Tonic Herbs and Plants

Sometimes, when we have to tight, it is interesting and useful to learn how to raise the man's and woman's vitality, mood and energy of the whole body and muscles with folk remedies.

Indeed, traditional medicine uses tonic properties of medicinal products prepared from certain medicinal herbs and plants, but with a substantial caveat: there should be no contraindications to their use for a particular person. Therefore, with regard to their use, consultation with a physician-therapist is strictly required!


Principle of action

Drugs that tonic the central nervous system, usually natural( plant andanimal) origin of low toxicity. Their mechanisms of action, influence on physiological and neurochemical processes in the body are not well understood, but this does not prevent them from being used successfully in folk medicine for many generations.

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Prolonged positive experience of application shows that toning herbs and plants are effective as maintenance therapy with general weakening of the body as a result of diseases, injuries, mental and physical overloads.

They do not have a pronounced action, but well tolerated, strengthen the body, increase endurance, performance, adaptive ability of the body, physical strength, night vision, provide stability for the adverse effects of weather conditions and to ionizing radiation.

Thus, contained in those plants and herbs tonicity agents have a general stimulatory effect on the heart and blood vessels, respiratory system, central nervous system, and so on. D.


Dosage Forms use of stimulants( therapeutic raw material in the form of crushed roots, leaves, grass stems are prepared in different ways):

  • alcohol extracts, tinctures from plant parts;
  • infusions( gradual cooking of raw materials in water followed by slow cooling);
  • pharmacy products in the form of solutions, tinctures, tablets, pills and capsules.



tonics are pharmacotherapeutic group General tonic, they are used as a stimulant in asthenic conditions, vegetative-vascular dystonia, fatigue and neurotic states. They can be used in patients who have suffered somatic, infectious diseases, in patients with functional diseases of the nervous system and in practically healthy people with reduced efficiency and asthenia. It is also useful for drivers working in the night shift.


Preparations from tonic herbs and plants should be taken on the advice of a doctor and under his supervision. Tinctures and dosage forms are not taken in the evening to avoid sleep disturbances. Do not take in the afternoon!


Individual intolerance, hypertension arterial, agitation, febrile state, inflammatory and infectious diseases during their height, pregnancy, children under 12 years.

A person healthy and vigorous, it makes no sense to touch these valuable means of nature in general without the necessary need.

If these tonic remedies are used in a large dosage, with increased blood pressure( in any case, a reduced dose should be used in hypertension and carefully monitored blood pressure), when excited, then there is an even more overexcitation of the body, hence there may be insomnia,irritability, palpitations, a rise in blood pressure. All this takes place if you lower the dose or cancel the tonic.

Drugs of this group accelerate fracture fusion 30% faster( this is the golden root, or rhodiola rosea), improve eyesight( especially night), raise immunity, increase mood, increase stamina and muscle strength, even allow the body to grind the ionizing radioactiveradiation and are not allowed inside with the environment as we have already said.

Side effects of

Occurs in case of an overdose of cases of headache, insomnia. Allergies are possible. When interacting with other drugs, weaken the effect of neuroleptics, tranquilizers and sedatives.

Usage and dosage of

Usually always indicated in each drug use instruction. For example, for rhodiola, a pink liquid extract( alcohol) is taken orally 5-10 drops 2-3 times a day for 15-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 10-20 days. At the phenomena of asthenia, with akineto-hypotonic syndrome and others, the course is prescribed 1 to 2 months, starting with 10 drops 2-3 times a day, then the dose is adjusted to 30-40 drops per reception.

List of tonic herbs and plants

  1. Aralia manchurian, or spike-tree.
  2. Vetcvetvetnaya securinega.
  3. Wild pepper, or prickly free berry, eleutherococcus.
  4. Drok dyeing.
  5. Chinese Schizandra.
  6. The root of life, or ginseng, is the root-man.
  7. Leuzea safflower, or maral root, alpine alpine.
  8. Rhodiola rosea, or golden-pink root. Two-colophony cone, Kuzmicheva herb, two-colony ephedra.
  9. Echinopanax is high, or entangled.

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