How to get papillomas at home

Papillomas - formations on the skin, which in sizes can reach from 0.2 mm to 10 mm. Formations by color are exactly the same as skin. Doctors carry such a growth to benign tumors. Therefore, the treatment of papilloma in the home is possible and even necessary.

  • What is important to know about the formations
  • Why there are papillomas on the body
  • Causes
  • How to treat
  • Method of freezing
  • Duct tape
  • "Verrukacid" remedy
  • Than to treat papillomas at home
  • Chicken eggs
  • Castor oil
  • Kerosene and walnuts
  • Laundry soap
  • Yellow celandine
  • Garlic
  • Mixture of oils
  • Iodine
  • Bananas
  • Vinegar
  • Tincture of dandelions
  • Castor oil
  • Rowan and wormwood (juices)
  • Medication
  • Viferon
  • Ointments
  • What else is important to know about treatment
  • In pregnancy
  • In the area of ​​the anal opening
  • In the vagina
  • On the cervix of the uterus
  • Intra-flow papilloma
  • In men
  • Children
  • Papillomas under the armpits
  • On the lip
  • In the throat
  • In the language
  • On the eye
  • On the face
Related articles:
  • Getting rid of papillomas in an intimate place at home
  • instagram viewer
  • Effectively get rid of papilloma in men
  • Symptoms and treatment of intraprostatic papilloma of the mammary glands
  • We get rid of papillomas under the armpits by effective methods
  • Causes and treatment of papillomas on the neck folk remedies

Interesting! Papillomas on the body appear because of the virus of the same name. Modern medicine can not offer treatment for infection. But it's possible to get rid of them. And some methods are effective at home.

What is important to know about the formations

Grow papilloma slowly. But if there is a sharp decrease in immunity, then the formation begins to appear in large numbers, and those that are on the skin grow faster. Medical centers offer professional removal of formations. The method of laser exposure or coagulation is used. Possible successful treatment of papilloma at home.

Why there are papillomas on the body

This is a viral disease, when you are in contact with an infection carrier, it is more likely to become infected with this disease. There are several main causes of the disease:

  • children's age, immature immune system;
  • skin diseases;
  • stressful situations;
  • nicotine, spirits;
  • ARVI, influenza, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • reception of antibacterial drugs;
  • being in a room with high humidity.

Important! Before you start to heal yourself (the therapy consists in removing the formations, because the virus can not be removed), you must go to the doctor and find out if the body has papillomas.


Adequately to assess the cause of the appearance of papillomas on the body is subject only to the doctor. After all, this disease is transmitted both sexually and by household, and does not manifest itself immediately. And can arise for any of the following reasons:

  • visiting public swimming pools, saunas, baths;
  • the use of medications over a long period (antibiotics are more likely to do so);
  • inconstancy of sexual partners;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • weak immune system;
  • stress.

The neck is an open area, so it often succumbs to the action of external factors that irritate it (it sweats, in the summer it becomes soiled, its rubbed with clothes, with hands). We ourselves create all conditions for the reproduction of infection. Papillomas on the neck are often due to:

  • non-observance of hygiene rules;
  • with reduced immunity due to the use of alcohol, drugs and smoking;
  • transmission by household means.

Home treatment should be done carefully. Inattention is fraught with bleeding, burns and even infection of wounds. If the skin is not properly applied, scars can remain.

Important! Prune papillomas or cut severely prohibited. This can lead to an inoffensive tumor that turns into cancer. Independently should not remove the education that is in the nose, the eye, in the mouth (including in the throat). Also, the papilloma can form under the armpits.

How to treat

Treatment of papilloma at home can be done only after consulting a doctor.

Method of freezing

Freezing is a popular method of removing the described formations in the cosmetic cabinet. Anesthesia in treatment is not required. This procedure is extremely popular in the situation when the papilloma appears in the intimate parts of the body. We already wrote about the symptoms and treatment of papillomas in an intimate place.

At home, the procedure for removing the papilloma by itself, by freezing, can be done. But still have to go to the pharmacy to buy a special drug. Next, the medicine is applied to the formation (gently, not to touch the skin around the build-up). The papillomas disappear after a week, scars and other traces with proper application of the drug should not remain.

Duct tape

Another option for home removal, for the implementation of which will have to go to the pharmacy. It is necessary to buy adhesive strips, impregnated with a special, destructive for these formations composition. Treatment takes three hours, after the papilloma should fall away.

Strips should be glued directly to the formation and left for as long as indicated in the instructions. Then moisten the tape with warm water and remove, together with the remnants of the build-up.

