Vaccination against influenza: what can be done after and what can not be done?

Influenza vaccine is a preventive measure specially developed in medicine to prevent a massive disease of people during the wide seasonal spread of various strains of the influenza virus around the globe. The strains of the influenza virus are of several types. We will not dwell on each of them in detail.

A flu vaccine is developed specifically against a particular strain of the virus. And its prophylactic power is only effective when the very type of virus from which the person is vaccinated penetrates into the body of the vaccinated person. Then the person either does not get the flu at all, or transfers it in an easy form.

It's clear, most people are not physicians and do not have to know the types of influenza virus. Therefore, it is better for everyone to go to a polyclinic where they live, where medical statistics collect information about the possible arrival of the most dangerous type of influenza and, therefore, the relevant type of influenza vaccine is purchased by this medical institution, if it is developed and it can be bought at a pharmacy orpharmaceutical stores.

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Today we will consider questions and answers about what you can do after a flu shot and what not!


After vaccination against influenza: what can I do that can not be done

Can I drink alcohol and other alcohol after a flu shot, drink beer?

Drinking alcohol is not directly contraindicated after vaccination with vaccination against influenza on the one hand, on the other - excessive abuse of alcohol is harmful in itself.

The vaccine itself is already influenza vaccine - a blow to immunity, and an additional load of alcoholic beverages - also has an immunosuppressive effect. In principle, a little beer can be drunk, maybe it does not affect the overall process of formation of immunity against influenza. But it's better to be patient, let the antibodies against the influenza virus be developed for several days.

How much you can not drink alcohol after a flu shot or a dropper?

Scientists, immunologists believe that abstain from alcohol after vaccination need at least three days. During this time you can observe: whether the person remains, healthy, because the vaccinated can get flu and in mild form. And if you put the vaccine and "sour", "washing" her with a chat, you can overlook the symptoms of postvaccinal immune reaction of the body.

Remember the reactions after vaccination: not all vaccinated people can easily tolerate the introduction of weakened or killed viruses and bacteria in the body. After vaccination, uncomfortable symptoms may occur, which increases alcohol intake several times:

  1. severe headache;
  2. hyperthermia;
  3. general lethargy and malaise;
  4. intense sweating;
  5. joint pain / muscle pain.

Vaccination against influenza may manifest symptoms of influenza in a mild form. And when a vaccinated citizen weakens his body with alcohol, a positive effect of vaccination can not be obtained.

A healthy person does not put a dropper in a vein. When a patient undergoes a course of treatment with a dropper, the body needs to regain strength and metabolize drugs. Drinking alcohol does not contribute to either the first or the last, but weakens it. Try to refrain from drinking alcohol for a while.

Can I bathe, bathe, swim after flu shots?

The vaccination can not violate your usual lifestyle, but there must be a measure in everything. It's good to sit on a chair in the clinic for 30 minutes after vaccination, to observe for yourself whether there are any allergic reactions.

The effect of an influenza vaccine on the very action of the flu vaccine, bathing, swimming or swimming in the pool will not be affected, although it is not advisable to wet the place of the injection even during the first 24 hours, getting water sometimes causes redness at the injection site.

The individual reaction of any person to the introduction of the vaccine can be different.

After the vaccination, a fever may occur, so it is recommended to wash after vaccination. But the trouble will not be if you take the bath itself or bathe the vaccinated child under the shower.

If the place of injection with a vaccine has been soaked, just do not rub your arm or shoulder( injection site) with a washcloth.

It is possible to provoke irritation and inflammation in the wounded area from bathing in very, hardly tolerable, hot water or a prolonged stay in the bath( in the steam room).It is clear that this can not be compared with the easy taking of a bath or a shower. So you can not bathe!

Try to refrain from bathing in cold water, so as not to provoke a cold.

Features of the post-vaccination period

The immune system of the vaccinated person after vaccination needs to cope with the antigens that arrived and develop antibodies to them. It takes time to develop immunity against influenza.

Half the vaccinated immunity to influenza is produced in seven days. The remaining vaccinated children and adults in two weeks.

Can a donor donate blood after a flu shot?

Ask your doctor. Because:

  1. in cases when a vaccine such as split, subunit, polymer subunit - donor blood is given in ten days;
  2. when administered a live vaccine - blood donation is delayed for four weeks.

Contact with clothing can cause itching at the injection site. The desire to comb the injection site can be manifested due to allergies. When the child's injection site turns red, thickens, he combs it - show it to the doctor-pediatrician.

Is it possible to train, work, play sports, run immediately after the introduction of the flu vaccine, walk, go to the pool?

  1. a moderate run in good weather stimulates immunity;
  2. intensive exercise can negatively affect the health, but this will be true if after the vaccination a slight flu-like condition begins to appear;and you certainly know that when you raise the temperature you do not want to do anything, and any physical load is contraindicated;
  3. remember that occupations in a group with a closed room increase the risk of contracting ARI, ARVI.

Vaccination against influenza is carried out by millions of people, most vaccinated people do not even remember vaccination the next day. The introduction of a vaccine usually does not cause any health problems, impaired ability to work in adults or a deterioration in the health of older citizens and children.

What can and can not be done after vaccination against the flu by coming home from a polyclinic?

You can drink non-carbonated mineral water, tea, juices in any quantities. You can also take a nice shower, without rubbing the place of the injection with a washcloth. Eat fruits and greens - so natural minerals and vitamins will support you. You can lead a habitual way of life, but reduce the physical load on the body of the day by three.

What can not be done after immunization from the flu or drip with medications:

  1. to bathe in a sauna / sauna, moreover with the subsequent diving into an ice-hole;
  2. to visit places of congestion of people;
  3. to go on a visit, to organize parties;
  4. take a lot of heavy fatty foods;
  5. try new unusual delicacies, exotic dishes;
  6. is easy to dress and walk without a hat in cold weather;
  7. donate blood or blood for tests - 10 days;
  8. arrange a busy day of cleaning the apartment, house or villa;
  9. arrange a general wash;
  10. go on a long trip.

You can not overcool, overheat.

Contraindications and side effects when vaccinated against the flu

Inoculation against influenza, there are contraindications that need to be adhered to. Vaccination against influenza is not recommended for people with an allergic reaction to the chicken protein contained in the vaccine, with exacerbation of chronic diseases or a symptom of fever.

Can I get sick after vaccination?

You need to be prepared for possible side effects after an influenza vaccination. Although the risk of their development is small. In 1% of adults vaccinated against influenza, there are general reactions that last throughout the day - a short-term rise in temperature( no higher than 37.5 degrees), a slight weakness and chills. Local reactions at the site of injection( injection) were observed in 4% of vaccinated people - this is a minor redness, tenderness and denseness.

Any of these reactions indicates the formation of immunity to the disease.

Are there any restrictions for vaccination against influenza?

Some limitations exist for blood donors. Within 10 days after the flu vaccination, they should not donate blood.

The vaccine also creates a viral load. In connection with this, previously HIV-infected was not recommended for vaccination against influenza. Then it was proved that the increase in the viral load had a short period, and there was no danger.

At present, influenza vaccination is recommended for HIV-infected patients, followed by a break for 2-4 weeks of testing for viral load( indicators are overestimated).

To start planning pregnancy doctors recommend 7-10 days after vaccination, although this is a suspended sentence, because the vaccine does not contain live virus, and its toxicity can not be compared with rubella vaccination.

Thus, vaccination against influenza has a small risk of side effects, does not require compliance with strict rules. At the same time, the flu is dangerous and can bring heavy consequences. Therefore, the choice in favor of a vaccine is obvious.

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