Incorrect lifestyle and irresponsible attitude to one's health lead to cardiovascular diseases. The statistics are sad: about 80% of the population of our country die from heart and vascular diseases. Among them, strokes, heart attacks, heart failure and cerebral arteriosclerosis.
Atherosclerosis - clogging of blood vessels with plaques and blood clots that attach to the walls of blood vessels and interfere with the movement of blood or move through veins and arteries, at the risk of clogging an important vessel in the brain. If there is a blockage, the vessels stop delivering enough nutrients, and the brain's work is disrupted.
In particularly severe cases, cerebral artery atherosclerosis can lead to strokes so that this does not happen, preventive measures should be taken and the disease treated on time.
- Article Contents:
- Possible causes
- Symptoms
- General recommendations
- Folk remedies
- Rosehip and hawthorn tincture
- Onion syrup
- Strawberry juice
- Garlic tincture
- Herbal collection
- What is not recommended to do?
- Prevention
Possible causes
This disease is a consequence of an incorrect lifestyle. The reasons for the development of atherosclerosis can be a lot:
- Incorrect nutrition .Abuse of food with unsaturated fats leads to an increase in cholesterol in the blood and the formation of plaques. The lack of fresh vegetables and fruits, juices and vegetable oils, which help to break down cholesterol due to the content of fatty and fruit acids, can also lead to atherosclerosis.
- No physical activity. Immobility and hypodynamia leads to a violation of the tone of not only the muscles of the body, but also the vessels, which also consist of muscle tissue. They become incapable of self-cleaning and begin to accumulate various clots, which subsequently form clots and plaques.
- Neglect of preventive treatment in old age .Since the age of 45, mandatory monitoring of the level of cholesterol in the blood is necessary. Prevention of atherosclerosis consists in preventive visits to the therapist, blood tests and taking medications for liquefaction about cleansing the blood inside / intravenously.
- Heredity .If your immediate family has heart and vascular disease, and your ancestors died from strokes / heart attacks, then you are clearly at risk.
To avoid the development of atherosclerosis and its consequences, it is necessary to carefully consider your health, observe proper nutrition and lead a mobile lifestyle.
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Characteristic symptoms of
There are a lot of typical symptoms that can indicate the development of atherosclerosis:
- tinnitus;
- dizziness;
- headaches;
- blood pressure jumps;
- opacities in the eyes and periodic imbalance of the image;
- weakness and loss of consciousness;
- memory loss, anxiety, insomnia, nervousness;
- disturbances in speech and coordination.
All these symptoms to some extent may indicate that the vessels in the brain are plaque-contaminated, and blood in an incomplete volume goes to different parts of the brain, which leads to disruption of certain functions and a decrease in overall brain activity.
General recommendations
Treatment of cerebral artery atherosclerosis must be performed after examinations and under the supervision of a physician. The use of various drugs without specialist supervision can lead to very serious consequences.
Drug treatment consists in the admission of various groups of drugs. Also, course induction treatment is prescribed. Typically, intravenous and intramuscularly injected nicotinic acid, various vitamins, antihypertensive drugs and statins.
Treatment with folk remedies involves long-term inactive therapy by using herbs, fruits and various natural ingredients. The effect of this treatment is a cumulative , so the result becomes noticeable only after 1-2 months of regular therapy.
Home treatment of atherosclerosis involves taking various decoctions and formulations inside. They are prepared on the basis of components that can lower the level of cholesterol in the blood and clean the vessels.One of the methods of people's treatment is the diet , in the process of observance of which it is recommended to eat certain foods and completely eliminate harmful foods that increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
Usually, the diet is made on the basis of products that can improve the absorption capacity of the digestive tract, reduce cholesterol and dissolve fats, cleanse the body.
Folk remedies
There are many folk remedies for the treatment of cerebrovascular atherosclerosis. Remember that it is undesirable to apply such methods without the supervision of a doctor, and also that they may not have an effect or individually affect the state of your body.
Tincture on hips and hawthorn fruit
Its effect is due to the presence of useful acids in these fruits, which have the ability to cleanse the vessels.
300 g fresh or 150 g dried hips and hawthorn pour 0.5 liters of vodka and insist 1 week in a dark place, periodically shaking. After a week, the berries are kneaded directly in the tincture and left for another week, after which it is necessary to strain the composition. Take the drug on a tablespoon after a morning meal every day for 1.5 months.
Onion syrup
Five medium bulbs should be crushed into a slurry and squeezed out the juice. Add 1 tsp to it.lemon juice and 100 grams of sugar. Heat the mixture over low heat and bring to a boil. Ingredients take 1 tsp daily.three times in laziness.
Strawberry juice
Strawberry or strawberry juice is an excellent remedy for lowering cholesterol. Freshly squeezed juices are recommended in the morning, and canned - at any time. They increase the level of vitamin C, which also helps fight against atherosclerosis, and also contain fruit acids that dissolve fats.
Garlic tincture
Garlic is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of atherosclerosis. Its properties are proven by official medicine, so the effect of the "garlic" treatment will not keep you waiting.
100 g of garlic mash without using metal dishes and appliances. Pour gruel with 250 ml of vodka and press for 10 days. Strain the tincture and take drops, daily increasing the amount by 3. Reaching 30 drops to act in the reverse order.
Herbal collection
Daily intake of infusion from this dispute will help cope with the unpleasant consequences of atherosclerosis in the form of dizziness, nervous and mental disorders and stress.
Take 1 part of lemon balm, oregano, red clover, medicinal sage, shepherd's bag and horsetail field. Pour hot water and insist for 30 minutes. You can take a ready-made decoction with honey.
What is not recommended?
There are people's recipes, which involve the procedures in the bath. This is a very risky event, becauseIn conditions of moist steam, the vessels expand, and plaques can actively move through the brain.
Carrying out procedures using any folk methods is extremely undesirable, this can lead to unpleasant consequences.
It is not necessary to purchase medicines in the pharmacy and to begin reception without prescribing the doctor .Dosage and mode of reception of most of them is calculated individually.
Inflammation of the intestine: symptoms and treatment of folk remedies in adults and children.
Can I cure angina with folk remedies? Learn from this article.
Article on the treatment of dysbiosis in adults by folk methods - http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva /zhkt/ disbakterioz-kishechnika-u-vzroslyh.html
Preventive measures aimed at reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, have a positive effect and can be an excellent warning factor for most other diseases.
Prevention is as follows:
- Maintain a mobile lifestyle .Regular physical activity is mandatory at any age, their intensity is calculated individually.
- Compliance with the diet - healthy diet .In your daily diet you need to include cabbage, spinach, carrots, apples, nuts, oatmeal, lean meat, natural juices, celery, linseed oil. To exclude: fat grades of meat and fish, smoked products, peeled butter, margarine, butter, fatty dairy products, fast food, pastries with meat fillings.
- Walking in the open air .Regular movement through the open air is beneficial for the body.
- Regular visits to the doctor and examination .Remember that controlling your health is a must. Only a doctor will help to detect the disease in time and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Keep track of your health and remember that it is only in your hands!