From this article you will learn: what is included in rehabilitation after a stroke at home, how should each stage of recovery take place. What you need to do to recover as quickly as possible.
Contents of the article:
- Five directions of rehabilitation after a stroke at home
- Four stages of rehabilitation
- Six general principles of rehabilitation
- Restoration of movements - exercises for home
- Speech restoration
- Restoration of memory and intelligence
- What depends on the terms of rehabilitation and the forecast of
All patients who survivedstroke, have a disturbance in the work of the nervous system. It can be insignificant( for example, prolonged speech or slight weakness of the arm and leg) and heavy( complete absence of movement, speech, blindness).In any case, stroke patients after discharge from the hospital should be fully rehabilitated at home.
The main goal of rehabilitation is to restore the destroyed nerve cells or to provide conditions for healthy brain neurons to take on their function. In fact, a person has to learn anew to sit, talk, walk, perform subtle manipulations. This takes months, years, and sometimes decades. Without rehabilitation, it is impossible to adapt to a full life.
Since a person is not permanently in a hospital or rehabilitation center, the main restoration is carried out at home.Principles from this article are relevant for patients who have suffered a stroke of any severity of ischemic or hemorrhagic type.
Rehabilitation for hemorrhagic stroke lasts longer than with ischemic stroke, and in other respects these rehabilitation are the same.
Five areas of rehabilitation
- General care for the patient: proper nutrition, hygiene, skin care and prevention of pressure sores.
- Restoration of movements.
- Memory recovery.
- Speech Recover.
- Supportive drug therapy.
In this article, we will consider items 2, 3 and 4 - what the patient mainly does at home himself. The first point is more relevant for those who care for lying patients, and the doctor appoints the medicines completely.
Four stages of rehabilitation
- Maintaining the most important functions on which life depends.
- Teaching basic skills of self-service.
- Training in general motor, speech and intellectual skills, creating conditions for their recovery( the ability to sit, move, walk).
- Training in the performance of fine limb movements, professional skills, full speech and other abilities.
Six general principles of rehabilitation
The main tips and rules of the recovery period:
- Early start. Rehabilitation starts from the first days of stay in the hospital and continue at home until the lost functions are restored.
- Systematic - constantly and regularly perform a set of recovery measures. Stubborn work on yourself and the desire to recover is the key to effective rehabilitation.
- Sequence - each stage of recovery is intended for a specific category of patients( with severe strokes, begin rehabilitation from the first stage, with easier ones - from one of the following).It is important to move step-by-step and in a timely manner to a new stage( after achieving the set goals).
- Different directions - all lost functions( movements, speech, memory) restore in parallel, simultaneously within the rehabilitation stage.
- Use rehabilitation equipment: cane, walker, wheelchair, crutches.
- Control of a specialist. Whichever rehabilitation is appropriate in the home, patients after a stroke must necessarily be observed with a neurologist and deal with a rehabilitator. These specialists will help to choose the correct set of rehabilitation measures and will monitor the effectiveness.

Motion restoration
The first area of rehabilitation after a stroke is to restore movement. Given that pareses and paralysis of varying degrees are 95% of stroke patients, everything depends on this. If a person becomes active, blood circulation in the whole body improves, the threats of bedsores disappear, he can provide himself with basic needs - all other lost abilities will be restored quickly.
General rules of exercise therapy for restoring post-stroke movements:
- The complex of exercises is better coordinated with a specialist( physician, exercise physician, rehabilitologist).
- Smoothly increase the intensity of the loads taking into account the actual possibilities.
- Gradually complicate the technique of motor exercises: from simple flexion-extension to thin, purposeful movements using auxiliary tools( rosary, expander, gymnastic stick, circular bands, simulators, musical instruments).
- Movements should not cause pain. If it occurs, reduce the load.
- Before performing the exercises, prepare the muscles with massage, rubbing or warming.
- The main thrust of exercise therapy is relaxation of the muscles, since after a stroke they are sharply strained( they are in hypertonia).
- Avoid overwork. It is best to perform gymnastics two times a day, lasting about an hour.
- While performing exercise therapy, watch your breathing, it should be smooth, inhaling and exhaling synchronously accompany a certain cycle of exercise( for example, when bending the breath, while expanding the exhalation).
- During the exercises in the standing or sitting position it is desirable that someone close to help the patient or control his condition. This will avoid injuries as a result of possible falls.
- Prevention of contracture - the longer the limb is in the same position( bent at the elbow, knee), the more the muscles are fixed in the wrong position. Route between the bent segments a soft roller( for example, rolled up tissue in the ulnar or popliteal fossa).You can also fix the straightened limb to a hard surface( board) with a patch or bandage.
- The number of cycles of each exercise can be different: from 2-3 to 10-15, which depends on the physical capabilities of the patient. Having mastered a more simple gymnastics, do not stop classes. Do it before the new exercises.

