Overview of sphygmography: what kind of procedure, why is it needed, analysis of a sphygmogram

From this article you will learn: what is sphygmography, why it is needed, what diseases it helps to identify. How it is carried out, whether preliminary preparation is necessary, whether there are complications.

A sphygmography is an instrumental diagnostic method in which all characteristics of the arterial pulse( its frequency, rhythm, voltage, blood filling level during systole) can be measured using a special sphygmogram. Also, the procedure registers systolic and diastolic blood pressure, stroke volume of the heart and some other parameters.

A sphygmogram and a sphygmogram in a healthy person. P - wave of percussion;T - pre-kykrotic wave;N - dicrotic or aortic excision;D is the dicrotic wave;E - the sphygmic period during which the semilunar valves are open

The procedure is prescribed for the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases.

A referring physician, cardiologist, angiologist, vascular surgeon may refer you to a sphygmogram. The procedure is performed by the doctor of instrumental diagnostics - a narrow specialist engaged in the diagnosis of vascular diseases.

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The result of the study is called a sphygmogram - this is a curve that appears as a result of registering the pulse with the device. The sphygmogram is deciphered by a cardiologist, an angiologist or a vascular surgeon - that doctor who sent you for a checkup.

Depending on which vessel should be examined, sphygmography is extracted:

  1. of the Central pulse. With its help it is possible to trace the pulse, systolic and diastolic pressure on the carotid artery.
  2. Peripheral pulse. This examination is carried out on the arteries of the arms: radial;or arteries of the legs: the femoral, the arteries of the legs.

Why is the procedure

This study allows you to assess the state of the vessels, their tone, then, whether it is normal for them to bleed, and whether they are able to fully supply the blood of body tissues.

With the help of sphygmography, it is possible to identify vascular insufficiency and assess the degree of circulatory failure in certain organs.

What are the complaints the doctor sends to the sphygmography:

Symptoms in which the sphygmography of the central heart rate may be indicated Symptoms to the sphygmography of the peripheral heart
Vertigo Propensity to freeze the hands and feet
Headaches Periodic numbness of the limbs
Frequent mood swings, Paleness of skin
Forgetfulness, absent-mindedness Atrophy of subcutaneous fat and muscle layer
Low operability and fastnessasthma Weakness in arms and legs, fast fatigue during physical exertion
Coordination disorders Pain in the legs when walking
Pain or weakness in the leg when walking - also may be an indication for sphygmography

What can be seen with the

procedure Sphygraphy helps to track:

  • All the characteristics of the pulse: its frequency, rhythm, tension, level of filling the artery with blood during systole.
  • Blood pressure( upper and lower).
  • The shock volume of the heart is how much heart blood throws into the bloodstream for one reduction.
  • The work of the aortic valve of the heart. It is impossible to accurately diagnose his vices with the help of sphygmography, but you can suspect and send for further examination.
  • Stiffness of the arteries. Deviations from the norm of this indicator may indicate an atherosclerotic lesion.

Preparing for the

procedure Before the sphygmography is performed, the subject should observe the following rules:

  • Do not eat an hour before the study.
  • Do not smoke, drink alcoholic and energy drinks, coffee, strong tea 2 hours before sphygmography.
  • Do not get nervous for 1.5-2 hours.
  • The doctor will not take medication on the day of the procedure.


The syphrograph consists of a pulse sensor, an amplifier and a logger. The pulse sensor is applied to the target site: neck, thigh, shin or arm.

Modern sphygmometer

The examination is carried out in the supine position. All the clothes that are on the investigated part of the body, you shoot. Ornaments that interfere with the diagnosis, too.

The muscles of the neck or other part of the body, on which the pulse sensor is applied, relax so that their tone does not interfere with registering the pulse and does not change the indications of sphygmography.

The procedure takes just a few minutes.

Contraindications, side effects

There are no restrictions on the procedure. It can be performed at any age, with any diseases, and also people who have a pacemaker installed.

No unpleasant symptoms after performing a sphygmogram is usually not observed.

Description of the sphygmogram: what it is, what the

consists of. A sphygmogram is a curve that appears as a result of registering a pulse with the instrument.

The curve consists of several parts:

  1. Anacrotic is the initial segment of a sphygmogram that is directed upwards. It displays the phase of the discharge of blood from the heart into the vascular system.
  2. Inzisura is part of a curve that records the diastole of the ventricles. At this time, the pressure in the test vessel is lowered, the aortic valve of the heart is closed.
  3. A dicrotic tooth is a temporary increase in pressure in the aorta due to the fact that the blood, causing the aortic valve to close, again returns to the aorta, which causes an increase in pressure.
  4. A cascade is a downward, finite segment of a cycle. It reflects the outflow of blood to other, peripheral - smaller, vessels and a significant drop in pressure in the examined artery.

What diseases can be detected with the help of sphygmography

Having examined the sphygmogram, the doctor may suspect:

  • Atherosclerosis of the examined artery.
  • Decreased tone and elasticity of the vessel.
  • Disturbance of blood circulation in the examined artery( caused by vasculitis, age-related changes in blood vessels, arterial pressure disorders, etc.).
  • Stenosis of the aortic valve or its insufficiency.
  • Heart failure.
Normal aortic valve and with stenosis

Additional examination

A single sphygmogram for diagnosis is not enough. It is only needed to verify or disprove the fact that the blood flow in the investigated artery is disturbed. It can be connected with pathologies of blood vessels or heart. The exact cause of sphygmography usually does not establish.

After sphygmography, you can send for further examination: X-ray angiography, ECG, EchoCG, MR angiography and other procedures.