What ointment to choose when scabies?

Scabies mite - a parasite in the size of 0.3-0.5 mm. Distributed in all regions of the country, transmitted through close contact - hugs, sexual contact, when using personal belongings of another person. The parasite reproduces under the human skin, causing severe itching. The activity of the tick is manifested at night, it causes strong irritability of the human skin. Transmitted infectious disease only from person to person. The treatment takes a lot of time, complications arise. To destroy the tick use special solutions, sprays, ointments. The ointment from scabies takes the first place in this rating, does not always have a pleasant smell, it is applied throughout the week.

  • Causes of the problem, external signs
  • The choice of medicinal ointments, which is better
  • Benzyl benzoate as an effective remedy for scabies in humans
  • Application of sulfuric ointment - a productive struggle with the skin parasite
  • Elimination of scabies - how zinc ointment works, its features
  • What ointments are best for children
  • How to use ointments
  • Prevention of disease
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Causes of the problem, external signs

The appearance of scabies is caused by close contacts between people. It is not always necessary to sleep with a person to get infected. The probability of infection by a parasite increases 4-5 times when a person is in a crowd.

The main causes of the problem, experts call:

  • unordered sex;
  • ignoring the rules of personal hygiene;
  • permanent stay in crowded places, driving in public transport;
  • use personal belongings of an infected person - clothes, towels, toys.

Note!Scabies mites can not be transmitted from animal to human. This way must be completely eliminated.

Signs of the appearance of scabies are noticeable to a person after two weeks of the parasite's stay in the human body. Outwardly it looks like this:

  • the appearance of red spots, small pimples;
  • presence of fine grooves - channels of parasite movement under the skin, having a small abscess on the end;
  • the appearance of open wounds.

Since the parasite is active during the night, a person feels very strong itching at that time. To choose ointment from mange for a person, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of his body, age, the presence of predisposition to allergic reactions.

The choice of medicinal ointments, which is better

On the pharmacological market, there are several drugs that can effectively fight not only the consequences of the life of the itch mites, but with the parasite itself. Some of them have a specific, unpleasant odor. To determine which ointment helps a person need to study the assortment of drugstores.

Physicians for the treatment of scabies mites are prescribed such preparations, issued in the form of ointments:

  1. Benzyl benzoate.
  2. Ointment sulfuric.
  3. Ointment zinc.
  4. Permetric.

Note!Before using each of the drugs, the patient should hold a sensitivity test. These drugs have a sharp effect, can lead to even more damage to the skin.

Benzyl benzoate as an effective remedy for scabies in humans

Treatment with ointment of benzyl benzoate helps to eliminate the cause of the skin reaction and the consequences of the life of a small parasite. It has the following characteristics:

  • absence of a sharp, unpleasant odor;
  • rapid impact on the source of the problem;
  • causes severe burning in the place of application;
  • Available in any pharmacy without a prescription, it is inexpensive;
  • on sale comes in the form of 10-% and 20-% ointment - less concentrated variant for children, 20-% is used for adults;
  • not used daily - one day of use alternates with three rest.

Used ointment benzoate more often than other preparations, is caused by that that is issued in the accessible form for children and adults, does not possess an unpleasant smell.

Application of sulfuric ointment - a productive struggle with the skin parasite

To treat scabies, patients of different age groups, use sulfuric ointment. Its effect on human skin can not be called soft, but it affects the pest. A medicamental agent possesses a number of the following qualities:

  • presence of a sharp, unpleasant odor;
  • low cost, general availability;
  • used for long-term treatment;
  • does not produce productivity, if a person cleanses its remains;
  • used for 5 days.

It is interesting!Scabies in humans are caused solely by the female of this tick. It is caused by the fact that it lays eggs under the skin, and the human body reacts in an inadequate manner to this process. If you consider the ways in which the tick moved, small seals appear. It is in these places that the eggs and larvae of the parasite are located.

How to apply sulfuric ointment correctly, the patient can read the instructions, but it is better to consult your doctor about this.

Elimination of scabies - how zinc ointment works, its features

Zinc ointment is often used to eliminate the effects of the neighborhood of an itch mite and a person. Features of this drug are:

  • there is no smell;
  • eliminates only the symptoms caused by the tick;
  • does not affect the parasite itself;
  • is cheap;
  • perfectly complements other drugs;
  • suitable for allergy sufferers and children;
  • struggles with complications arising after the disease.

