Photo of atopic dermatitis in adults: diagnosis and treatment

Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common types of dermatitis, the second one is chronic allergic dermatitis. Most often this disease is diagnosed in children, but because of its almost incurable nature it can be found in an adult. To make it easier to distinguish the disease from many other dermatological pathologies, it is worth looking at the photo of atopic dermatitis in adults and reading about possible manifestations of the disease.

  • Atopic dermatitis: what is it?
  • Causes
  • Infectious or not?
  • Symptoms
  • Photo of atopic dermatitis in adults
  • Diagnostics
  • How to treat atopic dermatitis
  • Treatment with folk remedies
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Atopic dermatitis: what is it?

This disease is a diffuse neurodermatitis, it occurs in people initially genetically prone to developing such a form of dermatitis, however, genetics is not enough that it has developed. This state can arise under the influence of many factors. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in children 6-7 years of age, but in most it remains in adulthood.

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Atopic dermatitis is characterized by a recurring course, the symptoms may be absent or be mild for a while, then again worsen. Very often, together with this disease, other conditions associated with manifestations of allergy are simultaneously detected: bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic bronchitis.

Hypersensitivity can be provoked by allergens and irritants of different types, it all depends on the specific case of the disease. Relapses in this pathology clearly depend on the seasons of each patient: in winter there are constant exacerbations, in summer almost complete remission occurs.

There are several forms of the disease, depending on the severity of the flow and the main stimulus, which provokes exacerbations and worsening of the condition. The code for ICD-10 in this disease is L20.

An uncontrolled course of dermatitis can lead to the development of a number of complications. First of all, the symptomatology of the disease can seriously affect the patient's standard of living. Also, the presence of rashes on the skin of a nature that, in this pathology, increases the risk of penetration of a viral infection or the development of a fungal lesion.

It is almost impossible to completely get rid of atopic dermatitis, but with proper selection of therapy, it can minimize its manifestations, relapses and exacerbations will occur as rarely as possible.


The main reason for the development of atopic dermatitis is a genetic predisposition. Predicting whether this disease will occur or not is quite difficult, but if someone from the family already has atopic dermatitis or if there are allergic reactions, the probability of this disease is quite high - up to forty percent.

In the presence of a genetic predisposition, several factors can be identified that provoke the development of dermatitis. These include constant contact with allergens - irritants, improper nutrition, low immunity and a lack of useful vitamins and minerals, constant high emotional and physical loads.

Important!For the first time the disease manifests itself usually in childhood, the first manifestations in an adult are practically excluded.

Infectious or not?

Since the only reason for the development of the disease is a genetic factor, it is impossible to get dermatitis. However, if a person without any prerequisites for the development of the atopic form suddenly has symptoms similar to the symptoms of this disease, it is an occasion to urgently appeal to a dermatologist. They may indicate another skin disease, possibly infectious.


Symptoms of this disease are quite typical, however, in any case, a full diagnosis is required to exclude other dermatological problems. If there is a suspicion of atopic dermatitis, you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • constant dryness of the skin, accompanied by itching, is the main sign in the initial stage;
  • the appearance of edema, strong redness in places of dry skin;
  • there is a small rash, which quickly turns into erosion, possibly the appearance of abscesses.

Atopic dermatitis usually has a fairly clear localization. On the hands of erosion usually arise in the bend of the elbows, on the legs - in the folds under the knees. Also, the disease can manifest itself on the face - rashes arise in the forehead and temples, around the mouth.

Photo of atopic dermatitis in adults


In the diagnosis it is very important to meet the main diagnostic criteria, which include a description of the complete clinical picture for this disease, the compliance of all symptoms. It is also important to know if someone from the family has allergic diseases. We take a blood test, exclude other dermatological diseases.

In the course of diagnosis, they usually try to establish the exact allergen that caused the disease. This is done with the help of special samples from an allergist, check the most common allergens: pollen, pet hair and many others.

Important!It is not always possible to detect an allergen.

How to treat atopic dermatitis

Treatment is aimed at reducing the various symptoms of dermatitis to a minimum. With an exacerbation, you usually need to take various medications that help to relieve allergy symptoms and inflammation. With remission, it is enough to observe a special diet and maintain immunity. Usually, the following types of medicines are used to treat the disease:

  1. Antihistamines. They are especially important when exacerbated, they help to remove the main manifestations of allergies, help to remove swelling and inflammation. Usually the drugs of the last generation, Claritin, Zodak and their analogues are used. With advanced serious forms, systemic corticosteroids in injections may also be required.
  2. Treatment with antibiotics. Antibacterial drugs are usually required with concomitant bacterial lesions, skin erosion is an additional factor that increases the likelihood of bacterial infection. Without the appointment of a specialist, these drugs should not be used.
  3. Vitamins, agents that improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It is required practically in all cases, usually various vitamin-mineral complexes are used, the choice of a preparation depends on what substance is in short supply. To improve digestion using a variety of means, with food allergies may require even activated charcoal.
  4. Ointments. Various drugs for topical application are extremely important for the removal of the main symptoms, they usually moisturize the skin and contribute to the burning of erosion. Usually used ointments with glucocorticosteroids - Advantan and other drugs based on prednisolone. Also, funds like hydrocortisone-based Lokoid are used.

These are the main drugs that are used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. It is also important to limit contact with allergens. In addition, a diet with atopic dermatitis is extremely important. It excludes all products that can provoke an increase in the disease: citrus fruits, chocolate, foods with a high content of flavors and dyes.

Treatment with a laser or nitrogen for this disease is not applied, because the cause of dermatitis is not in penetrating the skin of the infection. Atopic form is associated with impaired immunity.

Treatment with folk remedies

Some folk remedies are quite effective in this disease, they are usually used for external compresses, lotions, and baths that help moisturize the skin, relieve itching, and contribute to the early healing of erosion. The most common tools are:

  1. Oats and oak bark. On the basis of these ingredients, a bath is made into which the affected limbs must be dipped. Oak bark and oats are brewed separately, diluted with water and mixed, the bath is made for half an hour.
  2. Treatment with mud. In pharmacies and specialized stores you can sometimes find special dirt that helps with various skin diseases. On their basis, compresses are made, the mud is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin and left for a time.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil. Sea-buckthorn oil moisturizes well and promotes the healing of erosions, it needs to be applied to the places of skin cracks and to hold the compress for several hours, wrapping it with food film.
  4. Propolis treatment. You can use almost any products, on their basis to do compresses and lotions. However, it is worth remembering that you can not use alcohol based tincture based on propolis, because it dries the skin.
  5. Aloe. Diluted aloe juice can be used for atopic dermatitis as a lotion. Also it can be added to lard, melted in a water bath, and applied as masks.
  6. Treatment with bay leaf. Decoction on the basis of bay leaves helps to remove the itching, do not make it too strong, a couple of liters of water is enough for a few small leaves. The broth needs to be wiped off the affected area several times a day.

It is worth remembering that this disease does not recommend long-term baths in general, except for specialized baths. Folk remedies can only be ancillary, in order to achieve a truly noticeable result, complex therapy is needed.

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