What products dilute the blood and strengthen the walls of the vessels, who needs them

From this article you will learn: what products dilute blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Why do we need such a diet, how, and to whom it can be useful.

Contents of the article:

  • What is the use of such a diet
  • List of 10 useful products with these properties
  • Proper nutrition( for blood vessels and with high blood coagulation)
  • What products should be restricted

To prevent the development of cardiovascular pathologies, doctors and nutritionists recommend injectingin the diet products that dilute blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. In such a simple way, the elasticity of the vessels can be normalized, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and thrombi can be prevented, and normal coagulability of the blood restored.

Especially effective are products with a high content:

  1. PUFA or polyunsaturated fatty acids( marine fish).
  2. Folic acid( asparagus, beans, kidney beans).
  3. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C( garlic, citrus, currant, red cabbage).
  4. instagram viewer
  5. Vitamin E( linseed, sunflower unrefined oil).
  6. Flavonoids( tomatoes, parsley, buckwheat porridge, blueberries, apricots).
  7. Substances that reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol or phytosterols( figs, pistachios, sesame, persimmon).
  8. Complex of minerals( ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, cocoa).

Such a diet is relevant not only for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is able to greatly improve blood quality and vascular status with:

  • varicose veins;
  • heart failure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • ischemia of the brain and heart;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • disorders of blood clotting( polycythemia);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • obesity.

In case of serious cardiovascular pathologies, therapist or cardiologist should consult about the choice of the optimal diet. With blood diseases with coagulation disorders - hematologist, with endocrinopathies( diabetes) - endocrinologist.

Why is such a diet

What are the dangerous changes in the vascular walls and increased coagulation( coagulation) of the blood? In violation of elasticity and permeability of the vessel, damage, stratification, protrusion, and wall rupture may occur.

On the damaged inner surface of the vessel with time attached proteins, specific lipids, adhere red blood cells. This forms an atherosclerotic( cholesteric) plaque and a thrombus partially overlapping the lumen of the bloodstream. The process is more active with increased blood clotting.

The structure of atherosclerotic plaque

As a result, violations of blood supply to organs and tissues, oxygen starvation( ischemia) of the heart muscle, brain, obliterating atherosclerosis of the extremities, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

Complication can be a complete closure of the lumen of the vessel( thrombosis), thromboembolism( blockage of vital vessels by a severed thrombus), ulcerative tissue necrosis.

List of the 10 most useful products with these properties

This list is made up of the richest for useful substances products - for the strength of blood vessels and for the dilution of blood - and, of course, it is not complete.

1. Fatty sea fish( tuna, salmon)

What substances contains What are the properties of What diseases do
Contain a large number of polyunsaturated fatty acids With constant use, it normalizes cholesterol, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Reduces permeability and strengthens the walls of the vessels For heart and vascular diseases, for the prevention of atherosclerotic changes, for metabolic disorders

2. Unrefined linseed oil

What substances contains What are the properties of What diseases do
use? Polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E in large amounts . With constant application, it normalizes the cholesterol indices, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Restores the elasticity of the vascular walls of In cardiovascular diseases, for the prevention of atherosclerotic changes, with increased blood pressure

3. Fresh garlic

What substances contains What are the properties of What diseases do
use? As a part - natural antimicrobial substances( phytoncides) and ascorbic acid(vitamin C) Strengthens and restores the elasticity of the vascular walls, stimulates metabolism, has antimicrobial properties With heart

4. Fresh tomatoes

What substances contains What are the properties of What diseases do
use? In the composition - lycopene, flavonoids( rutin, vitamin P), vitamin C Thanks to the content of lycopene - a strong antioxidant, normalizes the cholesterol. Rutin strengthens the vascular wall, prevents the adhesion( blocking) erythrocytes For prevention of arteriosclerotic vascular changes, blood thinners in cardiovascular diseases

5. Beans( haricot beans and broccoli)

What substance comprises What the properties Which diseases consume
Contains folate( folic acid derivatives), ascorbic acid, A, B6, magnesium Folates necessary for the formation of healthy cells, promote rapid recoveryelasticity, and strengthen the walls of the vessels For cardiovascular diseases, for anemia, for the prevention of atherosclerotic changes

