Rehabilitation centers for drug addicts

Those people who are at the mercy of drugs, systematically use them and can not resist the pathological narcotic passions in thoughts or actions, are drug addicts.

Addiction is a terrible, malignant and relapsing disease that, without its treatment and prevention, leads to complete exhaustion, wear and tear of the patient's body and his death.

A drug addict can get everything - stealing, robbery and other crimes. The personality of a narcotically sick person is deformed, all the ideas about themselves and people are distorted, so the narcological clinic, prison and death are gradually entering the realities of the addicted person.

One treatment of drug addiction problem can not be eliminated completely, rehabilitation is needed. Special rehabilitation centers solve this problem for drug addicts.

The very treatment of drug addiction, looks like relief of withdrawal syndrome in patients with physical drug dependence, and rehabilitation is the work to eliminate psychological dependence on narcotic substances. Social and psychological rehabilitation is long - from three months to one year.

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In our society, the attitude towards drug addicts is negative. Some of them even consider it a scum of society. But if such a calamity occurs in the families of those who are arrogant towards drug addicts, categoricalness is already softened and people begin to understand that drug addiction is a disease of society, and not of some particular category of citizens, which you can not even remember. It must be remembered that the chance for both falling and rebirth is inherent in every person, regardless of his social status and financial situation.

Rehabilitation of drug addicts

In our country - Russia - there are non-governmental and state organizations, public rehabilitation centers that deal with primary and secondary prevention of drug addiction, social rehabilitation of drug addicts. In the staff of these organizations are those who are already recovering from drug addiction. An example of those who have undergone a difficult path of rehabilitation and has been in remission for several months or years is very revealing in the hope of new patients and their inspiration in becoming free to enjoy life without drugs.

One who has his own experience of overcoming drug dependence enjoys great confidence in new patients in the rehabilitation center for drug addicts.

Social and psychological rehabilitation begins with the unconditional full recognition by the addicted person of the fact of his illness. He realizes the essence of drug dependence and the hidden motives of his behavior, which trigger the mechanism of the pathological circle of drug addiction. Then the patient learns to control himself in stressful situations and build normal relations with the surrounding world and people. Further, already the former patient aspires to rejoice and to take pleasure in a healthy life against a complete refusal from the use of psychoactive means.

Free and paid rehabilitation centers

It is interesting how many patients after rehabilitation are completely "tied up" with substance abuse? The real results of rehabilitation are not always known. After all, not all non-governmental and state centers have an accurate record of the effectiveness of the rehabilitation course. Simply accounting is not always possible for one reason or another. But statistics of some state organizations tells us about three or four out of ten patients who do not actually use drugs. And this is already a lot! On average, 35% of former drug addicts with a stable remission.

In the public rehabilitation centers, there is free assistance to drug addicts. Along with the list of free medical, psychological, social, pedagogical services, in many state organizations there are also lists of paid services - for money, anonymously. Non-state rehabilitation centers provide paid assistance to drug addicts.

After all, in the main, non-governmental organizations exist in the mode of self-repayment. They do not have a source of financing from the state. Although there is a free rehabilitation center, where the work of patients is used to grow and prepare food, repair and construction of premises and buildings. Such organizations, as a rule, exist with the support of religious organizations, they also can be their founders. Choosing a rehabilitation center where drug addicts are being rebuilt for free is important not to run into scammers who act on the principle of a totalitarian sect.

The bulk of rehabilitation centers for drug addicts operate on a paid basis. Usually they have a small staff - ten or fifteen employees. Good buildings, rooms, comfortable conditions for keeping rehabilitants. The fee will be appropriate for self-repayment of the ongoing rehabilitation work.

Choosing a rehab center for addicts

Now there are many rehabilitation centers for drug addicts. The choice is not easy, depending on the patient's region of residence( geo-availability of the center), financial capacity( client's solvency).To select a rehabilitation center for drug addicts, the following should be considered:

  1. The duration of the rehabilitation center.
  2. Program of social and psychological rehabilitation.
  3. Duration of the rehabilitation course. List of rehabilitation measures.
  4. Living Conditions for Rehabilitated Persons.
  5. Reviews about the quality of the work of the center.

In any rehabilitation center for drug addicts, there must be psychotherapy conducted by a real expert. Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis will help to understand and eradicate the causes of drug addiction, to correct the emotional sphere and the motivational aspect of the patient's personality.

Physical work, or occupational therapy - is a good component of any rehabilitation program. Moderate physical work in the open air, sometimes possible - heavy, helps to bring thoughts, feelings and physical form in order. Physical culture and sports are expensive. This physical aspect of the rehabilitation process can be traced both in the activities of narcological clinics and in rehabilitation centers.

Rehabilitation of drug addicts is the beginning of social adaptation, a stage very important for restoring a sick person as a full and healthy member of society.