Symptoms and causes of acute urticaria, treatment

Acute urticaria is a disease characterized by the appearance of rashes of a particular nature, usually of an allergic nature. According to statistics, one third of the population at least once in life had an attack of acute urticaria, associated with contact with allergens or irritants of a different nature. The attack can be so intense that it can lead to serious consequences.

  • What is it?
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Acute urticaria and Quincke's edema
  • After what time do the spots fall?
  • Diagnostics
  • How to treat?
  • Emergency care for acute urticaria
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The acute form of this disease is most common, in the chronic form the urticaria does not pass in all cases, only with constant contact with irritants. According to statistics, the disease most often occurs in women. Often attacks of hives are observed simultaneously with other manifestations of allergies: an allergic rhinitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma.

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The code of this disease for ICD-10 is L50. It is worth noting that a number of other skin diseases can have similar symptoms with urticaria, so when diagnosing a diagnosis it is extremely important to have a full diagnosis. To prevent the development of a chronic form, it is important to determine the irritant or allergen that triggered the attack.

What is it?

In total, there are three forms of urticaria, and this term can also include other diseases that develop by other mechanisms. The most common acute and chronic urticaria. Speaking of acute form, usually mean an allergic attack of the disease.

Without timely therapy or with constant contact with allergens, the acute form can go to chronic. In this case, there will be remissions, during which the main symptoms disappear. When repeated contact with the stimulus or due to other factors, exacerbations occur. Chronic form is also sometimes called acute recurrent urticaria, although this term is not particularly correct.

Also, acute urticaria can eventually go into a stable form, which causes changes in the skin, in the area of ​​the rash, it thickens. To prevent such an outcome, it is necessary to timely stop acute attack and identify the irritant, so as not to allow contacts with him whenever possible.

Important!If symptoms of urticaria occur, you should consult a dermatologist.


The main cause of acute onset of rashes on the skin and other symptoms is contact with an allergen or other aggressive irritant. The most common irritants that provoke acute allergic urticaria include dust, pollen of plants, pet hair, various food allergens.

In addition to direct contact with the source of allergies, the following factors can provoke an attack of the disease. In this case, it is worth noting that the symptoms will not be as pronounced as when contacting the stimulus:

  1. Stress. Such manifestations of emotional and physical fatigue, strong overstrain, are especially vulnerable to women. Some people have rashes due to stress on the body. This is due to several factors, the main one - the release of adrenaline and other hormones in large volumes.
  2. Direct sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation can affect allergens that get on the skin, for example, on the pollen of flowers, so they begin to cause irritation.
  3. Water. Some allergens, which in a normal state do not provoke the disease, can become more active under the influence of water.

To determine the exact cause of an attack is important, so that the selected treatment is most effective. However, in a number of cases it is not possible to understand what exactly triggered the onset of the rash.


The main symptom of this disease is the occurrence of rashes on the skin. Usually they are small reddish vesicles, in most cases round, they quite itch, often merge into large spots. Eruptions are usually localized in the area of ​​the knee folds, on the hands on the inside, on the trunk. Depending on the severity, they can arise almost everywhere.

Acute hives in children can be more severe than in adults. In children, more often with an acute attack, there is a rise in temperature, signs of intoxication. In severe conditions it is important to provide first aid as soon as possible.

Important!When there are signs of suffocation it is desirable to immediately call an ambulance.

Acute urticaria and Quincke's edema

In severe cases, rashes also appear on the mucous membranes, and their appearance is accompanied by a pronounced edema that causes breathing disorders and can lead to suffocation. Usually, this condition occurs precisely when the allergic form of the disease.

If the attack begins to blush and swollen mucous, there is severe shortness of breath, shortness of breath, urgent help is required specialists. Otherwise, it can go up to a lethal outcome.

After what time do the spots fall?

When providing timely assistance and taking the necessary medicines, when isolating the stimulus, the main symptoms of allergies, spots, disappear within the next twelve hours. In most cases, less time is required, after a few hours the symptoms can completely disappear.

How many days passes the disease itself? After stopping a single seizure, it is important not to allow the development of a chronic form, so the next few weeks you need to comply with all preventive measures. In general, a complete recovery after an attack can take up to six weeks, depending on the severity of the seizure.


With this disease, the diagnosis is simple enough, the correct diagnosis is made quickly. Usually, a clinical picture is sufficient for an attack of allergy, blood is taken for analysis in order to confirm hives. Other tests may be required in case of doubt in the diagnosis.

Also, the diagnosis may include the definition of an allergen. For this, an allergist test is performed, substances that contain possible stimuli are applied to the scratched skin.

How to treat?

After specifying the diagnosis, suitable therapy is selected, usually treatment is allowed at home, if the patient's condition is not extremely severe, an attack accompanied by Quinck's edema and other complications is stopped. The following treatment methods are usually used:

  1. Antihistamines. They are required in all cases, such remedies help to remove allergy symptoms. Try to use the means of the last generation, they have the least contraindications and side effects. Examples of such drugs: Zirtek, Claritin, Cetrin and their analogues. Along with antihistamines, drugs with calcium gluconate can be prescribed.
  2. Treatment with ointments. Ointments help soothe the itch, quickly remove the external manifestations of the allergy. There are ointments with various components, some are produced on a hormonal basis. The most common options: Advantan, Gystan and their analogs.
  3. Treatment with folk remedies. Various folk remedies are also used to relieve itching and irritation from the skin, they should be used together with antihistamines. One of the effective means for wiping - lemon juice, it is advised to dilute it a little with water. You can also use a diluted calendula tincture, inside it is useful to take a motherwort infusion, valerian, sage after the withdrawal of an attack.

The diet is also important that the attack does not recur again, especially the strict should be followed if the cause of the allergy is not yet established. The basis of nutrition should be green fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, uncomfortable pastries, this is what you can eat. Avoid sweet, heavy heavy foods, flavoring, seasoning and spices.

Emergency care for acute urticaria

If there is swelling in an attack, a person begins to gasp, it is necessary to call an "ambulance" as soon as possible. Independently to stop the attack is extremely difficult, you can miss the time, hives lead to serious complications. After severe attacks, hospital treatment is usually used, it is desirable for a person to be under the supervision of specialists until the condition is normalized.