6. Walnuts

What substances contains What are the properties of What diseases do
Contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins, vitaminsC, E, phytosterols, flavonoids With constant use, normalize cholesterol values, restore the elasticity of the vascular walls With heart diseasesbut for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerotic changes

7. Fresh red cabbage

What substances contains What are the properties of What diseases do
Contain vitamins C, B, potassium, magnesium, iodine Helps strengthen and restore blood vessels, preventingdevelopment of fragility and permeability of their walls. It stimulates the metabolism, prevents the adhesion of blood cells and the formation of thrombi For the prevention of atherosclerotic changes, the formation of thrombi, with cardiovascular pathologies

8. Ginger

What substances contains What are the properties of What diseases do
Contain B vitamins, vitamin C, complex of mineral substances( potassium, magnesium), natural antibacterial substances Normalizes cholesterol indices, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaquesek For the prevention of atherosclerotic changes and with reduced arterial pressure

9. Persimmon

What substances contains What are the properties of What diseases do
use? In the composition - phytosterols, vitamins C, A, flavonoids, potassium. Natural antioxidants Due to the presence of a large number of flavonoids dilutes the blood, prevents the adhesion of blood cells and the formation of blood clots. It normalizes the cholesterol values, strengthens the vascular walls of . To prevent atherosclerotic changes, formation of thrombi, in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

10. Wheat sprouts

What substances contains What are the properties of What diseases do
Contain vitamin E in large quantities, a complex of trace elements. Vitamins of group B, C and flavonoids Prevent adhesion of blood cells, formation of thrombi. Improve the elasticity, reduce the permeability of the vascular walls, prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques For the treatment and prevention of atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, formation of thrombi, anemia, cardiovascular diseases

For the prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, citrus fruits( grapefruit with white skin on lobules), honey, cereals( oatmeal), carrots, dark grapes and small portions( daily norm - 75 ml) of red dry wine.

Proper nutrition( for blood vessels and with increased blood clotting)

Any correct diet for cardiovascular diseases, as well as increased blood clotting, contains a minimum of animal fats and a maximum of plant fiber. This means that the diet of a person with high cholesterol and vascular pathologies should not contain more than 1 gram of animal fat per kilogram of body weight.

Other useful substances and protein required for cellular metabolism( metabolism), the body can receive from plant foods, fish, seafood. Vegetable fiber, which is found in vegetables, fruits and cereals, promotes neutralization of elevated cholesterol.

The necessary condition for the prevention of clumping of erythrocytes and the formation of blood clots is the correct drinking regime. A healthy person should drink up to 1.5 liters of clean water a day( this amount does not include tea, coffee and soups), especially during the hot season. Patients with arterial hypertension and chronic heart failure such a regime is contraindicated, so the adhesion of red blood cells( clumping) is prevented by the appointment of antithrombotic drugs.

Cardiomagnet - one of the most common antiaggregants

What foods should be restricted

Vitamin K provides normal blood clotting, but in large quantities it can neutralize the effect of anticoagulants.

Products with a high content of vitamin K:

  1. Pine nuts and cedar oil.
  2. Eggs.
  3. Soy.
  4. Fresh milk.
  5. Olive oil.
  6. White, Brussels, cauliflower, broccoli.
  7. Bananas, kiwi, avocado.
  8. Green tea.
  9. Spinach.

When expressed degrees of varicose veins or its complications( thrombophlebitis), cardiovascular pathologies, atherosclerosis and increased blood coagulation from the daily use of these products, it is better to refrain altogether.

Products with a high content of vitamin K

For all cardiovascular diseases, it is useful to reduce the use of

  • salt( up to 4.5 grams per day) for the prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • fried foods, preferring raw, boiled or steamed;
  • pickles, canned food, smoked products;
  • of butter, animal fat, margarine, fatty meat;
  • by-products;
  • white bread, yeast baking, confectionery;
  • sugar, candy.

Any diet should contain a balanced amount of nutrients and is more useful for prevention. No product or complex is able to clear the vessels from the already formed cholesterol plaques and can only halt the further development of atherosclerosis and its complications.