What to do with skin irritation after depilation, how to remove inflammation

Here, there was an irritation after depilation of a hair covering. What to do at home? How to remove the inflammatory process on the skin? Our skin can be understood, because any kind of depilation is a stress for her! It does not matter where we remove unnecessary hairs - on the face or legs - the skin from such procedures is "shocked".Especially when it comes to wax epilation or a shaving machine.

How does our skin react to stress? Phenomena unpleasant for any woman - redness, red dots, ingrown hairs, sensation of itching, dryness and burning! Is it possible to reduce skin irritation, or even avoid it at all?


Skin irritation, how is it manifested?

Our skin reacts differently to the epilation process. Much depends on the type of skin( sensitive or not), how to remove hairs, the features of the process, and so on. The irritation manifests itself most often as follows:

  1. Dryness and tightness;
  2. Peeling;
  3. Red dots;
  4. Red spots or extensive redness;
  5. Ingrown hairs and the appearance of purulent pimples.

The problem of skin irritation is not global and not very serious! Remember that light redness after removing hairs is normal! Normally, redness occurs within the next two to three hours. Although in girls with sensitive skin redness lasts longer - up to two days, and then also falls off.

To panic at once, after an exit from an office of the cosmetician, it is not necessary! Conversely, if you notice burns, severe redness, purulent pimples - go to the doctor right away.

Why does irritation develop on the skin and itching?

The most common is irritation after depilation with wax. What to say, from the skin "with the root" they pull their hair. On the other hand, irritation can appear after depilation by any method.

The main causes of irritation:

  1. Sensitive skin ( especially light) - if you have sensitive skin, then, I think, you should not remind once again that it is in principle prone to all kinds of irritations, which also last longer than usual;
  2. Removing the top layer of the skin - for example, when shaving the machine, you remove not only the extra hairs, but also the top layer of the skin. Do you think your legs like this very much?
  3. You do depilation for the first time - in the first 2-3 depilation sessions your skin will react to the procedures with irritation, because it is just not used to such treatment!
  4. Allergic reaction - allergies can cause components that are part of the wax or other remedies that are used during epilation. This will help you to find out the allergist. In this situation, it is better to change the method of epilation to the one that does not cause allergies.
  5. Low-quality or expired wax - do not forget to check the expiration date of the hair removal products and also to study the reputation of their manufacturer( very often the skin is irritated by the use of waxes manufactured in China, which are made from cheap components!).
  6. The lack of at hand special lotions , creams and moisturizing sprays - if you do not care for the skin after epilation, then its irritation is inevitable.
  7. High pain threshold - here it is necessary to use anesthetic cream, and for a depilator - to purchase a cooling nozzle. Without these devices at a high pain threshold irritation is guaranteed to you.
  8. Ignorance of rules for carrying out epilation - if you do not have enough knowledge and experience of carrying out hair removal at home, then it is better to sign up for a beauty salon where the specialist will do everything.

The reasons for skin irritation after removing hairs are many.

What should I do? How to prevent irritation after depilation?

  1. First, you need to learn how to properly make hair removal at home. This will significantly reduce the risk of irritation.
  2. Well, secondly, you need to learn how to properly care for the skin after the procedures, and also add to your home medicine cabinet some tools that will save you in an emergency.

How to avoid irritation after depilation?

To prevent the skin from reacting to hair loss with itching and redness, follow the rules for removing hairs at home:

  1. Wipe epilating on clean and steamed skin - rinse the area with antibacterial soap, then rip and rub with medical alcohol, then start to remove the hairs.
  2. After the procedure, disinfect the place where hair was removed with hydrogen peroxide or thermal water.
  3. For several days after epilation, do not sunbathe and give up self-tanning products, except when you have undergone the QOOL epilation procedure.
  4. Use a new shaving machine and do not do it several times in one place;
  5. Immediately after hair removal, do not use scrubs with large abrasive particles or a hard washcloth.
  6. Do not scrub or rub the skin.
  7. For 2-3 hours after hair removal, do not take a bath or shower.

What if the advice did not help you and the irritation after removing the hairs nevertheless appeared?

How to remove irritation after depilation?

When the skin after depilation is still blushing, there is irritation, it needs to be fought with. This can be done with the help of special tools bought in a pharmacy or cosmetic store, or with the help of folk remedies.