"Verrukacid" remedy

The medicine is sold in pharmacies and is suitable for home use. With the help of the drug, not only the formations are removed, but also warts are removed from the skin. Apply as described in the instructions. But the removal procedure is painful, it takes days to completely restore the skin. Although the papilloma is removed from one time.

Than to treat papillomas at home

Treatment of papilloma with folk remedies is very popular. Here are the most effective methods.

Chicken eggs

Effective treatment of papilloma at home with a normal chicken egg. Used protein, which need to smear the affected areas of the body. When the protein withers (after a few hours), simply apply one more layer, without washing off the previous one. So repeat a few days until the build-up disappears.

Castor oil

Safe method of home treatment of the described education. Castor oil contains acid, the effect of which strongly weakens the papilloma and it disappears. It is necessary to lubricate the skin with oil and cover the growth with a bandage. Do this twice a day. After six procedures, she must fall away.

Kerosene and walnuts

With the help of these components, you need to make an ointment. Green walnuts to pass through a meat grinder. Add kerosene pure in a ratio of one to two. The mixture is left to infuse in a glass closed jar 20 days. Then drain the tincture, separate the cake. Spread the grease with liquid infusions several times a day. This procedure is painful, fraught with the appearance of skin burns.

Laundry soap

This method is recommended for use on papillomas on the body, neck, hands (do not touch the mucous membranes). The procedure should be carried out for 4-5 days. Neoplasm should be rubbed with soap and soap so that the papilloma is well covered with a layer. In this case, it is necessary to try not to damage the affected area well, so as not to infect the infection. Gradually, the inflammatory process will begin to develop, when it is obvious, stop doing the procedure. For some time after this, the papilloma will have to dry up and fall off.

Yellow celandine

Purity is effectively used in folk medicine to remove warts. It is also suitable for the treatment of papillomas at home. Skin to steam out, lubricate areas with growths of fat cream, then pinpoint the juice (if winter and access to celandine, juice should be bought at the pharmacy). Repeat the procedure twice a day for 7 consecutive days.


Treat the advice wisely, if the tumor has appeared on the eye, on the eyelids, do not use this treatment prescription to avoid getting a burn. Mode of application:

  1. With a large clove of garlic, cut the top, rub the papilloma, then remove the surface that was rubbed against the papilloma, and repeat the procedure at intervals of 5 minutes.
  2. So you need to use the whole denticle. The procedure should be performed before bedtime, if there are a large number of tumors in the morning and in the evening.
  3. The average duration of treatment is 2 weeks. When the papillomas disappear, it is advisable to continue the procedure for a few more days.

Mixture of oils

If you mix the essential oil of tea tree, licorice and lemon, you can apply the mixture several times a day to the papilloma. So do until the complete separation of the neoplasm.


Iodine has antiseptic and antiviral properties. Apply this method is contraindicated in the summer, in order to avoid getting sun rays. For safety, lubricate the healthy skin around the neoplasm with cream (protect from burns). Apply iodine cosmetic wax with extreme care, so as not to damage the papilloma. Having reached her inflammation (about 3 times), you need to stop the procedure and wait until she withers.


When a papilloma is detected, banana treatment is a very effective method. Rind the usual yellow banana rub the affected area six times a day. It can not be said that this is a tool for instant action, the procedure should be dealt with for several weeks in order to achieve a result.


Vinegar therapy is used in several ways:

  • pre-treat the papilloma cream, then drop by drop pipette onto it vinegar and paste the patch, leave for 40 minutes;
  • mix the vinegar, garlic and flour, blind the cake and attach to the new growth, fix it with adhesive tape for 2 hours.

It helps this remedy well if there are white papillomas on the palms of the hands.

You can prepare at home acetic ointment:

  1. The washed egg is put in a glass and poured with vinegar essence.
  2. Cover the glass, and wait for the dissolution of the shell.
  3. Then remove the cover film.
  4. Gradually pour the interior fat, reaching the consistency of the baby cream.

Ointment should be stored in the refrigerator, apply carefully, without affecting the healthy integument of the skin.

Tincture of dandelions

How to get rid of papillomas on the body? Very simple! Dandelion head to pour into a glass jar, pour a bottle of cologne. Infuse for two weeks, drain. Lubricate the formation every 4 hours until it completely dies.

