What does WBC mean in the blood test?

A blood test is a frequently prescribed clinical procedure. Observing the changes in its composition, it is possible to diagnose inflammatory processes, the foci of their appearance, to determine the disease. The WBC score in the blood test is a reflection of the number of leukocytes.

  • What is this WBC
  • Types of bodies
  • Norm and deviations
  • Preparation and analysis
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What is this WBC

General analysis implies the definition of not only WBC, but also other indicators. The laboratory assistant conducting the study pays attention to each of them. The number of white blood cells (leukocytes) is represented in Latin letters - WBC. These bodies are active in many internal organs, participate in processes that ensure normal life activity. The value of WBC shows the features of the functioning of the immune system. If the indicator is raised or lowered, this indicates the onset of pathological processes. However, the interpretation of the WBC includes not only counting the number of leukocytes in the body, but also the definition of other cells.

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When performing a general blood test, additional diagnostic manipulations are performed, except for the WBC definition:

  • calculation of the leukocyte formula necessary to determine which group of bodies is lacking or is in excess;
  • blood smear microscopy.

If these diagnostic procedures fail to determine the exact form, cause of the abnormality, other blood tests may be prescribed.

Types of bodies

Leukocytes are white corpuscles of various types:

  1. Neutrophils. They occupy the largest part of the number of leukocytes. Perform a protective function, have a depressing effect on the infection - bacteria.
  2. Lymphocytes. Have a strengthening effect on the immune system. Usually deficiency of these elements leads to frequent soreness. An important function of lymphocytes is the formation of immune memory. With the help of this process, the body produces antibodies that can prevent re-infection with infectious and other diseases. Lymphocytes mainly fight against viruses.
  3. Monocytes. Perform a purifying function - have a depressing effect on foreign microorganisms (viruses) that have entered the bloodstream.
  4. Eosinophils. Help combat allergens, preventing the negative reaction of the body to irritating factors. The norm in children, adults is the same.
  5. Basophils. They contain little - less than 1% of the total mass, but they are necessary for the normal functioning of the remaining cells. Basophils help other leukocytes to detect, overcome an alien body.

If, as a result of deciphering the general blood test, it is found that deviations from the norm of leukocytes are absent, the leukocyte formula is still calculated. It is needed to assess the amount and state of each of these five cell types.

Norm and deviations

The normal level of leukocytes in the blood is determined by age. The norm in men, women is different from the child:

  • up to half a year - 5,5-12,5;
  • up to a year - 6.0-12;
  • up to 6 years - 5,0-12;
  • up to 15 years - 4,3-9,5;
  • adults - 4,0-9,0.

The rate at women can increase at vynashivanii the child, thoracal feeding, that is not dangerous. This is due to the hormonal changes that occur in the body. In other cases, an increase or decrease in the level of white blood cells requires attention.

An increase in the number of white bodies is called leukocytosis. In some cases, its appearance may be triggered by external factors not associated with pathological diseases. Treatment in this situation is also not required. These include:

  • intensive physical loads before the delivery of the analysis (in old age, such a load can simply be climbing the stairs several floors);
  • pregnancy;
  • supercooling;
  • emotional shock, stress;
  • a hearty breakfast.

In order to prevent the appearance of these factors as much as possible, the analysis requires preparation. It is advisable before donating blood is not, to exclude excessive physical exertion and stress.

Pathological leukocytosis is caused by inflammation that occurs in the body:

  • infectious diseases in the process of exacerbation;
  • heart attack, stroke;
  • intoxication;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • extensive blood loss, often after surgery.

A decrease in the level of these cells is called leukopenia. Most often it provokes:

  • viral infections, including HIV, influenza;
  • severe bacterial, protozoal infections;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • hypersplenism;
  • failures of the endocrine system.

Often, leukopenia is caused by hormonal disorders, which are most affected by women. When the failure occurs in the endocrine system, associated with a decrease in hormone production, this affects the overall blood test. For detailed specification of the cause, a biochemical, immunological study of the blood is prescribed.

Important! Some first learn about having HIV infection after giving a general blood test. A doctor who has noticed acute leukopenia, gives the direction for an additional examination to confirm the diagnosis.

Preparation and analysis

The main requirements for preparation are the following rules:

  1. Analysis is given in the morning on an empty stomach. The last use of food should be until 20 pm, it is desirable that the diet consisted of easily digestible dishes. Exclusion of certain medications. It is important to warn the doctor who ordered the examination about the use of the usual medications, because some of them can distort the result.
  2. In the morning before giving blood, you can drink water, it is important that it is still, filtered. Any sweet drinks, tea, coffee are forbidden. If you do not feel thirsty, you do not need to force yourself to drink water.
  3. Avoid smoking in the morning, at least a few hours before the procedure.
  4. Before taking the test, you need to rest, catch your breath, especially when you come from the street. Because of this, some should come early. Physical stress, emotional overexertion can distort the result.

Interesting! Doctors advise a few days before the blood test is done to exclude from the diet fat, heavy food. The best option is to observe the principles of proper nutrition 2 days before the procedure.

These recommendations are applicable to the delivery of a general blood test. If there is a need for additional procedures, they may have their own training features.

Blood is taken by a special needle - it pierces the capillary. In adults, the analysis is taken from a finger, in a child under the age of one year the cushions of the fingers are usually too small, so the puncture is done in the heel. The whole procedure is carried out very quickly, painful sensations arise do not have time. In order not to frighten a small child before performing the procedure, it is enough to divert his attention for a few seconds.

The WBC score in the blood test indicates the number of white blood cells. With the help of the study of blood composition, one can not only learn the number of these cells, but also calculate the leukocyte formula. The norm depends on the age of the patient. Deviations from it to a greater or lesser extent indicate the presence of pathological processes. It is important to follow the rules of preparation for the procedure to obtain a reliable result.

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