Use of folk remedies with demodex: effective treatment at home

In adolescence, adolescents often have acne on the skin and acne.

The reason can be covered not only in the changing hormonal background of the body, but also in a skin disease called "Demodecosis."

If problems with the skin do not leave the girl or boy after the transition years, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist.

Article content:
  • Reasons for
  • Symptoms
  • General recommendations
  • Medication
  • How to cure folk remedies?
  • Gadgets
  • Masks
  • What is not recommended?
  • Preventive measures

Causes of occurrence of

"Demodecosis" is a skin disease caused by a tick parasite. The insect lives in the sebaceous ducts of the skin epithelium and the hair follicles of most people. To its abundant development and reproduction may result in the following factors:

  • Impairment of the immune system;
  • Incorrect food;
  • Abundance of fatty and salty foods in the patient's diet;
  • Stressful situations;
  • Harmful habits;
  • Alcohol, cigarettes;
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  • Abuse of cosmetics;
  • Frequent visits to the sauna and sudden changes in temperature;
  • Deterioration of metabolism.

Demodex takes root in the skin epithelium. The most problematic areas in the event of a disease become:

  • Folds between the nose and lips;
  • Back;
  • Eyelids;
  • Skin of the head;
  • Superciliary arches;
  • Cheeks and cheekbones.
By striking the front of the body, the tick can spread to the area of ​​the shoulders, back, thighs.

Characteristic symptoms of

The infected skin becomes reddish, forming large black dots resembling acne.

If the tick infects hair, it results in hair falling out in places of inflammation. On the skin, demodex causes purulent formations.

The characteristic sign of "demodekoz" is the following manifestations:

  • Itching irritation of the epithelium;
  • Scabies;
  • Pores are enlarged;
  • The skin becomes greasy;
  • Red pimples are formed;
  • Acne emits and purulent white watery boils appear;
  • Facial skin acquires a grayish coating;
  • If the tick affects the eyelashes, then they are purulent particles that make vision difficult;
  • The skin acquires a rusty appearance, is covered with tubercles;
  • The patient has an irresistible desire to scratch the inflamed areas, especially towards evening, when parasites begin to multiply actively;
  • Conjunctivitis.

The combination of these symptoms may indicate demodicosis. To clarify the diagnosis it is better to consult a specialist. The doctor will examine and prescribe the tests.

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General recommendations of

To avoid such unpleasant and unaesthetic dermatitis, several hygiene rules must be observed.

Must be washed three times a day. A tick rash most often affects the fat and problem skin, so you need to choose a special gel to clean the oily skin. It is best to take a product containing salicylic acid. Well cleaned skin scrubs with crushed apricot bones and granules.

Such tools not only wash the pores, but also exfoliate the old skin.

Wash better with warm water so that the dirt is removed from the expanded pores of the .After washing, it is desirable to apply a special lotion to the inflamed skin.

The demodex mite is well excreted in ointments based on sulfur. Therapeutic creams and lotions should be applied to the skin during the day and at night to achieve maximum effect and get rid of dermatitis in the shortest time. To clean the skin during the day is better with the use of lotions, not limited to simple washing.

Medical treatment of

After a week and a half after home or drug treatment, the skin condition worsens. There are new acne and acne. This is a normal process, indicating a recovery. As medical medications for "demodecosis", creams and tablets are used:

  • Magnesia. It is recommended to drink in the morning at the rate of 50 g per 50 kg;
  • Ointment "Yam";
  • Antibiotics: metranidazole, ornidazole, trichopolum. These drugs are currently considered obsolete and ineffective;
  • Ointment from purified sulfur dries the skin well and helps reduce symptoms, but does not kill demodex completely;
  • Cream "Demalan" reduces acne, but does not relieve the disease completely;
  • "Spregal" reduces irritation and scabies.

Treatment should be combined and carried out in a complex way, combining tablets, creams and ointments.

How to cure folk remedies?

There is a large number of folk recipes to help combat the skin mite.