Castor oil

Castor oil is an antiseptic that promotes healing. It is used in two ways:

  • with light massaging movements, massage the problem area and apply a cotton swab dipped in oil to it;
  • 2 times a day apply a tampon and fix it with a bandage on the affected skin.
    If an allergy occurs, remove the bandage and rinse with cold water.

Rowan and wormwood (juices)

These juices should be mixed in equal proportions. Ten times a day, rub the mixture of affected areas of the skin.


Common medications are:

  • Verrukatsid (a solution of phenol with metakrezol, has a cauterizing and disinfecting effect);
  • Lekker Superchistotelo or Super Cleaner (liquid, a mixture of potassium hydroxide and sodium, has antiviral, softening, exfoliating properties);
  • Feresol (a solution of phenol with tricrezole, has a bactericidal, cauterizing and antiseptic effect).


Treatment of papillomovirus should be complex, include immunomodulators based on interferon. Viferon is just such a drug, it is released in three forms: ointment, gel, candles. It is based on interferon, vitamin E and C. Viferon activates the immune system, prevents the reproduction of viruses and contributes to their destruction, the development of antibodies, improves the cell barrier to the susceptibility of viruses.


Therapy is carried out with ointments of three kinds: on the basis of acids, including plant components that have an antiviral property. These include: Salicylic ointment, Stephalin, Oxoline ointment.

What else is important to know about treatment

We have already mentioned that education appears against the background of weakened immunity. Treatment of papilloma in the home, in addition to these methods, requires strengthening immunity. To do this, you need to consume more fresh vegetables and fruits, drink special vitamin complexes.

In pregnancy

Future mothers against the human papilloma virus are selected complex treatment, which allows you to provide the body with vitamins, boost the immune system, normalize the hormonal background. For this use drugs: Kipferon, Viferon, Reaferon.

For removal use: trichloroacetic acid, destructive methods. You can try out folk ways:

  • grease neoplasms with the juice of guelder-rose 3-4 times a day;
  • vitamin A (liquid) to process several times a day;
  • raw potatoes grate and make lotions.

In the area of ​​the anal opening

First and foremost, you need to strengthen the immune system (daily drink 150 ml of potato juice, take a rose hips or echinacea). Safe method is tea tree oil, which must be lubricated with the papilloma until it disappears.

Thoroughly wash the leaves of chestnut and pour boiling water, allow to boil for a quarter of an hour, put the insist for 8 hours. Ready to boil add in a warm bath. Without the supervision of a doctor, it is possible to cause harm and infect infection.

In the vagina

In these cases, papillomas are amenable to drug and apparatus treatment. To use medicamentous therapy, it is necessary to take into account that it is impossible to develop a permanent immunity to human papillomavirus, and the main course needs to be strengthened by prophylactic, antirecordial. Antiviral drugs: Lycopid, Alpizarin.

  1. To maintain immunity: Cycloferon, Immunofan.
  2. For topical application: Galaderm, Riodoxol.

For deducing by a hardware way apply:

  • exposure to cooled liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction);
  • cauterization by electric current (electrocoagulation);
  • drying and removal of the formed crust (laser therapy);
  • radio wave surgery.

On the cervix of the uterus

Therapy is divided into several groups:

  • Destruction (destruction occurs through physical or chemical effects);
  • Immunotherapy (introduction to the body of interferon - Kipferon, Viferon, Reaferon);
  • drugs that destroy the virus (Panavir, Alpivazir, Tsidofovir);
  • cytotoxins (Podofillin, Kondilin).

A clear scheme, how to treat human papillomavirus in women, does not exist. The question of each patient is solved individually. First of all, it is necessary to adhere to general recommendations:

  • do not overcool;
  • avoid overloads and overwork;
  • protect yourself from emotional stress;
  • eat foods that contain more vitamins;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle.

All these factors affect the immunity of the female body, which is an important component of the treatment.
Ways of removal:

  • physical (radio wave, electrosurgical, laser, cryodestruction);
  • chemical (use of pherazole, trichloroacetic acid, Solcoderma).

Papillomas on female genitalia are more difficult to treat. For removal use:

  • physical methods of influence (the most popular is laser therapy, it is often used in pregnancy, cryotherapy, electrocoagulation, excision with a scalpel are also known);
  • surgically (mainly for patients with a large number of neoplasms);
  • chemical method (use of Solkoderm affects the destruction of tissue);
  • trichloroacetic acid (used with extreme caution, care must be taken not to fall on a healthy patch of skin);
  • cytotoxic drugs (Podophillin);
  • for pointed papilloma (Condilin);
  • antiviral drugs (Ryodoxol, Indinol, Bonafton);
  • means for increasing immunity (Cycloferon, Lycopid, Isoprinosin).