Anti-irritation after depilation

  1. Any antiseptic ointment( Miramistin, Actovegin, Boro Plus, Rescuer).
  2. Baby powder( especially with young mothers, it is almost always at hand).
  3. Alcohol-containing solutions of levomycitin or chlorhexidine( we treat the irritated area for several days 3-4 times a day).
  4. Anti-burn agents, for example, Panthenol( lubricate the skin excessively, then remove excess with antibacterial napkin).
  5. Conventional hydrogen peroxide - it will help reduce the risk of entering microbes( after peroxide, apply a moisturizer).
  6. Baby cream - apply to the skin area with irritation and rub it in circular motions.

In some cases, for example, when depilating a bikini or face area, you should act more carefully. Here are some tips.

What if I get irritation after depilation of a bikini?

  1. First, after epilation, a delicate scrubbing of the skin should be performed. For these purposes, a facial scrub is suitable. If you have very sensitive skin, then transfer the scrubbing of the bikini area the next day.
  2. Secondly, use only new shaving machines and special tools before and after shaving!
  3. Third, after epilation, put on comfortable underwear made of cotton fabric! Synthetics, lace and thong leave for later.
  4. Fourthly, if irritation still appears, then it is better to use Panthenol, Rescuer, chlorhexidine solution( do not forget that it is applied to the cotton pad, and then the disc is applied to the area of ​​the skin with inflammation), a strong decoction of chamomile.

What to do with irritation after the epilator?

We first disinfect the treated area of ​​the skin( all the same miramistin and chlorhexidine are suitable), then moisturize the dermis with Panthenol, and then apply a nourishing cream with hyaluronic acid. The last two stages are not performed immediately after epilation, but two days after it.

The way to remove irritation after depilation - depends on how you removed unnecessary hairs. For example, when irritating after a shugaring, the standard antiseptic( hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine) and moisturizing cream( panthenol) will do. To reduce the risk of skin irritation, it is recommended to feed and moisturize the dermis a few days before the sugar epilation.

Irritation after waxing occurs most often due to an allergic reaction to the components of the wax composition. It is better to consult with an allergist who will prescribe an antihistamine.

To eliminate irritation after laser procedures, you will need to use a special emollient spray or cream with herbal ingredients. After laser hair removal, one can not sunbathe for about a week, and sunscreen should be reserved for skin protection.

Irritation after depilation on the face, a separate conversation. The skin on the face is more tender than, for example, on the legs, so redness is unlikely to be avoided. Remember that before removing hairs on the face as a disinfection it is recommended to use an antiseptic ointment, from alcohol and alcohol-containing products - discard immediately! This can only worsen the situation and lead to peeling of the skin. And to cope with irritation here to you the aloe extract will come. It is best to buy a cream, where it is a part of the ingredients!

Folk remedies and ways to get rid of irritation at home

In emergency situations, if none of the above listed is nearby, with irritation will help to cope with folk remedies. Here are a few simple recipes:

  1. Potato juice : three single potatoes on a fine grater, and then the resulting gruel is applied to the irritated area for several minutes. After that, we remove the potatoes, rinse the remains with warm water, and place the irritation spot with a baby cream.
  2. Compress from aloe : if you have this plant at home, then cut off the sheet from it, wash it and cut it in half, and then apply the fleshy part to the place where redness appeared.
  3. Mask from turmeric : two tablespoons of turmeric is mixed with warm water, the resulting gruel is applied to the skin and hold for 20 minutes, then rinse with water. After the procedure, the irritated area should be lubricated with kefir.
  4. Chamomile broth ( also celandine or calendula ): prepare the decoction from the grass, which is at home, and make lotions with it several times a day.
  5. Infusion of parsley : cut a bunch of parsley and pour the greens with boiling water, let's brew. Then with the received infusion we wipe the irritated skin.
  6. Compress from spruce cones : spruce cones must be crushed and pour boiling water, let it brew. Then from the received infusion it is necessary to do compresses( we keep them on a skin about 5 minutes).
  7. Tea tree oil ( or eucalyptus ): 2-3 drops of essential oil mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil. The resulting mixture lubricates the irritated skin.

Here, you already know the simplest ways to remove irritation for the skin that has undergone epilation. Many of these folk remedies can easily be realized at home! In such ways, you can remove the irritation after depilation on your legs, in the armpits and bikini area, but with an irritation on your face, be very careful!

If you do not know all the subtleties of removing excess hairs from the areas on your face, you should contact the beauty salon where the procedure will be performed by a specialist.

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Source: the article of the site http://story-woman.ru/zdorovie-i-krasota/razdrazhenie-posle-depilyacii/