Symptoms and treatment of chronic appendicitis in women

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Chronic appendicitis, in contrast to acute, is characterized by an inflammatory process that lasts for a long time, showing itself periodic pain sensations. Although pathology occurs in all people, the symptoms of chronic appendicitis are more difficult to recognize in women, which is due to physiological characteristics.

  • Causes of chronic appendicitis
  • Chronic appendicitis: symptoms in women
  • Diagnosis of chronic appendicitis
  • Chronic appendicitis in pregnancy
  • Treatment of chronic appendicitis
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Causes of chronic appendicitis

In most cases, chronic appendicitis is diagnosed as a consequence of surgical removal of the appendix (cervical spine of the cecum) in the event that left in the cavity of its remains longer than two centimeters.

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Important!Some doctors do not recognize pathology as a separate disease, considering it a syndrome that indicates inadequate treatment of acute appendicitis.

Other factors contributing to the development of the disease in women include:

  1. The development of an acute infectious process, which appears due to the removal of the appendix. In normal operation, it performs a protective role against the attack of viruses and other pathogens.
  2. Intoxication, which appeared against the background of the clogging of the large intestine by the calves.
  3. Blockage of vessels providing appendicitis nutrition.
  4. Inflammation of internal female organs.
  5. Abuse of fatty and fried foods.
  6. The individual physiological feature of the organism, in which the structure of the worm-like process hinders the natural release of its contents.

In some cases, chronic appendicitis is manifested as a result of an acute form of the disease, which has not been surgically eliminated. In this case, the development of pathology contributes to the remaining cysts, benign tumors, adhesions, tissue kinks that lead to a violation of blood circulation in the organ.

Chronic appendicitis: symptoms in women

Chronic appendicitis in women is diagnosed more difficultly than in men because of the similarity of pain sensations to those that the female body feels periodically during menstruation. The discomfort experienced during this period is due to contractions of the uterus. Since it is located in the lower abdomen, not far from the appendix, painful spasms are often written off for an ordinary reason.

It is necessary to understand that chronic appendicitis is manifested by concomitant symptoms, in the identification of which one should think about the presence of pathology in the body. Untimely treatment often causes complications, which are much more difficult to eliminate.

Important!With exacerbation of chronic appendicitis, pain attacks occur more often late at night, sometimes in the morning. At the same time they are so strong that a woman can lie only on her left side.

The chronic form of appendicitis is accompanied by such signs:

  1. Disorders in the work of the intestines and stomach, which manifest themselves in constipation or relaxation of the stool, as well as nausea. Vomiting occurs during a period of exacerbation of the disease.
  2. Frequent urge to urinate, characterized by pain during the process itself.
  3. In some cases, a rise in temperature at night.

Also, should alert the pain that occurs in the abdomen when examined by a gynecologist and during sex.

Symptoms in women in old age are more pronounced, but in general are similar to typical manifestations of the disease.

The above signs may indicate the development of many gastrointestinal diseases (cholecystitis, urolithiasis, stomach ulcer). Therefore, during the examination, the doctor must differentiate these diseases in order to conduct the correct diagnosis.

Diagnosis of chronic appendicitis

After discovering the symptoms that are supposedly due to exacerbation of chronic appendicitis, a woman needs to know to which doctor she will seek help. With very severe pain, you need to call an ambulance. The doctor on duty will conduct a primary examination and, if necessary, he or she will be hospitalized or referred to the surgeon for an appointment.

In a hospital setting, an accurate diagnosis is made using laboratory-instrumental examinations, as well as on the basis of an anamnesis of the disease and its clinical picture.

To diagnose chronic appendicitis, it is necessary to undergo such studies:

  • a general blood test to detect an increase in the number of leukocytes;
  • general urine analysis to exclude the pathological processes of the urinary system;
  • Ultrasound of the abdomen for identification of inflammation in the abdominal cavity;
  • computed tomography for the detection of tumors or other pathologies in the internal organs of the small pelvis;
  • Irrigoscopy to detect appendicitis deformities in its presence;
  • Colonoscopy to detect possible formations near the colon and the caecum.

Important!If the patient has recently been hospitalized with acute appendicitis, the diagnosis of the chronic form is greatly simplified.

The exact diagnosis is impossible without laparoscopy. This procedure is carried out by inserting into the abdominal cavity a special fiber-optic tube with a camera that fixes abnormal abnormalities of the internal organs. Since laparoscopy is very effective and the least traumatic method of research, its use is desirable for the timely diagnosis of the disease.

Chronic appendicitis in pregnancy

Women who bear a child, often encounter an exacerbation of chronic appendicitis. This is due to the fact that with the development of pregnancy the size of the fetus increases, which displaces the internal organs and can press on the appendix, leading to its inflammation.

This same feature makes it difficult to diagnose the disease, since it points to many other pathologies inherent in pregnant women.

How to identify chronic appendicitis in a woman in an interesting position? According to two characteristic features:

  1. Acute pain on the right side of the iliac region, which occurs when the patient rolls from one side to the other.
  2. Typical pain with appendicitis while lying on the right side.

Important!The accompanying symptoms (nausea, vomiting, loosening of the stool) can not help with the diagnosis, because they can manifest as a consequence of toxicosis.

Detection of chronic appendicitis and subsequent adequate treatment in pregnant women is especially important. When surgical intervention in the first day after detection, the result is favorable in most cases. If the treatment is started at a later date, the forecast is not so optimistic. In addition, the later diagnosed, the more likely the development of complications: placental abruption, inflammation, premature birth.

Treatment of chronic appendicitis

Exacerbation of chronic appendicitis is treated with a surgical intervention is not always. In some cases, the disease can be eliminated by conservative methods. They are in the course of drug treatment, which includes anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-spastic drugs. They are appointed by the attending physician and must be taken only under his supervision. Physiotherapeutic procedures are also used within the boundaries of complex treatment.

To radical surgical treatment resorted to inflammation of the process, which has adhesions and scars in the tissues, and during pregnancy (in the first trimester). Removal of the inflamed process is performed either in a classical or endoscopic way.

During the preparation for surgery it is forbidden to heat a sore spot, take painkillers and laxatives, and consume alcohol. The last meal before the procedure is carried out the night before.

Do not be afraid of complications after a timely operation, as they are very rare. To undesirable consequences include suppuration of postoperative wounds, thrombophlebitis, peritonitis. In this case, complete recovery after time after the procedure is observed in more than 95% of cases.

For the prevention of chronic appendicitis, women should visit the gynecologist as part of a routine examination at least once a year. Also, one should not forget about the timely treatment of chronic diseases of female genital organs and in case of any unpleasant symptoms, seek medical help.

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