Bruising on women's legs for no reason - what to do

Each girl has repeatedly faced with a problem - bruises on her legs. They appear with bruises and other injuries. If bruises have arisen on the legs without a reason, especially in women, you need to see a doctor. It can signal a disease. Seriously, you need to treat bruises on the hips, legs, feet after scratching (because of itching).

  • Causes of bruising on the legs
  • Diseases manifested as spots on the legs
  • Non-disease factors
  • Diagnostics
  • What to do if there are blue spots
  • How to treat bruises
  • How to get rid of people's methods
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Causes of bruising on the legs

There are three reasons that lead to bruising on the legs of women:

  • capillaries pass near the skin, so the slightest touch leads to the formation of a bruise;
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  • mechanical damages of capillaries - bruises, falls and prolonged squeezing;
  • various diseases.

Determining the cause in the first days after the appearance of a hematoma makes it easy to get rid of even a serious illness.

Diseases manifested as spots on the legs

After the examination and a number of studies it sometimes turns out that the hematomas are a consequence of the disease. To what doctor to apply for an accurate diagnosis? A dermatologist or surgeon will sort out the problem of bruising on the body. They will send for ultrasound examination of the legs. Based on its results, a preliminary diagnosis will be established.

Diseases that trigger the appearance of a symptom:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • varicose veins - red spots appear on the shin, are observed in women after 30 years, often after childbirth;
  • violation of blood flow in the limbs, chronic venous insufficiency;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis is a group of diseases accompanied by subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • Thrombophilia is a hereditary pathology leading to the formation of thrombi, which provokes miscarriage during pregnancy or infertility.

When hematomas appear on his legs, a specialist consultation is needed, especially those who have relatives suffering from thrombosis.

With hematomas on the legs, one should remember about the diseases of the blood system - thrombocytopenia, leukemia. They are characterized by bleeding and the appearance of bruises on their legs. Such diseases are infrequent, the diagnosis is established by a general blood test. It should be the first study in the occurrence of hematomas. Timely diagnosis, detection of the disease at an early stage can heal or achieve a long-term remission.

Non-disease factors

Not always bruises speak of illness, there are other factors:

  1. Insufficient amount of vitamin K. It is he who is responsible for coagulation. Its total lack leads to hemorrhages in any part of the body. To reduce this vitamin can be pathologies of the thyroid gland, liver and pancreas.
  2. Low levels of vitamin C or routine. The task of these nutrients is to strengthen the vessels. Their lack leads to fragility and fragility of capillaries.
  3. Reception of medicines. Often, hematomas appear in those who take corticosteroids, Aspirin, Citramon. They reduce coagulability. Also, a similar effect is caused by food additives with antithrombotic activity, recommended to people with heart and vascular problems.
  4. Critical days. In women before menstruation, as well as in pregnant women before the onset of labor can easily appear hematomas on the legs. The reason for this - weak blood vessels and a decrease in the number of platelets. In addition, pregnant women experience a load on the lower limbs, so bruises after childbirth - a frequent phenomenon.
  5. Drinking beverages. The appearance of bruising can be a consequence of drinking alcohol. It dilutes blood and reduces the amount of vitamin C in the body, destroys blood vessels.


What are the tests to find out the cause of the bruises? This is a general blood test, which allows you to determine the number of platelets. In women, the norm is no more than 320 * 109 / l, in pregnant women - 380, in adolescents - up to 480. A slight deviation is a result of a stressful situation or an incorrect lifestyle, an inflammatory process, and a decrease in the level below 100 is a thrombocytopenia. It is a side effect of some potent medicines. If during the delivery of the analysis the patient does not take the drugs, then in addition he is recommended:

  • do ultrasound examination of the liver, pancreas, spleen;
  • donate blood for HIV, hepatitis and herpes.

Also, in leukemia, the patient may have a decrease in platelets, while the level of leukocytes rises. To confirm the diagnosis, check the bone marrow.

When varicose veins are recommended to undergo duplex scanning of veins. Women of advanced age with menopause must pass the test for hormones.

What to do if there are blue spots

If the cause is determined, you should start treatment. It is necessary to improve blood circulation by such methods:

  1. Sports - daily walks in the fresh air, morning exercises, systematic visits to the gym. For those who spend a long time at the computer, it is recommended to take active breaks.
  2. Foot massage. To do this, use a cream with a moisturizing effect, apply to the feet and rub with light movements from the knee and above, and then descend lower.
  3. Shoes should be comfortable, preferably on a small heel.
  4. No tight stockings.
  5. Rational nutrition, which must be enriched with products with calcium and vitamin C, drinking regime is strictly respected.
  6. Restriction of physical activity, it is undesirable to lift weights.
  7. Control of body weight.

All these rules will help to avoid bruising.

How to treat bruises

Treatment of spontaneous bruising (large or small) should be treated with caution, especially if they have appeared without injury. An experienced specialist will easily find out the reason and choose the treatment options.

Important! Self-medication can be dangerous to health.

If the bruises are a consequence of bruises, the healing process will help speed up the preparations based on heparin and badyagi. These drugs may contain nicotinic acid and benzocaine. Heparin promotes blood thinning, due to what bruises dissolve more quickly, edema decreases. Nicotinic acid helps to dilate blood vessels, benzocaine relieves pain and sensitivity of the skin.

Today in every pharmacy you can find the means that effectively relieve subcutaneous hemorrhages:

  1. Heparin ointment copes well with any type of hematoma.
  2. Gel Troxevasin, containing troxerutin, helps to get rid of extensive bruising. How bruises hurt, only those who have encountered them know, so it is important to remove the pain syndrome, which is what the gel does. It also eliminates puffiness in the area of ​​bruising.
  3. The cream with vitamin K content will help to improve blood coagulability, prevent the appearance of bruising.
  4. Healing ointments contribute to the resorption of dried blood, do not cause allergy. They can be used to treat bruises in children and adults.

If the appearance of hematomas is caused by a deficiency of nutrients in the body, it is important to fill their deficiency. To do this, it is useful to take complex vitamins on a regular basis.

How to get rid of people's methods

Appearing for no reason round spots and small bruises - this is the result of injuries or illness. If they occur on the calf or on the inner surface of the thigh, first aid is to apply ice wrapped in a towel.

When cooled, the blood vessels narrow, thereby reducing hemorrhage. It takes no more than 15 minutes to cool the place. This procedure will only help the first day after the injury.

For rapid resorption of hematomas suitable and such compresses:

  • Cut along the leaf of aloe is applied to a sore spot and wrapped in a cloth, it is necessary to keep such a compress all night long;
  • raw potatoes, grated, perfectly removes swelling - with it, make and night compresses;
  • well, crushed parsley;
  • leaf cabbage helps to cope with hemorrhages. It's enough just to apply it to a sore spot.

Good for blue and black clay. It is bred to a consistency of sour cream, spread on gauze and applied to the place where the veins protrude and hematomas are noticeable.

Saline compresses are also effective. 2 hours l. salt is diluted in ¼ cup of water. Transfer the contents to gauze and apply to the hematoma for two hours.

If spots are often formed on the lower limbs, it is important to find out why this happens. You should seek professional help from a specialist, especially when bruises do not resolve for a long time. The doctor will select a comprehensive treatment that will help remove the hematoma.