How a man correctly prepare for the conception of a child

Contrary to popular belief, the success of conception of a child depends not only on the woman, but also on the man. According to statistics, in 45% of the difficulties with conception, it is the problems with the health of the male organism that are to blame. A variety of different environmental factors can reduce the viability of sperm, affect its quality.

  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Proper nutrition and vitamins
  • Limitation of the negative impact of the environment
  • Medical examination
  • Harmonization of family relations
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In order to conceive a healthy baby, a man needs to thoroughly prepare for this process. It is best to begin preparation for 3-6 months before conception. Let's consider in more detail how to properly prepare for the conception of a child to a man, because this is a responsible event in the life of each person.

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Healthy lifestyle

When you do not know how a man should prepare for the conception of a child, then the priority that should be done for a certain period, give up harmful habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs. It is widely known that these substances strongly influence the functioning of the reproductive system. Especially dangerous is beer, containing extragenoid hormones, significantly reducing the quality of sperm.

Important!The results of the research show that in men who regularly drink alcohol, children are born with low weight.

Three months before conception, it is necessary to stop taking harmful substances, as well as various medications (steroids, hormones, antibiotics, etc.). Why in three months? Scientists have established, approximately for such time there is a full clearing of an organism of toxic substances.

In addition, for a high quality of sperm, a certain temperature regime for the testes should be maintained. Do not wear crushing underwear and pants. Immediately before intercourse it is not recommended to take a hot bath or shower. Also, five days before conception, one should abstain from sexual acts and masturbation, in order to increase the activity of spermatozoa. Immediately during conception, the optimal number of sexual acts - one in 2-3 days.

Important!Learn how to quickly become pregnant, from our article.

Of course, it is important to ensure proper mobility. Sedentary lifestyle greatly increases the risk of prostatitis. It is recommended to give yourself regular physical activity: morning jogging, classes in the gym. However, you need to know the extent, excessive stresses deplete the body, and during hazardous sports (for example, single combat) there is a high risk of damage to the groin area. In addition, avid cyclists should reduce travel time to two hours per day.

It is also important to try to avoid stressful situations, nervous overexertion, and if any arise, be able to relax. Chronic nerve strains adversely affect sperm and its activity.

Proper nutrition and vitamins

As the well-known saying "We are what we eat" says. And indeed it is. All substances entering the body with food, greatly affect health and functioning. To influence was positive, it is necessary to exclude from the diet products that adversely affect the health of the body, and include as many useful substances as possible.

What you need to exclude:

  • fried food;
  • fast food;
  • colored fizzy drinks.

What to add to the ration:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • seafood;
  • fish;
  • porridge, instead of potatoes and pasta;
  • sunflower oil instead of mayonnaise.

In addition, a great benefit will be the reception of a complex of vitamins containing folic acid. If you do not want to buy vitamins, you can replace them with products:

  • greens;
  • cabbage;
  • beets;
  • nuts;
  • potato;
  • carrots;
  • beans, etc.

Low content of folic acid in the body reduces the number of spermatozoa. Men who have encountered such a problem are additionally recommended to drink a course of vitamins to increase fertility (for example, L-alginine).

Important!How can I get pregnant using folk methods - read here.

Also, the amount of sperm, and the level of testosterone affects the content of zinc in the body. To increase it, you can enrich your diet with eggs and meat, or you can drink multivitamins containing zinc.

And another important substance that affects the activity of spermatozoa is vitamin C. You can get it with:

  • citrus and juice from them;
  • broccoli;
  • asparagus;
  • sweet pepper;
  • melons;
  • kiwi and so on.

Limitation of the negative impact of the environment

Toxic substances enter the body not only through the digestive system, but through the lungs and the skin. During the preparation period, it is important to limit such impacts. Before a man prepares to conceive a child, if he works on "harmful production", then, if possible, it is better to take a vacation. It is necessary to avoid contact with various chemicals such as:

  • heavy metals;
  • lacquer-colored fumes;
  • ionizing radiation;
  • X-rays;
  • traffic fumes.

It is recommended to spend more time outdoors.

Medical examination

Of course, before conception of the baby it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, a urologist, to pass a number of tests for various diseases that are transmitted hereditarily and / or sexually.

Required list of analyzes and procedures for both partners:

  • hepatitis B and C;
  • blood type and Rh factor;
  • STDs;
  • fluorography.

Attention!HIV or hepatitis B, C from one of the partners can cause a miscarriage.

In addition, it is recommended to pass a spermatogram, a genetic consultation to both partners. The latter is necessary to identify the risk of various genetic diseases, and, if possible, minimize the danger.

In case of revealing any problems, it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment, and only then to proceed to the conception of the baby.

Important!Infections of the genital organs can cause fetal developmental pathologies.

Harmonization of family relations

No less important than the health of the partner's organism is health in relationships. All problems in relationships are better resolved before conception of the child, if you can not do it yourself, do not be lazy to seek help from a specialist.

Pregnancy and childbirth are both a magical and difficult period in the life of both partners, which is why harmony and mutual understanding are important for future parents. Therefore, both spouses should approach the preparation of the adoption of a new family member. You now know how to prepare a man for the conception of a child, and you can safely put the experience into practice.

Important!What to do to the girl, how to become pregnant at an irregular cycle, it is possible to learn from our article.

In addition, unresolved problems can arise after the birth of a child. The specificity of the relationship between the parents greatly affects the baby, both at an early age and in the elder. An unfavorable atmosphere in the family can lead to the development of various diseases. Family atmosphere strongly sinks into the psyche of children, the subconscious, influencing the model of building their own family relations. Therefore, learn to correctly approach the conception of a child and his upbringing.

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