- if the patient is conscious, carefully place it so that the head and shoulders are slightly above the body( this will reduce blood pressure on the brain).
Make sure that the patient can breathe freely:- remove the tight belt,
- narrow clothing,
- open the windows to ensure fresh air into the room;
- remove all discharge from the human mouth:
- food,
- blood,
- saliva,
- mucus.
The patient may suddenly experience vomiting or nausea.
In such a case, gently turn your head to one side to protect the airways from vomit.
Next, cleanse the patient's mouth; - if the person has lost consciousness, but breathes independently, turn it on one side( the head should lie on the arm and be tilted forward, and the leg is bent at the knee so that the patient does not accidentally roll over);
- in the absence of a patient's breathing, do a heart massage and perform artificial respiration.
Do this only if you are able to do the . - before the arrival of the ambulance, do not even think about giving medicines to a person;
do not transfer the patient from one place to another .
This is very dangerous, so it's best to leave it where the attack occurred; - Do not crush the victim, preventing his breathing.
Just just hold on a little.
Do not try to bring ammonia alcohol: breathing can stop, resulting in death; - do not give a person food and water : surely his swallowing function is broken and food can easily get into the airways.
seat it and gently lift your head,
- when swallowing reflexes are broken, it is necessary to use special methods of feeding( for example, probe);
- select exclusively digestible, vitaminized food;
- follow the work of the intestines, and, if necessary, put an enema;
- , follow the oral cavity of the affected person, avoiding drying out or damage to the mucosa.
- oily, sweet, fried and flour foods;
- large amounts of liver, eggs and eggs;
- smoking, alcohol and other bad habits.
- kiwi,
- citrus,
- wheat germ,
- grenade.
And what do you know about such a medicinal plant as stevia, the benefits, harm and feedback about which you can read in the article after clicking on the link.
How to remove facial hair once and for all is written in this material with a description of home recipes.
On the page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/krasota/ uhod-za-kozhej / udalenie-volos.html about hair removal waxing in intimate places.
Sometimes, the manifestation of an acute stroke becomes an epileptic seizure.
The person instantly loses consciousness and, after a few seconds, starts to fight in cramps, lasting several minutes.
If you notice this, do not hesitate and turn the person on his side, while putting the pillow( pre-folding it into the roller).
All this time you will need to hold the patient's head with your hands and constantly wipe the foam with foam from the mouth, because it can penetrate the respiratory tract.
A man or woman accidentally bites his tongue.
Therefore, between the teeth, insert a stick wrapped in a handkerchief.
The most important thing - do not try to forcibly keep your hands, legs and unclench cramped fingers.
Otherwise, the seizure will only increase. It is enough to hold his limb slightly, so that he does not injure himself.
When doctors arrive, describe in detail the full picture of the event. Tell everything quickly and clearly.
Phrases should be short and informative. This is very important, because the timely help of doctors not only saves the life of the patient, but also ensures his quick and successful rehabilitation.
In the list of things you absolutely can not do, there are the following:
How to care for a patient after a stroke
After a stroke, the patient will still have disturbances of movement, speech and other functions for some time.
Their recovery can hardly be called the fastest process, so patients suffering from stroke need special care and increased attention.
The person who has suffered a disease needs to be washed daily. Using a ship or duck, put under them an oilcloth, covered with film on top.
If has incontinence cases, , wear diapers on the patient. But it is better to buy disposable diapers.
The patient should be fed according to this principle:
Since the muscle tone changes after the disease, it is necessary to give a physiologically correct position to the body( especially the limbs that were affected).
Very good help is cut from plywood, covered with cotton and bandage hand langets. Make sure that it is always bent at the elbow joint( the same applies to the fingers).
Foot in the knee joint , it is necessary to rotate by 15-20 degrees, and under the knee to lay the roller.
The stop of the should have a fold of up to 90 degrees. It is recommended that the patient be turned and placed in these positions every few hours.
Undoubtedly, in the future, a person will have to undergo a course of treated physical culture and massage of the affected limbs. In case of speech disturbance, be sure to write it down for speech therapy sessions.
