The temperature of the child without symptoms, all possible causes. Parent's Guide

Each conscientious mother experiences a slight panic if she sees how the child's armpit begins to exceed the thermometer's mark of 37 degrees, and when the temperature of the baby rises to 38 or higher, in the absence of additional signs and symptoms, the anxiety and feelings of parents for their child goes off scale.

It happens that light fever can be a normal reaction of a child's body to certain environmental stimuli. But this is rare. Therefore, all parents should be well aware of all the possible causes of asymptomatic fever and what to do with hyperthermia in children.


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The main causes of temperature without additional symptoms

Consider the most common causes of child hyperthermia:

Overheating .Thermoregulation in a child in the first five years of life is not sufficiently developed. Therefore, the following simple reasons can lead to a slight increase in temperature indicators:

  1. finding a baby for a long time in a hot and stuffy room;
  2. the summer sun has a particularly aggressive effect;
  3. tight and excessively dense clothes;
  4. long moving games;
  5. wrapping of babies;
  6. long finding a stroller in the sun.

In these cases, body temperature can rise from 37 to 38.5 degrees. Mom better to put the baby in the shade, taking off his extra clothes. Give the child a drink of cool water and wipe his body with a soaked and wrung towel. The room should be well ventilated.

If the cause of the temperature rise is the elementary overheating, the thermometer's column will drop to normal figures within one hour.

Teeth are cut .According to some opinions, the presence of abnormal temperature in young children can be associated with teething. Proof of this can serve as swollen reddened gums in the baby, his anxiety, he does not want to eat.

The maximum temperature in these cases can be 38 degrees for two to three days. However, you should understand that the child must necessarily be shown to a pediatrician who, in order to alleviate the condition of the child, may prescribe special anesthetic gels, bed rest( activity restrictions), and copious drinking.

Response to vaccination .Often, the introduction of a vaccine gives a feverish reaction in some children. Usually the baby does not experience additional unpleasant sensations, the temperature rises to 38 - 38.5 degrees and can last 2-3 days.

Viral infection .Its presence on the first day can be manifested by one high temperature. The mother begins to worry, experience and sort out all the possible reasons for raising it.

After two or three days, the child develops additional symptoms of a cough, a common cold, a reddened throat, a rash on the skin - all this indicates the viral nature of the disease.

Good advice to mom: do not rush to knock down the temperature with medications, call a doctor at the doctor's house, give the child plenty of drink, rest, ventilate the room and adjust the temperature in the room to 20 - 22 degrees.

Very wet wiping of the skin, very timely change of sweaty clothing. A portion of attention and quiet communication greatly alleviate the condition of the baby.

Remember that with a viral infection, antibiotics are completely ineffective!

Sudden exanthema of the .To viral infections carry and exanthema. The disease is more likely to affect children aged 9 to 24 months. This ailment is caused by the herpes virus, manifested by a fever with a high fever up to 38.5 - 40 degrees without the presence of other symptoms.

The disease is diagnosed with the appearance of a patchy-papular rash with a possible increase in cervical, submandibular, occipital lymph nodes. As a rule, after 5 to 6 days, all manifestations of the disease disappear.

Bacterial infection of .It can develop independently or after the acute respiratory infections. Characterized by a number of signs that on the first day of the onset of the disease can be noticed only by an experienced doctor. To this kind of diseases can be attributed:

  1. Angina with a touch on the tonsils and pustules, manifested by pain when swallowing and very high temperature. It usually affects children older than a year, especially after two years.
  2. Stomatitis .The child has increased salivation, the temperature, he refuses to feed because his mouth is sore due to the appearance of vesicles and ulcers on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.
  3. Otitis .The child is capricious, does not eat, his temperature is raised, he puts his hand to the sick ear.
  4. Pharyngitis .The baby has a red neck, which has reddening, rashes and sores.
  5. Infections of the genitourinary system .In children up to three years, the genitourinary tract is often infected. In some cases, not pleasant signs are attached to the elevated temperature in the form of increased frequency of urination and its soreness. Here, to clarify the diagnosis, a laboratory urine test is required.

Other possible causes of fever in children with no other symptoms are allergic reactions, inflamed wounds( abrasions, scratches) on the skin and mucous membranes, congenital heart defects.

What to do with mom if the child has a fever without symptoms

In any case, a fever is a sign of the child's struggle with infections and other adverse effects of the environment. Do not panic, give antipyretics immediately.

First measure the temperature with a thermometer( "thermometer"), not relying on tactile sensations. When the baby does not have congenital anomalies, chronic diseases, mother's actions are:

  1. at a temperature of 37-37.5 degrees the body tries to cope with the problem on its own, no medicinal effect is required;
  2. when the thermometer is in the range of 37.5 - 38.5 degrees, do a wet wiping of the baby, ventilate the room, give abundant warm drink and peace;
  3. if the temperature is observed at 38.5 degrees and above, it is necessary to use antipyretic drugs.

Often children are given inside the preparations Panadol , Nurofen ( especially well in the form of syrup) and others. Any mother should be prepared for these kinds of situations. After preliminary consultation with the doctor, prepare and put in the medicine chest the right remedy.

According to observations, in the presence of a viral infection( chickenpox, measles, rubella), the temperature drops rapidly after taking antipyretics, but soon again rises to the previous level. Then call a doctor at the house!

Elevated temperature without symptoms when contacting a doctor?

If you keep the level of fever on the fourth or fifth day, we strongly recommend that the child be shown to the pediatrician. Because this symptom of hyperthermia can lead to the idea of ​​a foci of inflammation in the child's body due to bacterial infection.

General blood and urine tests will provide insight into clarifying the disease pattern and the ability to prescribe adequate effective treatment. There are situations where specialist help is needed immediately. If the baby:

  1. sharp pallor and lethargy;
  2. difficulty breathing;
  3. fever with antipyretic agents;
  4. convulsions.

Call the emergency service immediately. Be attentive to your child, do not leave him unattended, especially if at elevated temperatures there is no obvious signs of any illness. The primary goal of the mother is to help the child cope with the painful condition by finding out its cause.

What does it mean - low-grade temperature

Kapuzy sometimes feel quite comfortable and do not complain to their parents, but with an occasional temperature measurement in children they find that they have increased in the range of 37 to 38 degrees. And not for one day, this kind of temperature can last for a whole month. In the absence of other signs of disorders and disorders, pediatricians are called subfebrile temperature.

Parents can not relax, external well-being, as a rule, can be deceptive, because a prolonged temperature increase indicates the presence of hidden problems in the child's body. It can take place from pathologies, such as helminthic invasion, anemia, diabetes mellitus, allergies, hidden infections, brain diseases and others.

To detect hidden child pathologies, you need to contact a medical specialist, a child's examination, a survey of his parents, special diagnostic studies, and analyzes will help you in resolving this issue.

Do not delay visiting a pediatrician, because the effect of constantly high temperature is a source of constant stress for the baby's body.

The child may need advice from the endocrinologist, otolaryngologist, neurologist, immunologist, allergist. Carrying out a thorough examination of the baby, will give the opportunity to correctly diagnose, prescribe a timely effective treatment.

Violation of thermoregulation, decreased immunity, inflammatory and infectious processes may cause subfebrile temperature.

If a complete medical examination - diagnosis - excludes hidden infections and inflammatory processes, parents need to take care of increasing the immunity of the child, increasing the body's defenses. Here, the right daily routine, hardening procedures, adequate nutrition, sound healthy sleep, regular walks in the fresh air are useful. All this will certainly increase the immune protection of the child's body, and normalize the temperature.

Temperature without symptoms in the infant

It is clear that the body of the newborn baby has not yet formed thermoregulation, therefore, the temperature at 37-37.5 degrees in the baby should not cause concern.

Pay attention to how the baby sleeps( tight or not), how it eats( with or without appetite), behaves calmly or is capricious. If everything is in order, do not worry.

Do not immediately resort to medicines when the temperature rises, it is better to seek advice from a doctor. Once again, do not provoke overheating of the baby's body, do not need to wrap it, neglect the airing of the room.

Dr. Komarovsky on the temperature without symptoms

You know that there is such a wonderful children's doctor Eugene Olegovich Komarovsky. It is interesting to know his opinion about the main causes of fever without accompanying symptoms.

Komarovsky EO believes that in summer, the main reason for increasing asymptomatic temperature is overheating. In winter and spring - viral infections. Half of the parents then immediately go to the doctor, the others, while watching the baby, prefer to wait a little. But it's better to go to a hospital( a children's polyclinic) or call a doctor at home.

The main thing remember those reasons, when you need to go to a medical institution:

  • On the third day after the temperature increase, the crumbs are not improving, the thermometer's column has not dropped even by several divisions.
  • On the fifth day, the temperature still continues to hold, whereas it should already become normal.

Keep in mind that the fight against ill health should not start with syrups and feather-reducing remedies, but with regular airing and moisturizing the room, bed rest and plenty of drinking. Create your baby comfortable conditions for increasing the effectiveness of the fight his child's body with the disease.

EO Komarovsky gives the following reasons for temperature increase:

  1. Non-infectious - often overheating, rarely - frustration of the work of the thermoregulation center in the brain.
  2. Viral infections, self-passing. One of the signs is bright pink skin.
  3. Bacterial infections, always accompanied by a specific set of symptoms that can not immediately make itself felt - diarrhea, rash, sore throat or ear. The baby's skin is usually pale, he is listless and indifferent. Here you can diagnose almost 100% of the diagnosis, because bacteria release toxins, which also inflame the state of intoxication. Then doctors in the treatment include antibiotics, and this solves the problem.

According to Komarovsky, a simple increase in temperature does not directly threaten the life of the baby, if the temperature is high - seek advice from a doctor.

Temperature and nothing more: video School of Dr. Komarovsky

High temperature, sore throat, laid his nose - the situation is unpleasant, but quite common. But if the temperature is there, but nothing else, no "familiar" symptoms accompanying it, no - how to be? Director Andrei Nalivaiko with his family came to see this problem. And Dr. Komarovsky, of course, will help to deal with this situation, and also answer in the studio on numerous questions about the "incomprehensible" temperature.