Several interesting recipes for tinctures on pine nuts on alcohol

Cedar is a symbol of Siberia. Siberian cedar grows in the Russian taiga. The lifespan of this unique tree can range from a few hundred to a thousand years.

Cedar forest has long been known as a powerful healer, who not only healed man on all levels, but also encouraged him to a spiritual way of life. Cedar nuts are an extremely useful product. They can be used in any form.

Nuts contain a high concentration of biologically active substances vital to humans. Also in the core of the pine nut include unsaturated oil acids and amino acids, helping to fight free radicals and leading to the rejuvenation of the body.

In order to fully use all medicinal substances not only from the kernel of nuts, but also from the shell, make an alcohol tincture. Ethyl alcohol has a unique property to extract from the raw materials all substances that are soluble in it. It is also an excellent preservative.

Therapeutic properties
  • The simplest recipe
  • Honey alcohol tincture
  • instagram viewer
  • With carnation and oak bark
  • With celandine
  • With pomegranate skin
  • Contraindications to application
  • Therapeutic properties

    • Improves and normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Regenerates the skin after damage. Promotes the healing of even purulent wounds, painful cracks.
    • Successfully fights with salt deposits, including in joints.
    • Effectively renews and cleanses blood and lymph.
    • Strengthens the immune system.
    • Sharpen your eyesight and hearing.
    • Restores sexual desire and potency.
    • Has antitumor effect.

    Alcohol tincture from pine nuts is successfully used in the treatment of a variety of ailments and diseases of varying severity.

    For example, for healing:

    1. Gastritis of the stomach, including peptic ulcer.
    2. Increased immunity in the off-season, as well as people weakened by long reception of antibiotics.
    3. Urolithiasis.
    4. Normalization of metabolism in the body with obesity.
    5. Polyarthritis and arthritis, gout of varying severity.
    6. Diseases of the oral cavity.
    7. Neurodermatitis, eczema.
    8. Uterine fibroids.
    9. Oncological diseases.

    This is far from a complete list of diseases, when alcoholic tincture can be useful both in itself, and addition to the basic treatment.

    ATTENTION! In no case should you neglect the advice of your doctor. It is also worth coordinating with him the doses and ways of using the tincture.

    The simplest recipe

    First you need to choose good nuts. It is best to purchase them in September and October. This is a season of collection. The shell must have a beautiful, saturated brown color. If the nut acquires a yellowish or other indefinite hue, it is better to abandon the purchase.

    Then the nuts must be scalded twice with boiling water. Each time after scalding, rinse the raw material for tincture with cold water. So, scalded - doused with cold water. And so - two times.

    By this procedure, we remove the various oxidation products formed by hitting the shell of light. Now it is necessary to dry the nuts by scattering them on clean paper in the dark place of the .The prepared dry raw material can be crushed, or it can be completely covered in glass of dark glass. Nuts should fill the tank almost completely.

    Next, pour ethyl alcohol into the container. He must cover the prepared raw materials by two centimeters. Close the vessel tightly and place it in the dark place of the for two weeks. At the end of this period the tincture is ready. It should be filtered through four layers of gauze, squeezed and poured into a vial or any glassware of dark glass.

    IMPORTANT! Store in a dark place! For external use, the tincture should be diluted with in a 3: 8 ratio of .For internal use, as a rule, 15-20 drops per 50 milliliters of water are taken. If you can tolerate alcohol in large quantities, then the dose can be increased to one teaspoon.

    Take after meals twice a day for one or two months. Then you need to take a break for one month. The tincture turns out to be very concentrated, so the raw material can be poured with alcohol once more and insist one month.

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    Honey spirit tincture

    Prepare nuts for tinctures similar to the previous recipe. Take a glass of whole nuts, pour them into a dark glass container, pour 500 ml of alcohol, close tightly and put into the dark warm place for two weeks.

    Alternatively, you can wrap the container in a light-tight material and place it next to the central heating battery. After the specified time, strain through four layers of gauze, squeeze out.

    Take two full tablespoons of any light honey, melt it in a water bath, dilute with a little warm water. Cool to room temperature. Then pour into the honey syrup alcohol tincture.

    It is necessary to add tincture to syrup, and not vice versa. Stir the resulting mixture, pour it again into a dark glass container, close it tightly and put it in a dark place for two weeks.

    Ready tincture, it is desirable to strain through a dense fabric for clarification and pour on the bottles of dark glass. Store in refrigerator! Consume the same as the previous recipe.

    Allergy to honey may be a contraindication.

    With carnation and oak bark

    Prepare alcoholic tincture similar to the previous recipe for honey tinctures. Only after the addition of honey, add another teaspoon of whole cloves, a tablespoon of oak bark and a few orange crusts.

    Also, as in the previous recipe, you should insist in a dark place for two weeks. Then strain, pour on the bottles of dark glass and store in the refrigerator. This tincture is extremely effective in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and also has a powerful antiparasitic effect.

    If the ethyl alcohol is well tolerated and there is no allergy to honey, it should be about a teaspoon of this tincture diluted in 50 ml of water and eat an hour after eating twice a day for a month. Then make a break for a month.

    With celandine

    This tincture should be use only for external use .Raw materials need to prepare similar to prescription preparation simple tincture .In the dark glass dishes, fill half a cup of pine nuts, two tablespoons of dry celandine, pour in a mixture of 250 ml of pure ethyl alcohol.

    Tightly cork, insist in a dark cool place for three weeks. You can have a month, but not more! Then strain the mixture, pour into a bottle of dark glass. Store in refrigerator! For external use dilute in a ratio of 3: 8.This miracle cure for skin cleansing from acne, papillomas, warts. Perfectly removes inflammation and irritation after depilation of unwanted hair.

    With garnet skin

    First you need to prepare an alcoholic tincture from whole nuts in the usual way. Let me remind you that it takes two weeks to insist. Prepare a small amount: half a glass of nuts, 250 ml of alcohol.

    After filtering add to the tincture cleanly washed and dry pomegranate crusts( from half a pomegranate). Insist in a dark glass container tightly closed for two weeks in the refrigerator. Then strain.

    Pour into a tightly closed bottle, stored in the refrigerator! This is a unique tool for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    It is absolutely irreplaceable not only in the treatment, but also as a means of increasing the resistance of the organism in conditions of an increased risk of infection. It is irreplaceable in trips and business trips to places with low sanitary culture.

    For treatment you need to dissolve the tincture in a teaspoon of tincture in 50 ml of boiled water. Take an hour after eating( if possible) three times a day until complete healing.

    On an empty stomach, dilute the tincture in more water and drink in small sips, dissolving the medicine in the mouth. To prevent disease, 20 drops per 50 ml of water is enough. Drink an hour after each meal.

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    Contraindications to the use of

    • Intolerance to ethyl alcohol.
    • Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.
    • Allergy to honey( when using honey tinctures).
    • Individual intolerance.

    Alcohol tincture on pine nuts is a unique gift, obtained with the cooperation of man with nature.

    It should only be remembered that the valuable substances contained in pine nuts are decomposed under the influence of light.

    Therefore, I remind you once again that you only need to prepare and store all kinds of infusions in containers of dark glass.