How to avoid recurrence of
A single stroke that has been suffered can change a person's life for a long time.
And here its repetition in most cases( about 70 percent) leads to death.
Especially it is necessary to be attentive within 7-8 months after the disease, it is during this period that the probability of relapse is greater than ever.
The brain affected by the disease has not yet fully recovered, it is weak and vulnerable: only one small push can permanently stop its work.
Therefore, the prevention of recurrent stroke is a mandatory process.
It is necessary to constantly monitor the arterial pressure of the patient, since it is the basis that determines the possible threat.
Buy a blood pressure monitor and measure the pressure daily. In addition, it is mandatory to take certain drugs that serve to normalize the pressure.
It is also worth to buy medicines that "dilute the blood."Naturally, they need to be purchased only with the prescription of a doctor.
The strict diet of is another way to prevent the onset of a stroke a second time.
It allows the vessels not to receive harmful cholesterol, therefore it is necessary to abandon:
Lowering cholesterol will help eating:
For more details on how to clean the vessels of cholesterol and the medications recommended for this purpose, read on the other page.
Do not forget to give the patient a little aspirin( by the way, is the cheapest medicine for stroke prevention ).It well prevents the development of the disease and reduces the risk of developing blood clots. Of course, do not forget about the sport. Be engaged only in the best of your abilities and let the body regularly rest.
Often, pensioners forget about it, being in the summer at the dacha. Then the risk of relapse may increase.
Stroke is a very serious disease that affects the human body.
Look at the insidiousness of the stroke and about providing the first, first aid to the victim from a sudden attack.

Brain stroke is considered an extremely complex and dangerous condition that does not accept independent treatment and ill-considered during rehabilitation.
Treatment of this disease is a serious set of therapeutic measures associated with emergency resuscitation and subsequent, sometimes, incredibly long rehabilitation.
- Main signs and symptoms
- How and how to help the victim
- How to care for the patient after a stroke
- How to avoid relapse
- Conclusion
It is very important to provide the first first aid for a stroke.
It is known, if timely detect and prevent the first manifestations of the problem, then the subsequent rehabilitation will be much easier and faster.
The main signs and symptoms
The most common symptom predicting a stroke is elevated blood pressure.
But many people quite rarely measure it and more often, practically, do not feel its changes.
That's why people call a stroke: "Quiet killer."
Among the main symptoms of this disease are:
- impairment of motor functions( paralysis of one side of the body, weakness in the extremities,
- problems with coordination and swallowing,
- obstructed movements on one side of the body);
- violations of speech functions( incoherence speech, difficulty writing and reading);
- disturbances of sensitive functions( double vision, double-blindness, deterioration of vision in one eye);
- vestibular problems( frequent dizziness);
- impaired behavior( the patient has difficulty cleaning his teeth and other simple actions, it is difficult to navigate in space, memory is broken).
And you know what diseases help propolis tincture on alcohol, the application and reviews of which are described in a useful article?
About folk remedies for the treatment of diabetes in women is written on this page.
To determine the stroke, it is enough to ask the person to do the following:
- smile ( if he has a stroke, he can not do this with both corners of his mouth and the smile will turn out slightly curve);
- say the one-sentence sentence ( in case of illness, it will be difficult for a person to pronounce even a phrase like "tomorrow it will rain", and after a few seconds he will forget it);
- raise two hands ( the injured, only partially fulfill this request, since they will not raise both hands exactly);
- stick out the language ( its being in an unnatural position is an alarming sign).
Thus, if a person will have difficulty in performing at least one of the above tasks, immediately call the ambulance.
How and how to help the victim
As it was already explained, it is urgent to call an "emergency room".Talking to the dispatcher, describe what is happening as accurately as possible and in detail.
A person suffering from a stroke needs help from neurologists.
Therefore, the dispatcher, based on your story, is obliged to call the brigade that can really help.
If possible, immediately measure blood pressure, write down the numbers so as not to waste time and immediately transmit the indications to the doctors( of course, it will be high, but such indicators are considered the norm in the first hours of the stroke).
Then do the following: