Alcohol: effects on the body and human health

Most people know that alcohol is a poison for the human body, but the number of drinkers in Russia from this does not become less. The influence of the forces of non-healthy traditions compels to pay tribute: 25% of those who drink alcohol have disorders of the internal organs to some extent.

Alcohol most negatively affects the entire human body, wasting its health and vitality of organs. The severity of the negative influence of alcohol depends on many factors: the quantity and quality of alcohol, sex, age, health, hereditary and individual characteristics of man, the climate.


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The effect of alcohol on humans: the body and health

Negative effects of alcohol on the human bodyESA

Effect on heart

heart - the main organ of blood circulation in the body. Alcohol has a harmful effect on the cardiovascular system. Developing ischemic heart disease( angina and myocardial infarction), cardiomyopathy, left ventricle hypertrophy, arterial hypertension( hypertension) with malignant course appears.

The toxic effect of alcohol disrupts the metabolism of the tissues of the heart and blood vessels, increases the pulse, stimulates a feeling of lack of air during exercise. After death, at autopsy, even in young alcoholics, pathologists discover that the cardiac muscle is flabby and looks like a rag that breaks easily.

Under the influence of alcohol, the heart works in a strengthened mode and wears out more quickly, because the heart rate is increased, the pressure is increased.

Liver shock

Action on the liver

Fatty liver disease
Alcoholic hepatitis
Irreversible disorders

Alcohol in any dose loads the liver. And the longer a person abuses alcohol, the more the liver is affected. Three forms of liver pathology are distinguished according to the increasing severity: fatty liver, hepatitis and cirrhosis.

  1. The most common pathology - alcoholic fatty degeneration of the liver , which is characterized by unimportant health, general weakness, heaviness in the right upper quadrant( especially after a feast).There is soreness in palpation in the right hypochondrium, protrusion of the liver from the subcostal arch. When you stop drinking alcohol you can recover in a few weeks with proper treatment and complete abstinence from alcohol.
  2. Hepatitis against alcoholization is characterized by the above symptoms of fatty degeneration, but more severe and with damage to hepatocytes - liver cells. The person loses appetite, sclera of the eyes icteric, the hepatic assays are significantly changed - laboratory analyzes of blood biochemistry. With progression, hepatitis passes into cirrhosis.
  3. Liver cirrhosis leads to death. The patient with alcoholism is exhausted, weakened, apathetic, nausea with vomiting, an increase and painfulness of the liver are observed.

The liver is a body cleanser. Blood passes through it and clears. It is not enough poison and so on, and here there is alcohol!

Effects on the kidneys

Kidneys suffer

Kidneys are filters that drive fluids through themselves. They inactivate a lot of waste substances and dump them through the urinary system out of the body.

Alcohol reduces kidney function, draining their energy. They wear out more quickly, grow old, decrease in size and can not already fully serve the body. Maybe they heard this saying: "With a sick heart, but healthy kidneys, you can live up to a hundred years!".After all, when the kidneys and the liver fully fulfill their role, cholesterol plaques are minimally accumulated, the lumens of the vessels are open, the metabolism is normal, the body grows old and wears out less.

How affects the lungs

Respiratory system

Respiratory system removes from the body through the lungs 2% alcohol! It is also, to some extent, a excretory system. But alcohol, suppressing the body, also affects the lungs. Increased risk of diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system as a result of alcohol intoxication, malnutrition and hypothermia. Plus - tuberculosis as a socially significant disease. As a result of reducing natural immunity, cases of pneumonia and bronchitis are not uncommon. All this has a negative effect on the body of the person drinking.

Effects on the digestive system

Digestive system

When alcohol contacts the esophagus, varicose veins develop, which deform and weaken. The probability increases, if the integrity of the walls of the vessels, internal bleeding is violated. To stop the loss of blood need urgent resuscitation!

