Wisdom tooth extraction: how much does the gum and jaw ache, why, what to do at home

As a rule, after the removal of the wisdom tooth, many patients have a gum and even a jaw. It also happens that next to the removed wisdom tooth passes the jaw nerve and when the tooth is removed it is damaged. Then the patient experiences the opposite effect( paresthesia), his tongue, gums, upper or lower lip, part of the chin grow numb. After a few days the sensitivity is restored. If the branch of the mandibular nerve is seriously injured, then paresthesia passes into a chronic form.

After the removal of the wisdom tooth, when the anesthesia effect( frost effect) has passed, the patients begin to worry about pain, and this is normal as the reaction of the body to surgical intervention. The pains in the gums gradually subside within one week.


How much does the gum ache after removing wisdom tooth

But it's not always easy to remove the G8 easily and quickly. Sometimes, after a complicated removal of the wisdom tooth, the patient's pain may become worse, swelling, bruising, and bleeding. With such complications for a week, pain in the gums is unlikely to pass.

Why does the gum hurt after removing wisdom tooth

The simplest reason is the body's reaction to an operating injury. Remember that all third molars - wisdom teeth - are large in size and have 2-5 roots! After their extraction( extraction) in the tissue of the gum and jawbone remains an open wound, caused by damage to the bonds between the tissues. The wound is bleeding.

Gradually it is filled with a blood clot, it prevents infection in the hole and is the basis for the formation of granulation tissue, that is, the connective material that will fill the cavity formed after removing the 8-ki. As long as the hole remains injured by any person, it can disturb the pain in the gums and the fever( within 37-37.5 degrees).

With proper care of the injured gum and normal successful removal, all the painful manifestations take place in 5-7 days.

What are the complications of

All the other causes of severe pain in the gums are associated with complications arising during extraction of the molar or after the operation. These include:

  1. Alveolitis.
  2. Infection of the socket of the torn tooth, most often occurs due to early loss of blood clot or against too weak immunity.
  3. Damage to capillaries when removing the "eight".
  4. Patients also complain of hematomas, swelling of the gums, an increase in body temperature of more than 37.5 degrees.
  5. Allergic reaction to anesthetic used for local anesthesia before surgery.
  6. Presence of root debris in the well.

When the tooth is not completely removed, its remnants provoke an inflammatory process in the hole that affects the gum.

To distinguish pathological pain from reaction to surgery is simple. They intensify with each passing day, become stronger, spread into the ear, head, neck, chest.

Often complications are accompanied by bleeding from the wound, bruises, swelling and swelling. In practice, even cases are known where, after a complex extraction of the wisdom tooth, puffiness and bruising spread to the face, neck and chest and went down to six months!

Easy removal: how is the healing of the

The process is individual, but under normal immunity the timing varies within 3-7 days. If the procedure has gone without complications, after 3-4 days on the site of the blood clot granulation - a young connective tissue - is formed. After 7 days, it extends almost to the entire depth of the hole, except for the bottom itself.

After 2-3 weeks, the root of the removed tooth is completely occupied by the connective tissue. And after 2-3 months from the moment of the operation, the hole in the jaw "overgrows" with a full bone tissue. By this time, there is no trace left of the torn G8.

This data is averaged. The wells of the distant upper wisdom teeth heal quickly and without problems, here with the lower ones everything is not so smooth. There are more nerve endings on the lower jaw, more "branched" roots in the lower molars. Therefore, unpleasant feelings last longer.

If the removal is complicated, what happens

By complex removal means operations in which the gum is cut and / or the jawbone is drilled. Why such measures?

The fact is that the retinished and dystopic lower G-8 grow too late and therefore they do not have enough room in the dentition. Therefore wisdom teeth take a wrong position and interfere with their fellow men.

To wring them, it is necessary: ​​

  1. to cut the gum( if the tooth is in the correct position, but not completely cut through);
  2. or drill the eight in parts from the jawbone, if it is right there and stayed, not reaching the gingival tissues.

If this is done on time and there is no inflammatory process in the oral cavity, the healing will be about the same as in the other cases. With a late call to the doctor, when the purulent processes made themselves felt, the wound will heal longer, at least for the duration of the antibiotic intake.

Complex wisdom tooth extraction

If you have removed the hood of wisdom tooth.

The hood of wisdom tooth is the gingival tissues hanging over incompletely erupted tooth. Under it, the remains of food fall on which bacteria "run", provoking inflammation of the gum. If the hood is excised in time, before the onset of the inflammatory process, then the gum will heal just like with a simple tooth extraction.

If under the hood already begun purulent processes, delayed wound longer need antibiotics - metronidazole in combination with Klindomitsinom or linkomitcina , or products based on norfloxacin , Tsiprofloksaina , ofloxacin .

Care of the gum after removal: prevention

In order to prevent pain, it is recommended:

  1. to refuse eating and drinking for the next three hours after the operation;
  2. is not too hot and hard food for the first few days;
  3. not to allow physical and emotional overstrain;
  4. do not smoke and do not drink alcohol for a week;
  5. to postpone visiting the sauna and gym, taking a hot bath.

For the treatment of pain, Nimesil, Tempalgin, Sedalgin, Ketanov, Solpadein, Baralgina or are prescribed. Nurofen .It is allowed to apply cold compresses ( ice) to the sore spot.

In no case should you stop hygienic procedures. To prevent the bacteria from entering the wound after removing the "eight", brush your teeth every time after eating, but gently bypassing the injured gum. If the pain is too strong and you can not brush your teeth, gently rinse your mouth with diluted toothpaste in the water.

Than to rinse your mouth?

To protect the wound from infection, rinse the mouth with traditional or folk medicine:

  1. Chlorhexidine;
  2. Stomatidine;
  3. Miramistine;
  4. Rivanol;
  5. Furacilin;
  6. broths of chamomile and calendula flowers, sage, oak bark.

Earlier than a day, you can not start rinsing. This is fraught with an early loss of a blood clot. Rinses also should not be too active, it is better to make antiseptic baths - to type in a mouth a solution, to incline for a short while a head on the side of a sore point, then spit.

Rinse solutions are prepared cool, because in a warm, moist environment, bacteria begin to multiply actively. Alcohol-based products are not suitable for rinsing, they can cause gum burn.

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Vybornaya Svetlana Viktorovna - the director of the Kharkov dental clinic-studio "Art-stomatology" answers your questions. Blog of the dentist. The tooth was removed. How to care for the oral cavity after removal?

Clinic address: Kharkov, Petrovsky 24( entrance to the arch), Pushkinskaya metro station( Yaroslav Mudry 24 street).Consultations of specialists are free of charge.

Source: http: //mydentist.ru/blog/ skolko-bolit-desna-posle-udaleniya-zuba-mudrosti /

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