Exercises for patients in recumbent position
Elementary exercise therapy as part of home rehabilitation is indicated for patients who underwent severe ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. All of them are forced to lie down, have rough unilateral paralysis( increased tonus, flexion of the arm and leg).
A suitable gymnastics can be as follows:
- Follow the flexion-extensively with each hand, and afterwards rotate( circular) movements: with fingers( fist clenching, unclenching of the fist), wrists, forearms in elbows, with the entire arm in the shoulder. Perform similar movements by each department and the leg joint( toes, ankle, knee, hip joint).
- Exercises with a towel. Hang the towel over the bed, grab it with a brush, do any movements with this hand( with a towel): bend at the elbow lying on your back, set aside from the position on your side.
- Lying on your back, bend your legs in the knee and hip joints, putting your feet on the bed. Embrace the shins with the tassels above the ankle joints. While helping hands, bend and unbend the leg in the knee, not taking the foot off the bed, so that it slides along it.

Gym in sitting position
The purpose of the exercises performed sitting - expanding the volume of movements with the hands, strengthening the muscles of the back, their preparation for walking:
- Sit on the edge of the bed, lower your legs. With your hands apart, grab the brushes by its edge. Bend in the back while pulling the torso forward without letting go of your hands. In this case, take a breath. Relaxing, exhale. Repeat about 10 times.
- Sit on the bed, do not lower your legs. Raise each leg in turn. Rest your hands on the bed from the back, lift both feet together.
- Sitting, do not lower your legs, put your hands on the bed, taking them behind your back. Bring the shoulder blades to each other, straightening the shoulders. At the same time, throw your head backwards. Watch your breath: Leaving your shoulder blades, inhale, relax - exhale.

Three exercise exercises in a standing position
The goal of the exercises from standing position is rehabilitation of fine movements and professional skills:
- Lift a small object from the floor from standing position( for example, a coin, matchbox, match), presson the keys of the instrument or the keyboard, contrast the thumb to all the rest in turn.
- Take in the brushes of the expander. Squeezing them into a fist, simultaneously pull your hands apart, unclenching - lead to the trunk.
- Exercise "scissors".Stand on the floor, spread your legs to the width of your shoulders. Hands stretch out in front of you. Carry out alternate crossing of hands, moving them to the opposite side.

Speech restoration
Patients should be prepared for the fact that despite long sessions of speech restoration( several months or even years), there may not be a positive effect. In 30-35% of cases, speech is returned spontaneously, not gradually.
Recommendations for speech restoration:
- In order for a patient to speak, he must constantly hear sounds, words, unfolding speech.
- Observe the principle of successive stages of rehabilitation. Start with the pronunciation of individual sounds, go to syllables, simple and complex words, sentences, verses. You can help a person by saying the first part of a word, the ending of which he says himself.
- Listening to music and singing. It happens that a person after a stroke can not speak normally, but the ability to sing is preserved. Must try to sing. This will quickly restore the speech.
- Before the mirror, perform exercises to restore mimic muscles. Especially such rehabilitation in the home is actual, if the stroke is manifested by a distorted face:
- bared teeth;
- fold and stretch the lips in the form of a tube;
- opening his mouth, push the language as far as possible;
- alternately bite the upper and lower lip;
- lick your tongue lips in a circle first into one, then to the other side;
- pull up the corners of the mouth to the top, as if smiling.

Restoring memory and intelligence
It is advisable to begin rehabilitation of intellectual abilities even while in hospital after stabilization of the general condition. But you should not overload the brain.
Functional memory recovery should be preceded by drug support for stroke-affected nerve cells. Intravenously administered drugs( Actovegin, Thiocetam, Pyracetam, Cavinton, Cortexin) or taken in the form of tablets. Their therapeutic effects are realized very slowly, which requires a long reception( 3-6 months).The course of this therapy must be repeated after 2-3 months.

Immediate remediation measures for memory recovery:
- The ability to remember is restored more quickly if a person can talk, see, hear well, and is adequate in behavior.
- Training of the ability to memorize: listening and repeating numbers, words, poems. First, achieve short-term memorization( repetition is possible immediately after listening to the information).Its terms will gradually lengthen - at the request to calculate the patient will independently pronounce the figures. This will indicate the effectiveness of rehabilitation.
- Consider pictures, videos, remembering and pronouncing the names of all that is depicted.
- Play board games.

What determines the terms of rehabilitation and prognosis
Activities aimed at restoring the functions of the nervous system after a stroke at home are an important element of the rehabilitation period:
- About 70% of patients perform their results and achieve the expected results, as far as possible at all).
- In the 15-20% efficiency of rehabilitation exceeds the expected in terms of time and functionality.
- 10-15% of patients fail to achieve the expected recovery.
- Lack of rehabilitation at home - the cause of deep disability after a stroke of 75%.
Forecast and recovery times are shown in the table:
Characteristics of stroke and neurological deficit | Complete recovery | Partial recovery |
Ischemic with mild disabilities | 2-3 months | 1-2 months |
Any type of stroke with severe disorders | Takes years, not alwayspossibly | At least 6 months |
Massive stroke with a rough, persistent deficit | Impossible | 1-2 years |