It is important during treatment to carefully stretch and evaporate pillow cases, towels and any tissues and objects that come into contact with the face. Demodex is a viable parasite that remains on the hands and other objects, infecting the patient repeatedly.

The folk remedies that help with "demodectic" include:

  • Wormwood;
  • Celandine;
  • Apple cider vinegar;
  • Oak bark;
  • Indoor aloe;
  • Garlic head;
  • Masks made of fruits, herbs and berries( blueberries, currants, lemon peel, egg white);
  • Decoctions of chamomile, sequins and sage;
  • Mash from sour apples and horseradish;
  • Ghee;
  • Calendula;
  • Powder and butter.

To get rid of skin diseases infusion from wormwood will help. It is necessary to take a few stalks of bitter wormwood, dry and grind. Two spoons are boiled and boiled for several hours.

You can add honey to the wormwood to improve taste. It is necessary to drink several glasses of wormwood during the day.

From natural ingredients, ointments are prepared that will not only purify the skin, but also saturate the cells with vitamins.

From "demodecosis" ointment on the basis of celandine is good. Fresh roots of celandine should be poured with sunflower oil and insist on sun for a week. The resulting infusion should be filtered, mixed with sour cream and spread on inflamed patches. The same broth should be rubbed into the skin of eyelids and ears, and also buried in the nostrils.

Wipe the skin with six percent apple cider vinegar .It disinfects and kills the mite well.


To remove the parasite from the eyes and eyelids, a lotion is made from the bark of oak. For this, the crust is crushed and boiled in boiling water, and then it is necessary to wet the cloth or cotton wool and attach it to the eyelids.

Helps lotion from the curative aloe plant. The juice of the plant is squeezed onto a sterile bandage or cloth and applied to the inflamed skin.

The lotion is made from garlic, known for its medicinal and disinfectant properties. Garlic cloves must be finely chopped, wrapped in a bandage or a clean cotton cloth and attached to the skin.


Masks made on the basis of sour juice of berries and fruits are good for "demodectic".To do this, the blueberry, the currant, the lemon, the celandine are rubbed into the gruel. If the skin is oily, then egg white is added to the mixture, and if it is dry, then yolk.

Herbal masks soothe inflamed skin and saturate it with nutrients. A decoction of chamomile, marigold, sequins and sage will suit. Herbs need to soak the cotton wool and attach to the affected areas.

Strong horseradish and apple mask is considered to be strong and effective. Before applying the mixture, it is recommended to wipe the face with a cleansing lotion. The mask should be applied for 15 minutes, if the horseradish starts to burn, then immediately remove it and rinse the face.

What is not recommended?

Removing a tick is a long and time-consuming process. It is necessary to adhere to the list of simple rules to prevent repeated infection with the tick and speed up the treatment.

From the use of cosmetics( liquid or friable powder) it is better to abstain for the period of treatment.

Inflamed areas of the face should not be touched with dirty hands, so as not to spread the bacteria. Especially during a stay at the computer, as the keyboard and mouse collect a large amount of dirt and bacteria.

Ulcer can not be squeezed, otherwise the bacteria will spread to other pores. Purulent formations are covered with an ointment based on ichthyol. After the abscess has come out, an ointment is applied to the skin, which removes inflammation( Vishnevsky ointment, oflokain).

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More information about the treatment of lipoma without surgery - http: // narodnye-sredstva / kozhnye-bolezni / lipoma.html

Prevention measures

To prevent the repeated development of "demodicosis" it is necessary: ​​

  • To lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • Go in for sports;
  • To be outdoors;
  • Carefully monitor your own hygiene and skin condition.

Points of contact of glasses and facial skin are rubbed off with alcohol. It is recommended to walk more often outdoors, so that the skin breathes, is saturated with oxygen and dust does not settle on it.

It is recommended to use a synthetic pillow instead of a regular pillow stuffed with feathers or down. The tick can live in natural fillers: feathers, down.

It is advisable to change the pillowcase daily. It is recommended to eat only healthy, low-fat food and more vegetables.

Also see the video about demodex treatment at home:

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