In the stomach, alcohol creates an aggressive environment: increased production of enzymes, destruction of the gastric mucosa, which leads to the appearance of gastritis, erosions, ulcers and cancer. The pancreas inflames, swells. Its ducts narrow because of spasm and clog, which can lead to reactive pancreatitis with a fatal outcome, due to self-digestion of the gland and the wild pain syndrome.

In the intestines of the drinking person, the protective layer is destroyed, the natural microflora is suppressed and the metabolism is disturbed.

In addition to the high likelihood of developing gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, with alcohol abuse, there is a danger of endocrine disorders - diabetes, etc.

Blood coarsening

Blood circulation system

The circulatory system suffers from clumping of red blood cells - red blood cells. Small blood vessels are capped - capillaries, transport of gases by blood is disrupted, which adversely affects the activity of the whole organism as a whole.

Therefore, with a hangover, a person really wants to drink to replenish the volume of circulating fluid in the body. But copious drinking does not solve the problem.

Effects on the brain

Brain and nervous system

The brain regulates the functions of the entire human body. His cells are highly organized and very sensitive to the effects of the damaging effects of alcohol. One glass of vodka - 100 ml.kills several thousand cells of the brain - neurons.

When getting into the blood, alcohol glues together the red blood cells, and the smallest blood clots can clog the capillary network of the brain, blocking, therefore, the exchange of oxygen and nutrients the most important nodes of the central nervous system.

Thus, there is a threat of developing a cerebral stroke for hemorrhagic or ischemic type. Forecasting the condition of the stroke patient is incredibly difficult and depends on many factors.

Influence on sexual activity

Sexual sphere

Reproductive system and its functions, with alcohol abuse weaken. Sexual feelings are suppressed and gradually fade. Under the influence of alcohol, neuroendocrine changes occur.

In the beginning of the disease, at the first stage of alcoholism, this is not particularly noticeable. But already at 2 stages the sexual inclination decreases, the penis is not sufficiently excited, the erection is weakened. In rare cases, under the influence of a certain dose of alcohol, sexual activity may increase. In the third stage of alcoholism, the erotic drive is so depressed that the alcoholic does not remember him when he last remembered.

In women, with alcoholism, healthy offspring can not appear. You know, the worst thing, because the trouble with alcoholics is not in infertility and miscarriages, which usually affect normal women, but in unhealthy offspring!

Normal sexual activity and the appearance of healthy offspring are possible with a good physical and mental state of human health free from the effects of alcohol.

Psychic and its response to the influence of alcohol

Mental changes

Encephalopathy, in the face of alcoholism, is expressed in the form of metal psychosis with mental, neurological and somatic disorders. This occurs in the far-gone second and third stages of alcoholism.

Here you can identify alcoholic delirium( or white fever), alcoholic hallucinosis and alcoholic polyneuritis Korsakov psychosis. Patients with alcoholism experience visual and verbal perception disorders - illusions and hallucinations. Mostly disturbing and frightening. All this is accompanied by anxiety, inadequacy and violent behavior of patients.

Download presentation about the effect of alcohol on the human body and its health in. pptx format

How alcohol affects the human body, destroying health

Video channel "Alcohol Stop".The film "The Big Alcoholic Disease".The project "Common cause".

The central storyline of the film is a study of the health status of a real hero - a volunteer: a young average man without pronounced health problems, a typical "representative of a generation" who regularly consumed alcoholic beverages in a small amount - "like everyone else" for 15-17 years.

Experts, leading Russian doctors comment on the results of the examination of the hero - violations in all organs and systems associated with alcohol use: fatty hepatosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, kidney failure, etc. Each specialist gives a forecast for the next few years: what will happen to the hero,if he continues to drink. ..

Parallel line - a description of the mechanism of the destructive effect of alcohol on the body. Ethanol is a universal solvent that dissolves any cells. When ethanol enters the body, dissolution begins immediately, and triggers a chain reaction to destroy the body.

Author and project manager: Archimandrite Tikhon( Shevkunov).Director: Eugene Glukhovtsev.