We treat pharyngitis at home in the shortest possible time

Colds, runny nose, sore throat accompany people throughout their lives. Therefore, in this material, there will be a detailed speech on the treatment of pharyngitis in the home in adults. With the help of proper treatment, the ailment can be successfully and quickly stopped at an early stage of development.

  • Symptoms of the disease
  • Acute pharyngitis symptoms
  • Treatment of the disease in the home
  • Acute pharyngitis
  • Chronic pharyngitis
  • Purulent pharyngitis
  • Fungal pharyngitis
  • How to quickly cure a throat
  • What kind of medicine will help
  • Antibiotics
  • Treatment with nebulizer
  • Folk remedies for treatment
  • Herbs for gargling
  • Herbal Inhalations
  • Propolis tincture
  • Coniferous buds
  • Cacao butter
  • Blackberry
Related articles:
  • How to treat pharyngitis during pregnancy
  • Than to treat a cough with pharyngitis in adults and children
  • What to do with purulent pharyngitis
  • Means for gargling with pharyngitis
  • Treatment of pharyngitis in adults with drugs

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms of pharyngitis:

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  • increased body temperature;
  • deterioration of the general condition;
  • dryness in the throat;
  • in the throat of the pershit, there is a general discomfort;
  • there may be a sensation of a lump in the throat;
  • I want to cough without clear cause, clear my throat;

Important!Since in the throat with pharyngitis there is a constant discomfort, you want to swallow more often. Together with this process, a person swallows slime, which is located on the back wall of the throat. As a result, the mucosa is strongly irritated, which interferes with normal vital activity.

Acute pharyngitis symptoms

Symptoms of the disease, symptoms:

  • Persecutions in the throat;
  • dryness;
  • discomfort when swallowing saliva and food;
  • pain in the larynx, can give to the ears.

Treatment of the disease in the home

Depending on the degree of development of the disease, chronic or acute, pharyngitis is treated by various complex methods.

Acute pharyngitis

Treatment of acute pharyngitis includes:

  • diet food (exclude food that irritates the throat);
  • do not drink cold and alcoholic beverages;
  • to make foot bathtubs;
  • gargle after each meal;
  • at night drink warm milk, with butter and honey (if there is no allergy to it);
  • breathe over steam (decoctions of herbs, plant twigs, special preparations to relieve inflammation);
  • use sprays (Ingalipt, Cameton, Bicarmint);
  • to use sucking candies (Strepsils, Pharygosept, Agizespt);
  • inhaler Bioparox (contains antibiotic, has anti-inflammatory properties).

Chronic pharyngitis

Treatment requires a competent approach. Find out the cause of the disease and take the necessary measures:

  • the consequence of other diseases, the presence of infections in the body (you need to deal with their treatment);
  • requires compliance with the diet (abandon bad habits, exclude sharp, salty, fried, sweet food);
  • do not drink very cold and hot drinks;
  • use antibacterial drugs (Bioparox, Imudon);
  • use solutions that have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects (sage, chamomile);
  • resolving tablets (Sepptethlet, Strepsils, Pharyngosept);
  • Sprays that relieve inflammation (Geksoral, Cameton);
  • inhalation with essential oils;
  • UHF;
  • reception of vitamin, drugs, strengthening immunity.

To properly treat pharyngitis at home in adults, you must first visit a doctor. He not only advises pharmaceuticals, but he himself will recommend certain methods of home treatment. Folk methods help to cope with the symptoms and restore the overall normal state.

Purulent pharyngitis

Treatment of purulent pharyngitis should be complex. This includes diet throughout the course, and even after it (exclude salty, smoked, cold, hot, spicy, alcoholic), drink more water, at least two liters a day. It is also recommended:

  • to comply with bed rest, not to burden the body;
  • ventilate the room more often;
  • antipyretics (Nimesil, Paracetamol);
  • select antitussive drug, depending on the nature of the cough (Sinekod, Doctor Mom, Ambrobene);
  • anti-inflammatory (Bronchomax);
  • painkillers from the throat (Adjicept, Strepsils);
  • conduct rinses (Furacilin, Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt, sage, eucalyptus);
  • lubricate the affected areas of the throat with agents containing glycerin or oil.

Fungal pharyngitis

First of all, fungal pharyngitis needs antifungal drugs:

  • Diflucan, Flucanazole;
  • Nestanin, Leviour;
  • Pimafucin.

Since the frequent cause of the appearance of the fungus is a disturbed intestinal microflora, the mandatory intake of drugs Linex, Acipol, Bactisubtil.

Sore throats, topical treatment:

  • Lugol's solution;
  • Miramistin;
  • grass chamomile, sage.

Gargling does not always have the opportunity, it's uncomfortable, so you can use Rotokan or Geoxoral sprays. At the same time recommended the reception of immunostimulants.

How to quickly cure a throat

To quickly cure pharyngitis, you need to get rid of the factor that caused the disease. With prescribed treatment, dietary foods should be abolished, alcohol should not be spared, you should not pamper yourself with cold juices or ice cream.