Such ointment without a smell is a solution for those who completely do not tolerate harsh odors. It does not give such an effect, which brings scabies treatment with sulfuric ointment, but it affects the human skin very gently.

What ointments are best for children

Children's skin suffers from scabies mite is much stronger than the epidermis of an adult. Accordingly, drugs for the treatment of a child should be selected carefully. For children the following means are best:

  1. Zinc ointment.
  2. Benzyl benzoate 10% of the form of the release.
  3. Permetrine ointment.

Each drug should be prescribed by a doctor, the period of use and dosage should also be determined by a specialist. Wrong child care causes allergic reactions, a number of other complications.

Note!Before using the drug, the patient should make sure that his composition does not cause him allergies. For this, it is necessary to carefully study the composition of the medication indicated in the instructions, to conduct a test for sensitivity.

How to use ointments

The use of ointments, which are designed to eliminate scabies in humans, requires compliance with certain rules. Each separate ointment has its own instruction, but the principle of using all preparations of this type is as follows:

  • It requires an abundant application of funds not only to the affected area, but also to the entire body;
  • ointment should not be washed off throughout the course of treatment;
  • before the application, without fail, a standard sensitivity test is conducted;
  • the course of treatment is a few days, make the application of funds should be before going to bed.

During treatment, the patient should try to minimize contact with the surrounding world. His bed linen, clothes must be washed every day. Things of the patient should be ventilated. If you do not comply with these elementary rules, it does not matter what to smear scabies, because there will not be a positive result.

The need to repeat the treatment course exists because after the expulsion of adult parasites, new larvae emerge from the larvae. If you do not repeat the repeated course of treatment with ointments, the patient can return to the previous state.

It is important!The incubation period of scabies is 2-3 weeks, and full ripening of the tick occurs in two months. It is these indicators that need to be based on if the patient needs to undergo a second course of treatment.

Prevention of disease

Getting rid of scabies is difficult enough, but a cheap ointment from a pharmacy will help a person in this. But the process of recovery will be accompanied by unpleasant phenomena. To avoid this painful process, each person should adhere to such rules:

  • observance of elementary rules of personal hygiene;
  • avoid contact with infected people;
  • minimizing the time spent in crowded places;
  • the exclusion of the use of others' things;
  • knowledge of the health status of your sexual partner;
  • disinfection of toys that were in the hands of several babies;
  • getting rid of the habit of borrowing other people's things.

If problems could not be avoided, a person should immediately wash all things, run to a pharmacy, buy an effective ointment. What will better influence the problem of a particular patient, will help determine the doctor.

All ointments that are used to eliminate this problem are in free sale, and their price is available to all categories of users. The process of using medicines for external use of this type should be done correctly. For this to be true, the patient should carefully study the instructions, consult a doctor, be persistent, disciplined.

What is the name of the ointment, which is suitable for the treatment of scabies, the sick can ask in the pharmacy. If the remedy is chosen for the child, the person should take this fact into account. Treatment will not be very pleasant, can be accompanied by the following processes:

  • severe burning in affected areas;
  • the appearance of dry skin, a minor allergic reaction;
  • inconvenience due to unpleasant odor;
  • discomfort due to the fact that it is necessary to apply a lot of medication on the whole body.

The course can not be interrupted, the dosage should not be increased, less done. The patient must constantly be surrounded by cleanliness, and all his things must undergo appropriate disinfection. The omission of one of the items of the curative program can not be allowed, because the situation can not be solved in this way. The duration of the course will be determined for each patient individually.

Find the name of an effective ointment, which will forever help get rid of itch mites, the patient will be able to surf the Internet. Each tool has its own specific impact, reading the instructions before using it - an indispensable condition for success. Scabies are an unpleasant, aesthetically ugly problem. Solve it effectively can pharmacy and home ointments. Since such medications are inexpensive, no one wants to do their own cooking. The problem is solved completely if the person has enough patience and organization for it. If one of the rules of the treatment course has been ignored, it will be impossible to get rid of scabies, it will go away for a while, but it will soon strike a second stroke, which is not desirable for everyone.