperature of 37 degrees.
  5. The duration of one bath is 15 minutes, the duration of the course is not less than 8 trays.

In water baths, you can add herbal infusions with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action (St. John's wort, plantain, chamomile) in the proportion of 1 large spoon of infusion to a glass of hot water.


In addition to medical baths, the use of compresses can be an effective tool. They can be made at home with the use of widely available funds.

Note!It is forbidden to use warming compresses, including compress paper or cellophane.

Compress on vodka

It will require a little cotton wool or gauze and vodka of any production. It is necessary to moisten the gauze and attach it to the damaged area and bandage it. With a bandage, it takes 10-12 hours, repeat is recommended once a day for three days. After the symptoms should disappear.

Important!It is necessary to repeat the wetting of the compress from time to time, not allowing it to dry completely.

Paraffin wrap

Take a small piece of paraffin, melted in a water bath, after which it falls for a couple of seconds a sick surface. This procedure is repeated several times until a thick layer is formed on the skin. After complete drying, paraffin can be removed, and a sore spot lubricate with iodine and zelenok.

Note!This procedure is suitable only in the absence of pus.

Soap and egg white

For the procedure you need a finely grated soap and a lightly whipped egg white hen.

  1. The ingredients are mixed until a mushy mass forms.
  2. Apply a thick layer on the damaged area, while capturing some healthy skin.
  3. Let the soap dry, then apply a bandage and keep it for a day.

If there is no result, the procedure can be repeated.


Of the popular pharmacy funds, doctors recommend ichthyol ointment, and for prevention of the disease or after it, you can use levomecol and levosin.

But even at home it is possible to prepare effective remedies against cutaneous and perihotnevic panaricium.

Recipe for ointments from marigold and oil

The powder of marigold can be bought or made independently, chopping dried flowers.

1 part of the powder is mixed with 5 equal parts of butter and applied before going to sleep on the skin.

Treatment of panaritia at home on the arm of a child

Universal ointment

It is used in the treatment of panaritium, furunculosis, abscess, tuberculosis of bone. It effectively treats panaritium on the arm in children and has no contraindications.


  • soft part of aloe;
  • medical tar;
  • natural butter;
  • flower honey;
  • pine grease.

In equal proportions, all the ingredients are mixed, placed in enameled dishes and put on a water bath. A homogeneous viscous substance should be obtained. After cooling, if it is too thick, you can dilute a small amount of alcohol or vodka.


For the treatment of panaritization in a child, take the usual iodine and put your finger in it. The testimonies of people who have tried this method say that the panaritium comes off the next day. Also, instead of iodine, you can use chlorhexidine, which is effective due to antiseptic properties.


Heat the salt in a frying pan, and pour it into a clean cloth. Fold the pouch and put on the panarithium. Take care that the salt is not too hot and does not burn the skin.

Exotic folk remedy is fumigating the panaric smoke. For this procedure you need a natural cloth: cotton, linen, wool.

The tissue is twisted into a flagellum, ignited and brought to a sore spot so that smoke gets on it. Fumigation is carried out for 3 minutes several times a day.

It is necessary to be careful not to scorch the skin, and also to conduct the procedure in a well-ventilated room with the observance of fire safety.


Means, both for preventive and therapeutic purposes, can be used in a complex, waiting between applications for several minutes. Baths, compresses and ointments usually combine well with each other, but one should pay attention to the personal intolerance of the components and the doctor's recommendations.

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