Combine the treatment of medicines with folk remedies. A good effect can be obtained from a self-prepared syrup:

  1. 100 grams of grated garlic on a fine grater cover with buckwheat honey in an enameled container, put the mixture on a slow fire and melt it.
  2. Strain, take the whole day at an interval of 1 hour, until recovery.

What are the recommendations to adhere to in treatment:

  • try to stay at home for several days and not to contact other people. During pharyngitis, the body is weakened and can quickly pick up other infections;
  • it is not necessary to comply with bed rest, but to restore strength it is recommended to sleep a few hours in the afternoon;
  • To eat food that is easily digested, contains many vitamins, trace elements;
  • give up completely of spicy and fried and salty foods;
  • it is not necessary to drink a lot. Although, warm milk or herbal tea will help ease the condition, calm the pain in the throat. You can drink milk with honey, green tea with lemon, fruit cockles based on red berries, alkaline mineral water, not aerated;
  • During the treatment period, try not to smoke, not to drink alcoholic beverages;
  • use during the treatment of individual hygiene products and utensils;
  • carry out a constant wet cleaning of the room where the patient is.

What kind of medicine will help

There are many safe medications that will help cope with the first signs of pharyngitis.

Important!It is best, before taking medication, to consult a doctor. This is especially true for pregnant women.

If there are no negative reactions to the antiviral agent chosen for treatment, it can be used already at the first signs of the virus. Doctors with pharyngitis prescribe "Groprinosin", "Isoprinosine", "Amizon" or "Ingavirin".

Other components of drug therapy:

  1. Without fail, you need to gargle regularly every day for a few hours. Pharmacy antiseptic solutions can be purchased at an affordable price.
  2. Lollipops for the throat (Lisobakt, Faryngosept, Strepsils and others), as well as various types of sprays (Cameton, Tera-flu, Ingalipt, etc.) are recommended for use. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminate pain.
  3. Cough syrups are bought for treatment of a cough. They will help expectorate sputum.
  4. To moisten the mucous membrane, which has been drained during the period of illness, and also to provoke the appearance of sputum, inhalations are made by a nebulizer. As solutions, only special formulations can be taken.


Often prescribe antibacterial drugs from penicillins, in some cases - cephalosporins. If a patient has an allergic reaction to beta-lactams, macrolide therapy is necessary. When choosing antibiotics, you need to consider the causes, symptoms of the ailment:

  • Benzylpenicillin (with streptococci and pneumococci);
  • Ampicillin (with E. coli, inflammation of the ears, respiratory tract infection);
  • Carbenicillin (Pseudomonas aeruginosa);
  • Diclosacillin (staphylococcus);
  • Oxacillin (less active with staphylococcus);
  • Ceftriaxone (most common, more powerful of the above);
  • Erythromycin (pathology of moderate severity).

Since the intake of antibiotics destroys the microflora, it is important to use probiotics in parallel. It is possible after the course of treatment to perform antifungal therapy.

Treatment with nebulizer

The nebulizer is an inhalation, with the help of:

  • mineral water (Borjomi, Nabeglavi, Essentuki - with a dry cough);
  • saline solution (solution of furacilin and saline 1: 1 - destroys the fungus);
  • Rotocana;
  • Melavita;
  • Acetylcysteine ​​(antibiotic, apply after consultation with a doctor).

Inhalation is recommended in the absence of fever.

Folk remedies for treatment

Many practitioners agree that the treatment of pharyngitis at home in adults should be combined with various folk methods. Comprehensive, correctly selected therapy will bring its effect in the fastest cure.

Important!Doctors strongly advise to use only traditional medicine for the treatment of pharyngitis. Otherwise, serious complications can develop in the disease. At a minimum, the recovery phase will be prolonged.

Herbs for gargling

Infusions of herbs of sage and chamomile, eucalyptus, marigold can be safely used to rinse your mouth. These herbs have an excellent antiseptic effect. For 10 g of the selected raw material, 0.2 liters of water is taken. Rinse for five minutes, every 1-2 hours.

Herbal Inhalations

Inhalations of herbal infusions are also effective in the treatment of pharyngitis. You can take as chamomile, sage and eucalyptus separately, and use different options for herbal dues.

Propolis tincture

You need 30 drops of tincture diluted in 100 ml of warm water and used to rinse your throat. However, do not rinse often: no more than 4 times a day. Tinctures are sold in pharmacies, they do not even need to be specially prepared.Tincture of propolis from pharyngitis

Coniferous buds

Inhalation can be done on the basis of coniferous kidneys. To 20 g of kidneys is poured a mug of boiling water. The method is effective due to the fact that the kidney pine contains vitamin C, which the body needs to fight infections and viruses.

Cacao butter

Cocoa butter will help cope with a symptom such as pharyngitis cough. You need to dissolve a slice of half a teaspoon in warm milk. Drink four times a day.


To remove the inflammation of the larynx, the usual blackberry is used. And, not berries, but a decoction of leaves. You can rinse your tincture with a tincture or make inhalations, drink as a tea (then you can add leafs and fruits to the tea).

Treatment of pharyngitis at home in adults is possible only when the disease has an easy form. If a person is inclined to allergic reactions, you should try to carefully use both medicines and methods of people's treatment.

During the first few days from the beginning of home treatment, the condition of the patient should improve. If this does not happen, call a doctor.