Intra-flow papilloma

If the papilloma is single and located near the nipple, or behind it - a small area is cut out, this operation is called sectoral resection. After it, the mammary glands are not deformed, modern medicine allows a woman to maintain the size and shape of the breast.

If a malignant process develops or if there are a large number of tumors, the breast must be removed. But in this way, there is no treatment or eradication of the cause, therefore, additional anti-relapse therapy is prescribed.

Important!Details about the symptoms and treatment of intraprostatic papilloma in women can be found in our article.

In men

For each man, treatment is strictly individual. This process is affected by the type of papillomovirus infection, the stage of the disease, the level of immunity and its location. The general scheme of treatment of papilloma in men looks like this:

  • drugs to strengthen the immune system;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • one of the ways of removing the formation (liquid nitrogen, electrocoagulation, radio wave therapy, through surgical intervention).

If the papilloma is formed in an intimate place in men, for the selection of treatment doctors need to determine the morphological form. The following drugs are selected for the treatment of papilloma in the intimate area:

  • Isoprinosine;
  • nitric acid, trichloroacetic acid;
  • Solkoderm;
  • Podophillin;
  • 5-fluorouracil.

For any of the drugs, a scheme is developed, which is affected by the degree of spread and size.


The opinions of the experts were divided: some recommend not to engage in treatment at an early age, others - to avoid damage they insist on the removal of the papilloma. Conservative methods (lotions, ointments) are not effective. Treatment of papilloma in children should be done only by a doctor.

Such methods as electrocoagulation, laser therapy, radiosurgery, moxibustion are considered unsuitable in most cases. The most painless and effective method used in children is cryodestruction, removal with liquid nitrogen. In this procedure, you can not use anesthesia.

Papillomas under the armpits

Many people try to remove the papillomas under the armpits themselves with a razor, a blade, a needle or cut with scissors. Unfortunately, the result can be deplorable. The formation of a wound leads to the spread of infection to other parts of the body. It is important to quickly turn to a specialist, and not try on yourself various means, hoping to overcome this ailment. Modern medicine provides a wide choice of the solution of the problem (cryodestruction, laser therapy, electrocoagulation, radiosurgery, surgical removal).

On the lip

Modern medicine uses several methods for the removal of papilloma: coagulation, radiosurgery, chemical surgery, laser removal. The choice is for the doctor, since it is he who can determine the type of neoplasm. The primary way is to remove the laser, after it there are no traces of the papilloma.

In the throat

Removal is carried out by means of ultrasound, electrocoagulation, cryodestruction, argon-plasma method, laser. Do not self-medicate so as not to harm your health. To reduce the risk of recurrence, it is necessary to take antiviral drugs and drugs that increase immunity.

In the language

It is not necessary to postpone the campaign to the ENT when a tumor is found in the tongue. There are 5 ways used in medical institutions for the removal of papilloma:

  • removal with liquid nitrogen;
  • electrosurgical;
  • surgical;
  • radio wave and laser.

All these methods have contraindications, the doctor takes them into account when choosing the procedure for removal.

On the eye

It is not recommended to self-treat the papilloma on the eye, so as not to damage the eyesight and avoid damage to the mucous membrane. But under extreme circumstances, you can try natural products: treat with aloe juice, make lotions from potato gruel. Do not listen to advice that recommends garlic, celandine, chemist's liquid. These funds may be more effective, but they are fraught with a burn.

If the papilloma is formed on a century, then the treatment includes:

  • etiological therapy (use of antiviral drugs, interferons);
  • pathogenetic therapy (reception of immunostimulants);
  • local treatment (removal with liquid nitrogen, laser, surgical and electrocoagulation).

Such methods allow to eradicate the cause and remove local manifestations of papillomatosis.
It is strictly forbidden to remove papilloma for a century at home.

On the face

Removal of the cryodestructor lasts no more than two minutes, if desired, the patient is used anesthesia. This method is quite safe. A cotton bud is applied to the papilloma with liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196 degrees. Gradually, the wart hardens, increases in size and disappears within a week.
With the help of the Surgitron apparatus, the papillomas are exposed to radio waves and electric current. The procedure is performed under anesthesia, often after it remains a scar.

The technique, conducted under the action of a wave pulse, is called laser treatment. Before the procedure, a local anesthetic is used. Any of these methods of removal is supported by the use of antiviral and immunomodulating drugs.