From this article you will learn about ultrasound and ultrasound carried out at the OCA: what is it, what indications are these studies made. Preparation for the survey, the technique of its conduct and interpretation of the results.
The principle of ultrasound and ultrasound
test mean? Brachiocephalic arteries( BCA) is the collective name for several arteries,blood supply to the brain and located on the neck. They belong to the branches of the aortic arch( the largest artery in the human body) - the brachiocephalic trunk, the right common carotid and subclavian arteries, the left subclavian and common carotid arteries, the vertebral arteries that extend from the subclavian vessels.

Ultrasound examination( ultrasound) is a method of obtaining images of body tissues by means of their reflection of ultrasound. Accordingly, ultrasound of the BCA is a method of visualizing brachiocephalic vessels using ultrasound techniques.
Ultrasonic dopplerography( UZDG) is one of the methods of ultrasound examination, which allows to evaluate the direction and velocity of blood flow with the help of the Doppler effect. UZDG BCA is a method for evaluating these indicators in brachiocephalic vessels.
Ultrasound examination methods of BCA is a painless way of visualizing blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. With their help, it is possible to detect various anomalies of the structure and disease, including tortuosity, constriction and expansion, atherosclerosis and thrombosis.
Ultrasound methods occupy an important position in the diagnosis of the pathology of the BCA.This is due to their availability and high diagnostic value. Perform ultrasound and ultrasound of these vessels are doctors of functional diagnostics who have passed specialization in ultrasound examination.
Principle of ultrasound and ultrasound
Ultrasound imaging is a non-invasive method for obtaining images of tissues and organs using ultrasound. It is based on the same principles used by bats or sonar on ships. When a wave of sound hits an object, it is reflected backwards. By catching these reflected waves, you can calculate the distance to the object, determine its size, shape and consistency( solid or liquid).In medicine, this method is used to determine the size and contours of organs, tissues and vessels or to detect pathological neoplasms( tumors).
With the aid of the sensor, the doctor sends ultrasound into the body, reflected from his tissues. These reflected waves are captured by the sensor, sent to the computer that processes them and creates an image on the screen.
Dopplerography is one of ultrasound methods, the principle of which is based on changing the frequency of ultrasonic waves after reflection from a moving object. Since in the body the moving object is blood, this method is widely used to examine the blood flow in the vessels. Almost all modern instruments for ultrasonic diagnostics have the function of Doppler ultrasound, therefore both conventional ultrasound and ultrasound are used in the study of BMC.
No ionizing radiation is used for ultrasound imaging, therefore the patient's body is not exposed to radiation.
Indications for
Nasal neck ultrasound is the most commonly used diagnostic method for detecting stenosis of the OCA, the presence of which significantly increases the risk of ischemic stroke.
The main goal of ultrasound and ultrasound of brachiocephalic arteries is to screen patients for narrowing or overlapping of these vessels. These methods can also be used in patients with elevated blood pressure or the presence of noise over the carotid arteries. Sometimes the examination is conducted as a preparation for aortocoronary bypass surgery.
Other factors that increase the risk of pathology of the OCA, in the presence of which it is advisable to perform ultrasound and ultrasound | , ultrasound may also help |
Diabetes mellitus | Identify a hematoma that can slow or even stop blood flow |
Elevated blood cholesterol | Check the condition of the vessels after surgery for restorationnormal blood flow |
Family history of strokes or heart disease | Verification of the position of the stent implanted in the BSA to maintain blood flow |
Recently suffered stroke or transient ischemic attack |
Dopplerography helps physicians see:
- Overlapping of blood flow( caused by thrombi or other causes).
- Vessel constriction.
- Congenital vascular anomalies.
- Increased blood flow, which sometimes indicates infection.

Preparation for examination
No special preparation for ultrasound and ultrasound is required. There are no restrictions on food or water intake. On the day of the examination, you should wear comfortable, loose clothes. Immediately before the diagnosis, you may need to remove all clothing and jewelry from the study area. Therefore, to conduct a survey of the BCA, it is best to wear a loose t-shirt or blouse with an open neck.
Conducting the
examination For the ultrasound of the neck vessels, the patient lies on the back on the couch. During the procedure, the doctor may ask to lie on his side or turn his head to the side to improve the quality of visualization.
A water-soluble gel is applied to the neck area, improving the ultrasonic waves between the sensor of the device and the skin. After that, the doctor applies this sensor to the skin in different places of the neck, trying to see from different angles the area causing concern. At this point, the patient can feel the pressure. The same sensor is used for dopplerography.
The duration of ultrasound diagnosis of diseases of the BCA usually takes 30-45 minutes.
After the examination, wipe the gel with a towel, patients are allowed to dress. Then you need to wait a bit while the doctor deciphers the images. After the survey is completed, there are no restrictions in the activity.
Interpretation of results
The doctor of functional diagnostics who has passed special training on ultrasonic methods of diagnostics is engaged in interpretation of results of USDG and ultrasound of BCA.He gives an opinion that will help the attending physician, who ordered the patient to be examined, to make a correct diagnosis and make the right decision about the tactics of treatment.
Limitations of the
method Ultrasonic methods for examining the vessels of the neck have the following limitations:
- It is difficult or impossible to perform a survey if the patient on the neck has a bandage covering the wound or surgical scar.
- Sometimes it is not possible to study the structure of brachiocephalic arteries because of the contours or dimensions of the neck.
- Calcium deposits in the walls of the BSA can worsen vascular visualization.
- With these methods it is impossible to study brachiocephalic arteries along the entire length, since their end part enters the skull.
Advantages and risks of the procedure
Advantages of the examination:
- Non-invasiveness - no need to damage the integrity of the skin.
- An affordable, easy-to-use and relatively inexpensive method for diagnosing pathology of the OCA.
- Ultrasound imaging is an absolutely safe examination method that does not use ionizing radiation.
- ultrasound and ultrasound give clear and clear images of soft tissues and vessels that are not visible with conventional radiography.
- If an ultrasound or ultrasound has detected a blood flow disorder in one or more of the OCA, doctors may recommend recommending a normal blood supply to the brain. As a result of such surgical treatment, many strokes can be prevented.

What do the abnormal results of the
mean? The abnormal results of ultrasound or ultrasound of brachiocephalic arteries mean that these vessels can be narrowed. This is a sign of atherosclerosis or another disease of the blood vessels. In conclusion, the doctor indicates the exact degree of narrowing( in%), its localization.
The more narrowed one of the OCA( especially in carotid arteries), the higher the risk of stroke. Depending on the results, doctors can offer:
- Surgery.
- Undergo additional examination( eg, brain angiography, CT angiography or MRI angiography).
- Follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle to prevent the development or progression of atherosclerosis.
- Again pass the examination in the future.