What to do with a knee injury: first aid and treatment at home

Knee injury is a closed trauma of soft tissues located in the region of the knee joint. Strong damages of the structures inside the joints in this case are absent. It can occur in people of any age. Children and young people who lead an active lifestyle suffer more often.

Contents of the article:
  • Possible causes
  • Symptoms
  • First aid and general recommendations
  • How to treat a bruised knee with folk remedies?
  • What is not recommended?
  • Preventive measures

Possible causes of

The cause of a knee injury may be a drop or a blow to the knee area with a heavy object. Mostly it is a domestic trauma, and in children it most often occurs during the summer holidays, and in adults - in the winter due to numerous falls due to ice.

Also often this problem is a consequence of a sports injury. Often suffer athletes, football players, hockey players and other athletes, whose activities are associated with the risk of falling.

A few times the cause is high-energy injuries. This may be an accident on the road, an accident at work, a natural disaster and so on. In everyday life or during sports, isolated bruises are usually obtained.

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If we talk about high-energy injuries, they can be connected with injuries of the spine, chest, pelvis and a number of other injuries.


With a knee injury, the victim feels pain in the knee joint and has trouble walking. Edema of the joint is observed, its contours are smoothed. In the anterior or anterolateral area, bruising can be seen.

There may be a markedly moderate or insignificant movement restriction. Although serious injuries are not present inside the joint, nevertheless, the joint tissues also react to damage, resulting in the appearance of synovitis or hemarthrosis.

If the amount of blood in the joint is moderate or large, then the ballotation of the patella and fluoctation are clearly discernible. If the amount of fluid is small, the symptom of balloting should be checked by lateral compression of the joint.

Synovitis manifests less frequently than hemarthrosis. It usually affects stale injuries( the prescription is more than a week old).Depending on the prescription, the liquid can also depend.

If recent lesions, as a rule, liquid exudation of a light yellowish hue is observed. If the injury is old, and the treatment is not available, the liquid darkens, becomes thicker and more viscous. Sometimes you can see thin small flakes.

Also, the joint can be limited in the usual movements. In the process of movement, acute pain may appear. If the bruise was severe, the result could be even a pain shock with loss of consciousness.

The most simple and harmless consequence of this trauma is the appearance on the knee of an abrasion or small bruise. More serious consequences can occur when the necessary first medical aid was not provided on time.

On the background of a traumatic injury, meniscus inflammation can manifest. If it is not eliminated, it is possible to transform the disease into a chronic form. There is a risk of degeneration of the meniscus and its cystic degeneration.

Consequences of knee injury can be ruptures or sprains. If there is a complete rupture, the knee may completely lose its motor capacity. When stretching for him, the character is stiff.

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What are the causes of bursitis of the knee joint? About this and treatment of the disease, read this article.

First aid and general recommendations

With a knee injury, first aid is shown to provide the affected joint with reliable protection. It is better to exclude even the most simple loads. Cold procedures, which reduce the scale of hemorrhages, work well.

In the process of providing first aid, it is necessary to stop the growth of hemarthrosis, because the hematoma provokes pain and squeezes the nerve endings. If the injury occurred on the street, you need to call an ambulance.

While specialists arrive, you need to put the victim on the bench and raise your injured leg a little, which will help reduce the flow of blood. In many ways, the efficiency and quality of recovery is determined by the primary methods of medical care.

If the patient's pain syndrome is severe, then first anesthesia should be carried out with the help of special medications prescribed by the doctor. In the treatment, non-steroidal drugs with an anti-inflammatory effect are usually used. Sometimes all kinds of ointments are bruised.

Knee joint puncture can be performed to eliminate pain and swelling. It is often necessary to eliminate the blood accumulated in it. Then, a bandage is applied to the affected area, which warms the affected area and limits movement. Self-medication should not be done, because the risk of various complications increases.

After injury, it is recommended to limit the load on the affected leg. If the knee is in motion, the recovery process may be longer. Used ointments with analgesic and anti-inflammatory components.

To allow the knee to heal quickly and effectively, chondroprotective agents can also be used. The standard recovery process takes approximately 2-3 weeks. If the injury is serious, it can be much longer.

How to treat a bruised knee with folk remedies?

Traditional medicine also offers a number of effective treatments. This compresses, and tinctures, and home ointments.

  • Sheet of plantain .It is recommended to apply a plantain leaf or ground wormwood to the damage zone. When the grass dries, you need to moisten it with water or replace it.
  • Ointment from spruce resin .To make it, you need to mix the spruce resin, birch tar and lard. Leave the mixture for a day in a warm place, then you can use it for the intended purpose. The ointment is applied to the tissue and applied to the sore spot.
  • Ointment from laundry soap .It is advisable to take the dark was. It must be grinded with a grater and add 30 grams of ammonia and camphor powder. Pour this mixture with a glass of oil and light bulb mix well. Use the same as the previous recipe.
  • Compress with vinegar and vegetable oil .You can also prepare an effective compress, which involves the use of any vegetable oil, boiled water and vinegar. All components should be taken in the amount of a tablespoon and mix well. Next, take a clean cloth, soak it well in this mixture and put it on a sick knee, and then warm it with cellophane and a handkerchief. A total of 5-6 such procedures can completely eliminate the symptoms.
  • Herbal tincture .It is necessary to mix a tablespoon of herb-coltsfoot and oregano, pour half a liter of vodka and insist for three days. When this period is over, soak the resulting tincture and apply it to the damaged area using cellophane and a warm kerchief.
  • Medicinal air .This plant helps to quickly heal the injury. You can prepare on its basis a remedy that can be used for lotions. Grass should be poured with vodka( 200 g of arare should be 100 ml of vodka).Let it brew for three days. Use as well as other lotions.
  • Badyaga .This is probably the most effective remedy against bruises. You can use it in the form of a pharmaceutical ointment or powder, which must be diluted in water and used as a compress or lotion.

What is not recommended?

Before using any folk methods, you should definitely consult with a specialist. In the presence of concomitant skin lesions, some of them may be contraindicated due to the high risk of complications.

During the recovery period, the should be severely restricted, since the load on the damaged knee delays the moment of its healing.

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What is Morton's neuroma? About the symptoms and treatment of the disease, you can read the link.

Is it possible to cure the omission of the uterus with the help of folk remedies?http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva / zhenskoe-zdorove / opushhenie-matki.html

Preventive measures

There are no specific measures to prevent knee injuries, but there are recommendations that will help reduce the risk of this and other knee injuries.

  • Use the seat belt in vehicles.
  • Try not to lift heavy objects, do not stand on stairs, chairs and other items that do not have sufficient stability.
  • Be careful if there is ice on the street.
  • While playing sports( football, roller skating), use protective devices.
  • Before taking the basic physical exercises, perform stretching exercises. They help to prepare, relax and warm up muscles.
  • Do the exercises, use only the right positions and techniques, which will help to eliminate the risk of strong muscle tension.
  • Use sports equipment that matches your parameters, strengths and capabilities.
  • Be cautious if, when working with equipment in the process of work, you have experienced severe pain. Talk with management about the possible replacement of equipment or the way you work.
  • Keep track of the weight. Extra pounds give extra burden to your knees and increase the risk of injury.

The recovery period will depend on the way the victim lives and how the treatment goes. If everything is done correctly, the trauma can completely heal within two weeks, so take care of yourself and your health.

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